Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread Vol. 2

Says the person that's pretending this is his first account...

Is "person" still OK?

LOL, even making a conspiracy out of someone's Sherdog account, but without (as always) even the slightest clue <Lmaoo>
LOL, even making a conspiracy out of someone's Sherdog account, but without (as always) even the slightest clue <Lmaoo>

WASHINGTON (TND) — An undercover investigation from Project Veritas reportedly caught an unsuspecting Pfizer executive admitting his suspicions about the origins of the COVID-19 virus, which has killed nearly 7 million people worldwide since being introduced.

Jordon Trishton Walker, who is allegedly Pfizer's director of research and development, strategic operations, and mRNA scientific planning, was apparently caught on an undercover recording admitting he and other Pfizer executives have discussed "mutating" COVID viruses in order to develop tailored vaccines to treat them.

"You know how the virus keeps mutating? Well, one of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID variants] ourselves so we could create – preemptively build new vaccines, right?" Walker can be heard saying to Project Veritas's undercover investigator. "If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”So, that's like one of the things we're considering for, like, the future," Walker added.

Walker went on to describe scientific experiments of infecting monkeys with the virus so that researchers could then "actively mutate" the most severe infections and "force it to mutate in a certain way you want it."

Walker isn't alone in his suspicions. A group of scientists and experts assembled by the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report last summer indicating a potential Chinese lab leak – long ridiculed as a “fringe” or “conspiracy” theory – remains a possibility.

Dr. Albert Bourla Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Pfizer Inc. 235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Dear Dr. Bourla:

I write in response to troubling reports on Pfizer’s intention to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) virus through gain-of-function, or “directed evolution,” as detailed by Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Jordan Walker.i As has been proven time and time again, attempts to mutate a virus, particularly one as potent as COVID, are dangerous. If the claims detailed in the video are true, Pfizer has put its desire for profit over the concern of national and global health and must hold itself accountable. In a video released by Project Veritas on January 25, 2023, Mr. Walker laid out Pfizer’s plans to develop new vaccines for future variants of COVID by mutating the virus through directed evolution, a process that uses protein engineering to impose natural selection on a living organism or other biological materials, including viruses. Though he claimed the research is currently “exploratory,” he detailed how the research would proceed, such as how scientists would inject the mutated viruses into monkeys and collect serial samples from other monkeys who are infected. Whether it’s gain of function research, or selected structure mutations through directed evolution, as Mr. Walker claimed would occur, any effort to make a virus more transmittable and deadlier is careless and dangerous. Further, Mr. Walker stated that Pfizer is willing to engage in this dangerous research because COVID and its variants are “a cash cow” for the company and regulators will go easy on their efforts because a significant percentage of government officials aim to work for Pfizer and other biopharmaceutical companies and do not want to compromise their future job prospects. As a company that claims to “innovate every day to make the world a healthier place,” these claims from your leadership charged with research and development are alarming. As the American people deserve to know, I request that you provide the following information: 1. What efforts is Pfizer currently, or planning to, engage in to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 virus? 2. Does Pfizer intend to continue mutating the SARS-CoV-2 virus through gain-offunction, or directed evolution research, with the purpose of creating new vaccines before the variant is present in the greater population? 3. Has Pfizer engaged with federal officials engaged regarding their plans to oversee this research? Please provide the names and agencies for these individuals. 4. What steps has Pfizer taken to ensure the mutated virus does not leak from the laboratory and infect the greater population? 5. Has Pfizer engaged with other biopharmaceutical companies to collaborate on this research effort? Please list the entities that you have been in contact with. 6. Will you commit to halting any future research that mutates the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as substantial evidence has indicated that similar dangerous research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology very likely led to the initial emergence and global spread of the virus? As a leader in global public health and development of the COVID vaccine, with American taxpayer dollars, it is critical that Pfizer is accountable for their actions and be transparent with the public on the substance and intent of their research. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Sincerely, Marco Rubio U.S. Senator
WASHINGTON (TND) — An undercover investigation from Project Veritas reportedly caught an unsuspecting Pfizer executive admitting his suspicions about the origins of the COVID-19 virus, which has killed nearly 7 million people worldwide since being introduced.

Jordon Trishton Walker, who is allegedly Pfizer's director of research and development, strategic operations, and mRNA scientific planning, was apparently caught on an undercover recording admitting he and other Pfizer executives have discussed "mutating" COVID viruses in order to develop tailored vaccines to treat them.

"You know how the virus keeps mutating? Well, one of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID variants] ourselves so we could create – preemptively build new vaccines, right?" Walker can be heard saying to Project Veritas's undercover investigator. "If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”So, that's like one of the things we're considering for, like, the future," Walker added.

Walker went on to describe scientific experiments of infecting monkeys with the virus so that researchers could then "actively mutate" the most severe infections and "force it to mutate in a certain way you want it."

