Elon Musk Agrees to $44b Deal for Twitter

It's already a "complete failure"! Now, let's celebrate by obsessing over how many times a day Musk takes a dump.

Well, if we want to get really "obsessive," we can talk about how the original product that he got famous for is still an unsafe piece of shit and how Tesla's EV market share is going to get eaten up by competent car manufacturers within the next few years.

It's already a "complete failure"! Now, let's celebrate by obsessing over how many times a day Musk takes a dump.

The longer this goes on the harder digging himself out of this is going to get.

Musk's personal contribution is leveraged off the value of Tesla stock which is down 35% since this all started.

Imagine he has to sell so much stock just to pay off his loans he loses his ownership stake in Tesla? The interest payment alone is $1B a year.

That would be a pretty crazy thing to do just to own the libs.
The longer this goes on the harder digging himself out of this is going to get.

Musk's personal contribution is leveraged off the value of Tesla stock which is down 35% since this all started.

Imagine he has to sell so much stock just to pay off his loans he loses his ownership stake in Tesla? The interest payment alone is $1B a year.

That would be a pretty crazy thing to do just to own the libs.
I'm not knowledgeable on corporate law, but can the board fire him as CEO even if he has a majority stake in the company?
Well, if we want to get really "obsessive," we can talk about how the original product that he got famous for is still an unsafe piece of shit and how Tesla's EV market share is going to get eaten up by competent car manufacturers within the next few years.

Reddit is way ahead of you.

The longer this goes on the harder digging himself out of this is going to get.

Musk's personal contribution is leveraged off the value of Tesla stock which is down 35% since this all started.

Imagine he has to sell so much stock just to pay off his loans he loses his ownership stake in Tesla? The interest payment alone is $1B a year.

That would be a pretty crazy thing to do just to own the libs.

Why do you even care? Would you still talk about it if Musk turns Twitter around and it begins making a profit? C'mon now.
Reddit is way ahead of you.

Why do you even care? Would you still talk about it if Musk turns Twitter around and it begins making a profit? C'mon now.

Why do you do this?

The political aspect of it is just noise. Elon has been a Twitter troll and "free speech" blowhard prior to his acquisition, but this is just an aside. His management of the whole thing is more than questionable. He failed at self-driving cars. He failed at Solar Panels. Ford is rolling out electric pickups by the thousands when the Cybertruck was supposed to be the first to hit the market.. where is it? Electric semis are a fantasy. Fucking tunnels, how do those work? He has had way more misses than hits, which is fine because he had way more success with Tesla sales and deliveries as well as SpaceX that kept him afloat.
Now he's pouring a lot of time and money into Twitter which seems to be having the contrary effect. The more of himself he seems to put into it, the more he's draining it of its lifesource. Advertisers are pulling out and I'd bet more of them are leaving than new ones signing up. Employees are leaving in droves because they were expected to compensate for the work that was to be done in Elon's miscalculated mass firings, and they're like "I didn't sign up to this. Bye Felicia".
There is no credible business analyst who is going to say "Elon is making the right moves". The only thing his supporters are saying, or alluding to, is "He's Elon f****ng Musk. He can pull a rabbit out of his hat". There is no tangible evidence to support the belief that he's making the right moves other than the focus on past successes while simultaneously blinding themselves to his numerous past failures.

85% of what you wrote can be boiled down to one sentence…
Musk is a failure…read it back yourself…

Elon Musk
CEO, Tesla
Real Time Net Wo

I’m just not seeing it…

Your final paragraph is more telling, his supporters saying It’s “Elon fucking Musk” ..
Yes, we bring up that point because the only real thing we have to go on is track record, EVERYTHING else is speculation….Track record is real…You can list all his perceived failures, but if the object of the game is becoming wealthy, he’s doing just fine..
Also, you guys make it sound like Musk is sitting on the toilet pulling ideas out of his ass, the more likely scenario is he has a team a smart people around him crunching numbers and game planning…Not taking any position on the future of the company, I don’t own Tesla stock or Twatter, I have no horse in the race…but this speculation is comical…You do understand that unless you are sitting in the inner circle of Musks team, It’s all just speculation..
So to recap...
People with functional brains: "Wow this dude is a vastly overrated retard who used financial scams to extract huge amounts of investor money from unprofitable businesses for himself"

People who play with their own poo: "He is super rich, therefor he is right!"

For the 1000th time in the last 5 years: People who worship Elon Musk are financially illiterate shortbus riders who fundamentally don't understand what a margin loan or options-award-package are. Elon Musk is rich because he took investor money, not because he earns a portion of revenues or profits.
So to recap...

People with functional brains: "Wow this dude is a vastly overrated retard who used financial scams to extract huge amounts of investor money from unprofitable businesses for himself"

People who play with their own poo: "He is super rich, therefor he is right!"

People with functional brains are saying
Dude knows how to make money, has a track record to prove it, and we will wait to see how things turn out but he’s a proven winner and could certainly win again…

The people with Shit for brains like yourself are saying
“ Musk fired a lot of people from Twatter, he made a mistake, it’s over..LOL..The TUNNEL…
That doesn't answer my question.

It does actually.

