Danny Masterson (That 70s Show) Convicted of Two Rape Counts


Purple Belt
Mar 3, 2023
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Danny Masterson, the former star of “That ’70s Show,” was convicted Wednesday on two counts of forcible rape.

The jury could not reach a verdict on a third rape charge, deadlocking with a vote of 8-4 in favor of conviction.

Masterson faces a potential sentence of 30 years to life in prison on the two charges. Shortly after the clerk read the guilty verdicts, there was an audible gasp from Masterson’s family
Imagine the lack of game that manlet must have had. Famous, young, rich in LA...still resorted to rape

Well, if he really did it - and I think odds are that he did - knowing that he and the victims were all Scientologists and knowing that the church would work very hard to convince the victims to shut up and go away, rather than "let them injure one of their own" was probably a big factor in him feeling safe in taking that route.
“A woman has an absolute right to say no,” Cohen argued. “But when the ‘no’ comes 16 years, 17 years later… that’s a very, very scary scenario.”

I did not follow the case, but if that quote is accurate, Yeah, damn scary.
Imagine the lack of game that manlet must have had. Famous, young, rich in LA...still resorted to rape

It's not about lack of game. He's one of those deranged weirdos who gets off on raping drugged/unconscious women.

He also did it to women that he was in long-term relationships with.

...and this is another case that was an open secret in Hollywood. Here's Conan O'Brien making an allusion to it in an interview from 20 years ago.

Well, if he really did it - and I think odds are that he did - knowing that he and the victims were all Scientologists and knowing that the church would work very hard to convince the victims to shut up and go away, rather than "let them injure one of their own" was probably a big factor in him feeling safe in taking that route.

This has been talked about extensively on the ex-Scientology podcasts.

All of this shit was covered up by the "church," and victims who try to report any kind of violence perpetrated by another Scientologist are told that they bring it on themselves.

Apparently, one of Masterson's friends who was supporting him in court is a known pedo, who had his crimes covered by Scientology.


Danny Masterson, the former star of “That ’70s Show,” was convicted Wednesday on two counts of forcible rape.

The jury could not reach a verdict on a third rape charge, deadlocking with a vote of 8-4 in favor of conviction.

Masterson faces a potential sentence of 30 years to life in prison on the two charges. Shortly after the clerk read the guilty verdicts, there was an audible gasp from Masterson’s family
There are some people like Weinstein that you just kind of know without a lick of evidence. This guy was one of them.
Imagine the lack of game that manlet must have had. Famous, young, rich in LA...still resorted to rape

You know most thieves can afford the things they steal. If he just wanted to fuck, he could hire a prostitute. Dude is a rapist because he wanted to rape, that's all. Rape isn't a last resort to get sex for most people.
Well, if he really did it - and I think odds are that he did - knowing that he and the victims were all Scientologists and knowing that the church would work very hard to convince the victims to shut up and go away, rather than "let them injure one of their own" was probably a big factor in him feeling safe in taking that route.

yeah, i was going to say hes a scientologist and a celeb so hed be protected.
interesting that the victims are/were scientologists then and still had the balls to go through. good for them.
fuck scientology.
Imagine the lack of game that manlet must have had. Famous, young, rich in LA...still resorted to rape

You are not getting it. he did not "resort" to rape. Rape is what he is into.

The power dynamic, making a woman do what she does not want to do. Taking her when she is helpless. That is what turns him on.

Same thing with Cosby, Weinstein. The coercion and transgression is the point.

Weinstein had the money and connections to have a dozen 21-year-old blonde escorts lined up to suck his diseased dick at any time. but that was not the point, he wanted Mira Sorvino to do it.

Sex is easy for these guys to obtain. What they want is forced sex
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It's not about lack of game. He's one of those deranged weirdos who gets off on raping drugged/unconscious women.

He also did it to women that he was in long-term relationships with.

...and this is another case that was an open secret in Hollywood. Here's Conan O'Brien making an allusion to it in an interview from 20 years ago.


The way that aged
Hope he doesn't get a slap on the wrist
I know he's facing 30 to life but you know celebs get off light often
Same thing with Kevin Spacey and males. Casual sex is abundant in Hollywood circles, especially in the gay community.

But Spacey did not want casual sex, he wanted transgression. Have you read the stories? Spacey was feeling up Richard Dreyfuss's son while Richard was in the same room!

that is not just being a horny gay guy, that is predator shit. some kind of evil king fetish.