Walker isn't alone in his suspicions. A group of scientists and experts assembled by the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report last summer indicating a potential Chinese lab leak – long ridiculed as a “fringe” or “conspiracy” theory – remains a possibility.

Dr. Albert Bourla Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Pfizer Inc. 235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Dear Dr. Bourla:

I write in response to troubling reports on Pfizer’s intention to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) virus through gain-of-function, or “directed evolution,” as detailed by Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Jordan Walker.i As has been proven time and time again, attempts to mutate a virus, particularly one as potent as COVID, are dangerous. If the claims detailed in the video are true, Pfizer has put its desire for profit over the concern of national and global health and must hold itself accountable. In a video released by Project Veritas on January 25, 2023, Mr. Walker laid out Pfizer’s plans to develop new vaccines for future variants of COVID by mutating the virus through directed evolution, a process that uses protein engineering to impose natural selection on a living organism or other biological materials, including viruses. Though he claimed the research is currently “exploratory,” he detailed how the research would proceed, such as how scientists would inject the mutated viruses into monkeys and collect serial samples from other monkeys who are infected. Whether it’s gain of function research, or selected structure mutations through directed evolution, as Mr. Walker claimed would occur, any effort to make a virus more transmittable and deadlier is careless and dangerous. Further, Mr. Walker stated that Pfizer is willing to engage in this dangerous research because COVID and its variants are “a cash cow” for the company and regulators will go easy on their efforts because a significant percentage of government officials aim to work for Pfizer and other biopharmaceutical companies and do not want to compromise their future job prospects. As a company that claims to “innovate every day to make the world a healthier place,” these claims from your leadership charged with research and development are alarming. As the American people deserve to know, I request that you provide the following information: 1. What efforts is Pfizer currently, or planning to, engage in to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 virus? 2. Does Pfizer intend to continue mutating the SARS-CoV-2 virus through gain-offunction, or directed evolution research, with the purpose of creating new vaccines before the variant is present in the greater population? 3. Has Pfizer engaged with federal officials engaged regarding their plans to oversee this research? Please provide the names and agencies for these individuals. 4. What steps has Pfizer taken to ensure the mutated virus does not leak from the laboratory and infect the greater population? 5. Has Pfizer engaged with other biopharmaceutical companies to collaborate on this research effort? Please list the entities that you have been in contact with. 6. Will you commit to halting any future research that mutates the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as substantial evidence has indicated that similar dangerous research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology very likely led to the initial emergence and global spread of the virus? As a leader in global public health and development of the COVID vaccine, with American taxpayer dollars, it is critical that Pfizer is accountable for their actions and be transparent with the public on the substance and intent of their research. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Sincerely, Marco Rubio U.S. Senator

I see.

So your alternate account is @mon.

That character also couldn't answer a straight forward question.

Also, with three yellows, this account should be banished, right?

Thanks @mon for some totally irrelevant post to the discussion we're having.

Yeah, if I'd shared something totally stupid, I too would delete it.

The Daily Mail is Rupert Murdoch, so fuck me, if he's deleting it, you know it's not worth touching.

He'd gladly wreck Pfizer.
This coming from a dude that probably believed that the vaccine stops the spread, and that it is safe and effective.
Chuckle. What is that buffoon laughing at? It's a video of a Pfizer executive admitting that Pfizer is up to some seriously illegal f+ckery. There is nothing controversial about the video. It's pretty straight forward. He's like some fool in the corner with a dunce cap on laughing hysterically & saying everyone else is funny for believing 1 + 1 = 2. Hee hee hee. As I said before. The daily buffoonery keeps me coming back for more. No one needs to say anything to him. @Siver! clowns himself on the daily. <Lmaoo>
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Keep up with those boosters and it'll inevitably reduce you.

Being their devoted minion won't save you.
I promise you that @Siver! will never & I mean never ever get another Covid booster. He knows that everyone else is right that he was wrong. You will never see him with an up to date booster card. So he can flap his lips & bump his gums but it's all nonsense because the bottom line is that he will never get boosted again. The GAME is OVER. WE WON. HE LOST. It really is that simple.
Thanks @mon for some totally irrelevant post to the discussion we're having.Yeah, if I'd shared something totally stupid, I too would delete it.The Daily Mail is Rupert Murdoch, so fuck me, if he's deleting it, you know it's not worth touching. He'd gladly wreck Pfizer.

"Totally irrelevant. Totally stupid". Nope, this isn't a discussion.

It's a complete gaslight on your part so not to address the words the Phi(zer) R&D incel said himself.
Nothing but whataboutisms, fact checks and flat out derailing. But still failing to addressing them.