There's no reason to get all emotional and question my interest in an incredibly public story because I pointed out that he looks overleveraged as fuck on this and Tesla's stock tanking is not good for him.
Sad that one of the more reasonable leftists, Briahna Grey Joy, still has no ear for humor:

85% of what you wrote can be boiled down to one sentence…
Musk is a failure…read it back yourself…

Elon Musk
Real Time Net Wo

I’m just not seeing it…

Your final paragraph is more telling, his supporters saying It’s “Elon fucking Musk” ..
Yes, we bring up that point because the only real thing we have to go on is track record, EVERYTHING else is speculation….Track record is real…You can list all his perceived failures, but if the object of the game is becoming wealthy, he’s doing just fine..
Also, you guys make it sound like Musk is sitting on the toilet pulling ideas out of his ass, the more likely scenario is he has a team a smart people around him crunching numbers and game planning…Not taking any position on the future of the company, I don’t own Tesla stock or Twatter, I have no horse in the race…but this speculation is comical…You do understand that unless you are sitting in the inner circle of Musks team, It’s all just speculation..
If that's your main takeaway then fine.
What I also said was his past successes were sufficient to mitigate the losses from the failures, but he's losing more and more Tesla ownership to prop Twitter with cash until he loses control. And SpaceX can only buy so much ad space.
Also you referenced his net worth without a date. Tesla lost 35% of its entire market value ever since he took over Twitter. He sold 4% of Tesla shares just to inject enough cash in it to keep it afloat for some time. Even if he wanted to sell more stock to keep Twitter alive for a few more weeks or months, there is no guarantee how much he can re-inject without losing majority stakeholdership.

Add to that that he won't have the manpower to make sure Twitter is able to do what it's supposed to do, which is moderate content, remove bots, and attract more advertisers. The loss of manpower also seriously compromises his ability to maintain infrastructure so if someone hacks into the system (like a disgruntled employee or some pimple faced kid, or the Chinese government), or even if something as mundane as a complex glitch or bug, could cause connectivity and stability issues. Remaining users can easily transition to something with fewer headaches.

What he did well was find ways to cut costs in order to stop the bleeding, but you can't toss the sailors off a sinking ship to give it more buoyancy and expect to sail the damn thing EVEN IF you manage to stop it from going to the bottom of the ocean. What he did was he tossed the baby out with the bath water. It is management panic wrestling. None of his moves suggest he's taking a level headed approach.

Oh and I've been reading about how other investors (cause he's not the only stekholder in Twitter) can sue him for not ensuring fiduciary responsibility. We'll see how long those relationships last by testing their patience. They, like you and other Elon supporters, may have been riding on the coat tails of Elon's past successes, but net gains from those past successes are dwindling. Elon is not superhuman. He's a gifted risk taker, but he's acting in complete arrogance and clearly blinded by his own ego.
If that's your main takeaway then fine.
What I also said was his past successes were sufficient to mitigate the losses from the failures, but he's losing more and more Tesla ownership to prop Twitter with cash until he loses control. And SpaceX can only buy so much ad space.
Also you referenced his net worth without a date. Tesla lost 35% of its entire market value ever since he took over Twitter. He sold 4% of Tesla shares just to inject enough cash in it to keep it afloat for some time. Even if he wanted to sell more stock to keep Twitter alive for a few more weeks or months, there is no guarantee how much he can re-inject without losing majority stakeholdership.

Add to that that he won't have the manpower to make sure Twitter is able to do what it's supposed to do, which is moderate content, remove bots, and attract more advertisers. The loss of manpower also seriously compromises his ability to maintain infrastructure so if someone hacks into the system (like a disgruntled employee or some pimple faced kid, or the Chinese government), or even if something as mundane as a complex glitch or bug, could cause connectivity and stability issues. Remaining users can easily transition to something with fewer headaches.

What he did well was find ways to cut costs in order to stop the bleeding, but you can't toss the sailors off a sinking ship to give it more buoyancy and expect to sail the damn thing EVEN IF you manage to stop it from going to the bottom of the ocean. What he did was he tossed the baby out with the bath water. It is management panic wrestling. None of his moves suggest he's taking a level headed approach.

Oh and I've been reading about how other investors (cause he's not the only stekholder in Twitter) can sue him for not ensuring fiduciary responsibility. We'll see how long those relationships last by testing their patience. They, like you and other Elon supporters, may have been riding on the coat tails of Elon's past successes, but net gains from those past successes are dwindling. Elon is not superhuman. He's a gifted risk taker, but he's acting in complete arrogance and clearly blinded by his own ego.

Here is a quick interview, it’s recent and it’s from someone who was closer to Musk than any of us..it seems like a balanced look at Musk and his approach to business…
It does actually.

There's no reason to get all emotional and question my interest in an incredibly public story because I pointed out that he looks overleveraged as fuck on this and Tesla's stock tanking is not good for him.

No, it doesn't. And not only does your claim of me getting "all emotional" ring a bit hollow, considering your obsession with Musk since he ended the safe space that existed on Twitter, it's a weak sidestep from having to answer as well.
No, it doesn't. And not only does your claim of me getting "all emotional" ring a bit hollow, considering your obsession with Musk since he ended the safe space that existed on Twitter, it's a weak sidestep from having to answer as well.

I have no Musk obsession, lmao

Just following the story.

You're being entirely emotional and childish, and assuming positions I haven't expressed. I've gotten more exposure to twitter on here than I have in my life, from people like you, constantly obsessing over literal bullshit that's posted on there.

That's all you've got here is to get your emotions to create an argument to get upset about.
I have no Musk obsession, lmao

Just following the story.

You're being entirely emotional and childish, and assuming positions I haven't expressed. I've gotten more exposure to twitter on here than I have in my life, from people like you, constantly obsessing over literal bullshit that's posted on there.

That's all you've got here is to get your emotions to create an argument to get upset about.
