Social Had Colonoscopy, Waited 2 Weeks for Results

Holy shit this thread has been a ride. What is your diet like? Both pre and post cancer
Holy shit this thread has been a ride. What is your diet like? Both pre and post cancer

The last year was surreal. I went from routine check-up to chemo so quickly. I had no idea I was ill.

Still trying to figure the diet out. I generally eat healthy already but need to cut more red meat but chicken & fish aren't much better. Many years ago I switched to eating what I want, just smaller portions. We generally cook 2 meals per day as well. Preparing your own food go a long way.

When on treatment, I couldn't eat anything that was cold. What helped the most was juicing & making smoothies. I only used fresh fruit & vegetables, or frozen fruit, but had to balance the cold. I felt that it really helped boost my immune system when down. Will report back with better diet once I figure out what works best for me.

Edit: Forgot to mention that in my youth, I ate terribly. But I was an in-shape athlete from the hood. I thought I was 10 ft tall & bullet proof.

Dang man. Glad your doing better.

Thank you!
Thank you!

Thanks, my friend. It truly is a silent killer. Imagine if I had waited until I was 50 instead of 44. More than likely I would be dead. The crazy part is, I only told family & close friends. A lot of my circle has no idea. This thread was very therapeutic. People like yourself help me make it through.
Well they're the shit for not blabbing to anyone else! It was all worth that nasty chemo in the end I'm sure now you've come out of the other side. Clever Colon!
Well they're the shit for not blabbing to anyone else! It was all worth that nasty chemo in the end I'm sure now you've come out of the other side. Clever Colon!

You're too kind. :) Life for chemo? I'd take that bet.
Today as been one year since my last chemo treatment; thirteen rounds! There's still no evidence of the disease. I'm so happy at a second chance of life. Family & friends are a big part of my life. First, fuck cancer! Second, these are the tests I need to do (most completed Dec 22 & Jan 23):

  • Colonoscopy: Now every 3 years
  • Endoscopy: Follow-up in 2 months
  • Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Cancer Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Dermatologist Exam: Each 6 months
  • CT, Upper Body W/ Contrast: Once per year
  • MRI: Once per year

My doctor team is huge: Primary, Oncologist, Surgeon, Dermatologist, and Gastroenterologist. Plus my amazing chemo nurses (3) , regular nurses, dermatologist nurses, gastroenterologist nurses, and the blood work teams.

I still have a couple of minor side effects from treatment. The feeling is mainly back in my fingertips but not my toe tips. I have some balance issues though getting back each day,

At times, I struggle with survivors guilt. I was always the youngest person receiving treatment at the facility. Most were 60+ with gray hair. I met several people with stage 4 but the best outlook on life. They helped me endure the tough parts.

Also, this thread helped me too. All of the kind & motivational words were moving. Total strangers but we've all been affected by cancer. Love you guys & gals. Please drink a beer for me! I definitely will. Fuck cancer!

Damn, great to hear. Congratulations on beating this.
Today as been one year since my last chemo treatment; thirteen rounds! There's still no evidence of the disease. I'm so happy at a second chance of life. Family & friends are a big part of my life. First, fuck cancer! Second, these are the tests I need to do (most completed Dec 22 & Jan 23):

  • Colonoscopy: Now every 3 years
  • Endoscopy: Follow-up in 2 months
  • Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Cancer Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Dermatologist Exam: Each 6 months
  • CT, Upper Body W/ Contrast: Once per year
  • MRI: Once per year

My doctor team is huge: Primary, Oncologist, Surgeon, Dermatologist, and Gastroenterologist. Plus my amazing chemo nurses (3) , regular nurses, dermatologist nurses, gastroenterologist nurses, and the blood work teams.

I still have a couple of minor side effects from treatment. The feeling is mainly back in my fingertips but not my toe tips. I have some balance issues though getting back each day,

At times, I struggle with survivors guilt. I was always the youngest person receiving treatment at the facility. Most were 60+ with gray hair. I met several people with stage 4 but the best outlook on life. They helped me endure the tough parts.

Also, this thread helped me too. All of the kind & motivational words were moving. Total strangers but we've all been affected by cancer. Love you guys & gals. Please drink a beer for me! I definitely will. Fuck cancer!

Hell yeah man! I needed some good news today! Understood about survivor's guilt. I watched my late Mother go through it with her multiple decades long battle with cancer. Hit her the hardest when one of my HS classmates died of cancer around the age of 26.

You are meant to be here. It wasn't your time. You're an effin SURVIVOR!
Hell yeah man! I needed some good news today! Understood about survivor's guilt. I watched my late Mother go through it with her multiple decades long battle with cancer. Hit her the hardest when one of my HS classmates died of cancer around the age of 26.

You are meant to be here. It wasn't your time. You're an effin SURVIVOR!

Sorry to hear about your mother & classmate. I also lost my father to cancer almost 5 years ago. Unfortunately, he only survived for 9 months after the diagnosis.

Thanks for the kind words!
Thanks! I'm a little hesitant to say I beat it at this point. We call it, No Evidence of the Disease (NED). :)

It's really wonderful news, we don't need another 6'7" corpse on Sherdog........... So you carry on being healthy and don't forget to live your life.....
Today as been one year since my last chemo treatment; thirteen rounds! There's still no evidence of the disease. I'm so happy at a second chance of life. Family & friends are a big part of my life. First, fuck cancer! Second, these are the tests I need to do (most completed Dec 22 & Jan 23):

  • Colonoscopy: Now every 3 years
  • Endoscopy: Follow-up in 2 months
  • Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Cancer Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Dermatologist Exam: Each 6 months
  • CT, Upper Body W/ Contrast: Once per year
  • MRI: Once per year

My doctor team is huge: Primary, Oncologist, Surgeon, Dermatologist, and Gastroenterologist. Plus my amazing chemo nurses (3) , regular nurses, dermatologist nurses, gastroenterologist nurses, and the blood work teams.

