I saw a guy slap the hell out of his girl last night and I didn't do anything. I feel like a giant p

I have intervened in these kinds of situations. It's a waste of time. Put myself in harm's way to stop the beatdown, hold the guy off and get her a cab and who knows if he has a knife or a gun or AIDS...put her in the cab while holding this guy back with the other arm. She drives off without thanking me, then stops the cab half a block away and calls him to get in. Stuff like this has happened more than once. At this point I just let people live with their choices of who they include in their lives.
I was leaving target and as I'm approaching my car I hear a loud argument between a guy and what appears to be his girl. They' were arguing about a debit card. From the bits I gathered It seems like the card had insufficient funds and he blamed her for cleaning his account. As most arguments between couples do it got off topic and veered into every bad thing either of them ever did to each other. The woman then said she was calling her brother to come pick her up. The guy said if she did he was going to "crack yo shit like a grape". The woman starts calling and the man winds up and smacks the living hell out of her. The echo was resounding. I was shocked the woman didn't fall or get knocked out. I was so shocked I just didn't know what to do. I had a mix of sadness and anger. I hadn't seen a woman hit like that since I saw my father hit my mom. I wanted to do something but something was holding me back . so I got in my car and called the cops. I gave them a description and plate numbers and left. I didn't sleep well last night and I woke up feeling like a giant pussy. Lots of bad stuff just running through my mind right now. Sorry for wall of text but just had to let this out somewhere.

i think you did the right thing. I don’t think you should be too critical of your response. Ask yourself what could have happened both good and bad? Best case scenario would be you’d get in a fight and win and detain. But who knows how she would react? Worse case scenario is he’d pull a knife or gun on you.
You should turn in your man card immediately and be banned from this site.

A true Sherdogger would have fucked him up and then patted the back of his Harley upon which time he would have proceeded with the girl to the nearest motel.
You did the right thing, I've seen a couple fighting in the street that turned on the guy trying to help the girl, they had just started curb stomping him when the police turned up.......
I had a similar situation happen years ago. Couldn't believe what I saw so I walked up to them, pushed the guy aside and said "You think you're a real man with that slap huh?"

I swung around and cracked his bitch with a God tier slap; laying her out across the pavement for 30 minutes. I said "That's how a REAL man does it!" then walked away.

J/K! Don't sweat it OP. You lived through the experience which may not have happened if you intervened.
I had a similar situation happen years ago. Couldn't believe what I saw so I walked up to them, pushed the guy aside and said "You think you're a real man with that slap huh?"

I swung around and cracked the bitch with a God tier slap; laying her out across the pavement for 30 minutes. I said "That's how a REAL man does it!" then walked away.

J/K! Don't sweat it OP. You lived through the experience which may not have happened if you intervened.

Lmfao... awesome story.
This isn't the movies where you save the day and get the girl, this is real life where you can get charges and you most likely don't get the girl.
Good job for calling the cops and going away.

If you beat up the guy you might get sued for millions, or if they have a toxic relationship they could tell the cops that you did the damage to the woman. I know of instances like that.

You could get in serious shit if you get involved in others business. Especially with crazy people.
It's a tough call.

Depends if it's a typical toxic, crazy relationship or a woman in actual need of help.
I would think that any dude that would slap a girl in public would not hesitate to go with any dude standing up to him.
Not sure what I would do in that situation?