Law Biden Pardons All Federal Offenses For Marijuana Possession

2007 account. Who you calling old?
that dude.

Fun fact: When I was in college I met up with a cool sherdogger and smoke a couple games and caught a Cubs game. Was dope.

This is what winning looks like bro

Till you remember it's all on credit. Virtuous credit.
People counting the Afghanistan withdrawl as a win for the Biden administration is absolute insanity buddy. But i suppose if you just ignore how bad it was and look at is as a sentence like a child then it sounds nice.
It is a win you’ve just been duped by the media. The only bad thing was informing some of our partners late when we pulled out of some spots. The thing about equipment being left behind is bullshit. The stuff we left behind was garbage we didn’t want to pay to ship back.

The Afghans were losing the war. We had two options. Tear up the deal that Trump signed with the Taliban and escalate the war all over again, or pull out like we did. So which would you have preferred he do?
Yea the withdrawal was bad. I don't care. I just wanted out and Biden finally did it. President after President saying they were going to do it and the one guy I never thought would actually do it, did it. I thought Obama would do it and he didn't. Then I realized all these people are fucking liars. Then Trump came and I thought this guys fucking crazy he actually might do it. Nope same BS. I'll take an ugly pull out any day of the week over having our people still be in that garbage country. It wasn't perfect but he did what I've been wanting for a long time now.
At least your honest. Trump set it in motion, biden finished it and poorly. I dont give him an ounce of credit for going through with something, fucking it up and then pointing fingers which he did. He was so embarrassed by how poorly it went he was trying to push the credit to trump saying it was already in motion and couldnt do anything. Now that short minded retards have forgotten he touts it as an accomplishment. I dont think arming the taliban, getting 200 or so people killed in a bombing, and killing aids workers on your way out is commendable but hey youre free to have no standards at all.
It is good that those convicted have been pardoned. However, as long as Biden's 1994 Crime Bill is still alive and replacing those that he has pardoned just before the Mid-Terms, this is a cynical, desperate ploy for votes. Nothing more.
It is a win you’ve just been duped by the media. The only bad thing was informing some of our partners late when we pulled out of some spots. The thing about equipment being left behind is bullshit. The stuff we left behind was garbage we didn’t want to pay to ship back.

The Afghans were losing the war. We had two options. Tear up the deal that Trump signed with the Taliban and escalate the war all over again, or pull out like we did. So which would you have preferred he do?
Lmao! They are still flying the helicopters, they have more than the british army does. We left allies and citizens, we killed 7 children on the way out to flex nuts. Miss me with your spin.
Invariably someone will ask Joe how he reconciles his position with Kamala's allegedly unsympathetic prosecution of weed smokers, when she was D.A. in San Francisco.

I say "alleged" because my perception since 2020 was that she was too zealous in going after weed smokers and sellers, but I am not sure anymore, due to the Forbes article below which makes it seem like she wasn't tough, and changed her position a couple of years ago to support for decrimminalization.
No one of import is going to ask or care. Cheney had a gay daughter while VP to Bush. Not to mention Kamala's hard on crime stance is easily spinnable.
Changing the legislation is one thing, but why the hell would you pardon people who have broken the law? Law says you can go to jail for possession, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

It just reeks of disrespect for the judicial system.
So to be consistent, political prisoners should never be pardoned since if they broke the law, no matter how unjust?
Wonder what Kamela thinks about this...

also wonder how many people we're talking about and what it all entails. Prisoners are like customers so taking that source of income from a business would need to be rectified would it not? Interesting timing and long past due (at least in spirit) none the less.
Presumably she thinks that it's a nice move that shores up her progressive credentials for a future run, not that anyone cares what she thinks atm.

And are you talking about prisons needing economic compensation because less prisoners?
Whether you agree with it or not, It's an astute political move, just over a month out from the Mid Terms.

The timing is just right too. If he waited until 2 weeks left it wouldn’t have time to change peoples minds. A lot of the local campaigns are heating up right now, trying to get a message out to undecideds.

This will dominate the news cycle for at least a week if not more, and we will still be feeling reverberations Election Day.

But the gas prices might still sink him.
Presumably she thinks that it's a nice move that shores up her progressive credentials for a future run, not that anyone cares what she thinks atm.

And are you talking about prisons needing economic compensation because less prisoners?
Of course no one cares what she thinks about this, except that she and Brandon both have a history of creating and supporting things with a much greater negative impact as it relates to the crux of this threads issue as this effort will have positive.

and i was just thinking cynically or beyond the initial thought of "it's about time", and what's involved with the pardoning and likely releasing from prison some amount of people guilty of the pardoned crimes. I realize most prisons are overcrowded and there are means to refill them whenever needed but none of that would prevent a prison and all involved with prison operations from saying "hey, we've been benefiting from this prisoner and now you are forcing us to release them, essentially taking income from our business, that's not fair. How can we make this right?" Is Brandon the person to make this decision without completely fucking it up or preventing it from fucking other things up?