I still have a couple of minor side effects from treatment. The feeling is mainly back in my fingertips but not my toe tips. I have some balance issues though getting back each day,

At times, I struggle with survivors guilt. I was always the youngest person receiving treatment at the facility. Most were 60+ with gray hair. I met several people with stage 4 but the best outlook on life. They helped me endure the tough parts.

Also, this thread helped me too. All of the kind & motivational words were moving. Total strangers but we've all been affected by cancer. Love you guys & gals. Please drink a beer for me! I definitely will. Fuck cancer!

happy to hear the good news sherbro.
how old r u?
how r u celebrating?
dont go back to working at the carpet store
It's really wonderful news, we don't need another 6'7" corpse on Sherdog........... So you carry on being healthy and don't forget to live your life.....

LOL! Definitely will. Thank you.

happy to hear the good news sherbro.
how old r u?
how r u celebrating?
dont go back to working at the carpet store

I was 44 when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. I had a colonoscopy in 04/2021 then surgery to remove 10" of lower intestines soon after. That surgery confirmed I had cancer cells in 11 out of 21 lymph nodes. I had a port surgically installed in my upper right chest 2 weeks later. I started chemo in August 2021 & completed in January 2022. The port was removed surgically soon after. I am 46 now.

I'll be mostly chilling today & drinking some beers. I'm working today plus I have to attend my son's friend's high school play...LOL...his mom bought us tickets. ;)

No carpet store work for me!
LOL! Definitely will. Thank you.

I was 44 when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. I had a colonoscopy in 04/2021 then surgery to remove 10" of lower intestines soon after. That surgery confirmed I had cancer cells in 11 out of 21 lymph nodes. I had a port surgically installed in my upper right chest 2 weeks later. I started chemo in August 2021 & completed in January 2022. The port was removed surgically soon after. I am 46 now.

I'll be mostly chilling today & drinking some beers. I'm working today plus I have to attend my son's friend's high school play...LOL...his mom bought us tickets. ;)

No carpet store work for me!

nice dude.
what was the toughest part would u say?

u ever do any psychedelics ? thats how id celebrate. with some of that and some video games.

good move on the carpet store lol

nice dude.
what was the toughest part would u say?

u ever do any psychedelics ? thats how id celebrate. with some of that and some video games.

good move on the carpet store lol

The hardest part for me was the side effects of chemo, mostly the Oxaliplatin, but my sugar got above 190 because they also were giving a long acting steriod to counter chemo effects. I was an athlete as long as I can remember. Not big by Sherdog standards but not small either. At 44, obviously not the same athlete, but I was in shape & still kicking ass. During chemo I was fatigued, lost a little hair, had Neuropathy in finger tips & toes, couldn't tolerate cold drinks, & had balance issues. A year later & starting to feel like myself again.

I love psychedelics. When I was younger, we would "distribute" LSD & shrooms. I would eat them, alone at times, to test them out. These days I still trip sometimes but not often & only shrooms. During treatment, one of my good friends gave me some. I had a great time. Had a cousin give me some weed gummies too.

EDIT: Good video.
I've posted before that we have a painting & remodeling business. I like woodworking. I'm trying to reach Jesus (Hey-sus, Not Jeez-us) status. I made coasters for my Oncologist, Oncologist PA, & 3 Oncologist nurses for Christmas to say thank you:




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Not that I'm aware, unfortunately. All of my vitals & weight are good. I generally eat "healthy" by eating a minimal amount of processed foods (we cook a shitload). More than likely it's hereditary.

Thanks Sherbros!

I haven't read through all the posts but are you African American? They have the highest rate of colon cancer correct?
Today as been one year since my last chemo treatment; thirteen rounds! There's still no evidence of the disease. I'm so happy at a second chance of life. Family & friends are a big part of my life. First, fuck cancer! Second, these are the tests I need to do (most completed Dec 22 & Jan 23):

  • Colonoscopy: Now every 3 years
  • Endoscopy: Follow-up in 2 months
  • Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Cancer Blood Panel: Each 6 months
  • Dermatologist Exam: Each 6 months
  • CT, Upper Body W/ Contrast: Once per year
  • MRI: Once per year

My doctor team is huge: Primary, Oncologist, Surgeon, Dermatologist, and Gastroenterologist. Plus my amazing chemo nurses (3) , regular nurses, dermatologist nurses, gastroenterologist nurses, and the blood work teams.

I still have a couple of minor side effects from treatment. The feeling is mainly back in my fingertips but not my toe tips. I have some balance issues though getting back each day,

At times, I struggle with survivors guilt. I was always the youngest person receiving treatment at the facility. Most were 60+ with gray hair. I met several people with stage 4 but the best outlook on life. They helped me endure the tough parts.

Also, this thread helped me too. All of the kind & motivational words were moving. Total strangers but we've all been affected by cancer. Love you guys & gals. Please drink a beer for me! I definitely will. Fuck cancer!

Glad you are doing ok. Never feel guilty about this ruthless disease. Hoping you stay in remission for the rest of your life.