Words that were verbatim the headline that your "Rupert Murdoch"'s Daily Mail ran and deleted.
Which was the subject of the "irrelevant" link that I posted and that you say was "totally stupid".

Same ones I boldly highlighted for you a few pages back in fact checker blue.

How about the other video where the same Phi(zer) R&D incel attacks the reporter and has the
meltdown of the ages in front of multiple witnesses assaulting a few of them while trying to
destroy the video...

Did you two miss that one too?

Again, who said I'm going to take another booster?

If you guys spent less time assuming, you'd know more.

As someone who doesn't take flu vaccines because I'm not in the vulnerable category, what makes you think I can't make an informed decision here, too?

Realistically, I won't take another Covid vaccine because there's no point.

Equally, I won't die because of a Covid vaccine, and this thread is embarrassing in it's desperation to witness an apocalypse that simply isn't going to materialise.

Time for you lot to get over it, and get over the idea boosters will reduce the population LMAO
Let me chop up your post and use it paraphrase some of what I've been saying for at least a year:

"I won't die because of Covid and this thread is embarrassing in it's desperation to witness an apocalypse that simply isn't going to materialise."

I get it, you don't like the chicken littles in this thread. I think that stuff is ridiculous as well.

But guess what? It's nowhere near as bad as "fuck your freedoms". Or demanding front line workers with natural immunity get vaccinated or loose their jobs. Or the idea of vaccine passports. Or enacting a national emergency measure act over peaceful protests. Or many of the arbitrary bullshit measures that saw many businesses close doors permanently.

Yeah there's ridiculous stuff in here. But no more ridiculous than most of the bullshit in past Covid threads filled with "jee willikers, look at that unvaccinated dead guy. I'm just sooooo sad he was too stupid and died." So stow it. Some plague rats are acting out, but many of the rest of us are in here just following the story. And this story isn't over and won't be for decades.
Let me chop up your post and use it paraphrase some of what I've been saying for at least a year:

"I won't die because of Covid and this thread is embarrassing in it's desperation to witness an apocalypse that simply isn't going to materialise."

I get it, you don't like the chicken littles in this thread. I think that stuff is ridiculous as well.

But guess what? It's nowhere near as bad as "fuck your freedoms". Or demanding front line workers with natural immunity get vaccinated or loose their jobs. Or the idea of vaccine passports. Or enacting a national emergency measure act over peaceful protests. Or many of the arbitrary bullshit measures that saw many businesses close doors permanently.

Yeah there's ridiculous stuff in here. But no more ridiculous than most of the bullshit in past Covid threads filled with "jee willikers, look at that unvaccinated dead guy. I'm just sooooo sad he was too stupid and died." So stow it. Some plague rats are acting out, but many of the rest of us are in here just following the story. And this story isn't over and won't be for decades.

There's a big difference between a retroactive look at the rights and wrongs of the pandemic response and more cookie cutter conspiracy nonsense though.

I have time for the former, not much for the latter.

It's all very desperate, and the reality of the situation bady devalued by the 'plague rats' who act as useful idiots in burying the actual harm inflicted and actual learning that can be drawn up.

CTard-ism is the best way Pfizer could possibly muddy the waters, as it destroys all credible narratives in favour of junk logic and junk science not many people can actually believe.
There's a big difference between a retroactive look at the rights and wrongs of the pandemic response and more cookie cutter conspiracy nonsense though.

I have time for the former, not much for the latter.

It's all very desperate, and the reality of the situation bady devalued by the 'plague rats' who act as useful idiots in burying the actual harm inflicted and actual learning that can be drawn up.

CTard-ism is the best way Pfizer could possibly muddy the waters, as it destroys all credible narratives in favour of junk logic and junk science not many people can actually believe.

Nice to see a bit of self reflection.
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Which one of you mooks are peddling this? He was at the game Sunday, you don't automatically have your ribs broken during CPR, he's at Orchard Park nearly every day :D The fact Obi Wan Allen had to address these freaks ahahaha.

Moron Conspiracists Are Totally Convinced Damar Hamlin Is Dead

Even the Buffalo Bills’ star QB Josh Allen had to confirm that the internet’s favorite new conspiracy is as dumb as it sounds.

It’s the latest unfounded conspiracy to engulf the nation: Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills’ safety who went into cardiac arrest during a game on Jan. 2, actually died on the field from the COVID vaccine and has been replaced with a body-double as part of a massive cover-up by everyone from the NFL to Pfizer.

As wacky as it sounds, the nonsensical conspiracy went mainstream this week—prompting teammates and Hamlin to address suggestions he’s been cloned, while national media like the New York Post, Fox News and TMZ have covered the claims.

The conspiracy’s origins go back to the week Hamlin did nearly die. He went into cardiac arrest on the field just moments after being hit by Cincinnati Bengals’ wide receiver Tee Higgins and things looked dire.