What's your thoughts on assisted suicide?

What's your thoughts on assisted suicide?

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Why do you have to be terminally ill? Why can't it be, "I've had enough, I'm out"

When I get older, the first time I don't make it to the bathroom in time I'm done.

That's a very good point. Yeah if I can't bathe myself or clean myself or do simple stuff like that. I'd rather be dead.
Holy shit, I can't even imagine the pain she went through that's terrible.
My wifes mother was on life support and my wife had to make the decision to take her off it, it took 3 days till she died. In that time they gave her nothing. Its been a long time since my grandmother died in hospice, but i think she was starved for 5 or 7 days.
I'm all for it and intend to use it if my life ever gets to that point. I refuse to be a bewildered husk, vegetable, or only alive due to machines. It's time to extend the same courtesy we give pets to humans.

I also think we'd have less mass-shootings if these people had non-destructive means to end their lives
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lol he's in his eighties now I take it.

No the real life guys. Contract is a contract, and good business is where you find it.

life is a blessing and it is a shame to throw it away

but if you are terminally ill where every day is pain and even drugs arent working... it should eb the patients choice wheter to preseve on for family or to die with dignity.
I’m 100% for it, always have been. I’ve never found any arguments against it compelling. If any family member of mine wanted to do it so as to not have to suffer I would be supportive of it. As for myself I would want it for myself, and more for my family than anything. I would rather just be gone quick than to force my wife or children or whoever to watch me slowly waste away. I think it would be too much for them to endure emotionally.
...or dying of a heart attack at 80 taking my two gorgeous young nurses to pound town.

Hottie's + cocaine + viagra for the win :cool:

How would you like to die little man?

At the age of 80, in my bed, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth wrapped around my cock.
Why do you have to be terminally ill? Why can't it be, "I've had enough, I'm out"

When I get older, the first time I don't make it to the bathroom in time I'm done.

Because without the terminal illness clause then you're just helping people with depression off themselves and that's royally fucked up.

My body my choice right? Sounds fine until you've buried some depressed combat veteran relatives and heard the screams of the children they left behind.