Elections Are Musk and others moving Right? Or is the left running left?


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2020
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Attached is a twitter graph from Elon Musk showing his political views. In the graph, it shows his political ideologies staying the same, while the left has run in a new direction. Is this the case?

It has been like this for me. When I got out of college, I was an Independent and thought Bill Clinton, JFK, and even Carter to a lesser extent were good Presidents, while not being a fan of Bushes. Now I am a Libertarian that votes Republican. It seems like the Democratic party used to be a party for the working man, now they are just a party for woke special interests and are actually against the working man. They are more happy to see affirmative action and woke interests take precedence over the concerns of the average American. It seems as if that is their platform.

Bill Clinton would get kicked out of the Democratic party today. Has any else changed parties without really changing their views? Discuss.

Bill Clinton is still alive and hasn't been kicked out of the party. Ditto for Biden, who was part of leadership in the '90s. And Musk was complaining that they're too pro-labor (he's a business guy who would prefer to pay lower labor costs). Also weird that you'd be made that Democrats aren't the party of the "working man" and then support anti-labor policies.

It's fine to be a rightist or whatever just on its own without pretending that the left is now the right or something. More than the CTism and general kookiness, the most annoying aspect of today's right is the dishonesty.
A ‘libertarian’ who votes Republican is almost always just a Republican. Not sure if that’s the case with you, but it isn’t unheard of that a person gets older and more conservative, especially with an accumulation of wealth. Democrats still do a lot of the same things, and many Dems in elected positions would be considered center-right, only now they’ve decided to pander to the next generation, not unlike the party of the past, getting a head start over the GOP.
Bill Clinton is still alive and hasn't been kicked out of the party. Ditto for Biden, who was part of leadership in the '90s. And Musk was complaining that they're too pro-labor (he's a business guy who would prefer to pay lower labor costs). Also weird that you'd be made that Democrats aren't the party of the "working man" and then support anti-labor policies.

It's fine to be a rightist or whatever just on its own without pretending that the left is now the right or something. More than the CTism and general kookiness, the most annoying aspect of today's right is the dishonesty.
Isn’t that the whole point? That 90s era Biden and Clinton would be considered right by today’s standards. That’s literally the entire argument.
The Republican leadership of 2008 actually are outcasts now. Dick Cheney's daughter was excommunicated for having the temerity to tell the truth about the 2020 elections. It's now the MAGA party, which didn't exist then. Meanwhile status quo Joe Biden, who defeated Bernie Sanders, is still a leader of the Democrat party. More projection. More lies.
Isn’t that the whole point? That 90s era Biden and Clinton would be considered right by today’s standards. That’s literally the entire argument.

And it's obviously wrong. Again, if the guy just wants to make the case that Republican policies are good, he should do that instead of pushing really obvious lies.
A ‘libertarian’ who votes Republican is almost always just a Republican. Not sure if that’s the case with you, but it isn’t unheard of that a person gets older and more conservative, especially with an accumulation of wealth. Democrats still do a lot of the same things, and many Dems in elected positions would be considered center-right, only now they’ve decided to pander to the next generation, not unlike the party of the past, getting a head start over the GOP.
Makes sense. I guess I am just a Republican. Maybe I did get older and more conservative, and certainly accumulated wealth, as I just had debt coming out of college.
Still like the idea of libertarianism, especially limited government. Democrats waste billions on social programs and Republicans waste just as many billions on the military or whatever. The last fiscally responsible President we had was Bill Clinton, who balanced the budget. Every President since then has recklessly wasted money.
And it's obviously wrong. Again, if the guy just wants to make the case that Republican policies are good, he should do that instead of pushing really obvious lies.
What’s wrong about the political stances of 90s era Clinton and Biden being considered on the “right” of the current political spectrum? At this point, 2007 Obama had stances which would be politically on the Right.
The Left has moved left and right.

Obviously all of the social issues are radically left, but they have also adopted NeoCon tendencies.

They've moved a little left on economic issues. The bigger divide is related to educational polarization. Republicans no longer accept objective reality and are more openly authoritarian and anti-democratic than they've been in anyone's lifetime.
American politics have shifted significantly to the right the past five decades. There are relatively few leftists in America these days
What’s wrong about the political stances of 90s era Clinton and Biden being considered on the “right” of the current political spectrum? At this point, 2007 Obama had stances which would be politically on the Right.
Obama was a cultural Marxist. That's why he and the nation shifted so far left 8 years later.

By the end of his term he was promoting trannies and having the government pay for sex change surgeries, BLM had kicked it off also
Obama was a cultural Marxist. That's why he and the nation shifted so far left 8 years later.

By the end of his term he was promoting trannies and having the government pay for sex change surgeries, BLM had kicked it off also
That’s why I said 2007 Obama. You know, the one who didn’t support gay marriage.
And it's obviously wrong. Again, if the guy just wants to make the case that Republican policies are good, he should do that instead of pushing really obvious lies.
And what lie is being pushed? Let's write down all of the policies and viewpoints from 90's era Democrats and compare them to 2020 Democrats. They are different. Whether that is 90's Biden or 90's Clinton.