Jim Caviezel's Sound Of Freedom beats opening figures of Indiana Jones

The bad will from Crystal Skull really did a number and affected the new Jones movie. When I hard that Crystal skull was going to be released back in 2008, I was really looking forward to it because I was a huge Jones fan. The new one I didnt even bother looking at the new trailer but even I didn't think it was going to do that badly in the box office.

Thing is, it's not the only movie tanking. I think people are finally coming around to the fact that theatrical releases are really only in theaters for like a month(if that), before they're available to rent at home, and you don't have to put up with obnoxious audiences, and outrageous food prices to see it.
Thing is, it's not the only movie tanking. I think people are finally coming around to the fact that theatrical releases are really only in theaters for like a month(if that), before they're available to rent at home, and you don't have to put up with obnoxious audiences, and outrageous food prices to see it.

People are responding to these movies being trash. Or really the recent-ish string of past blockbusters. Audiences are not as dumb as people think. People think they can't spot a turd in today's climate. Single biggest reason though your point adds to it. If studios start to get serious again people will come back. See Top Gun 2. Mario etc.
the actual story should be how they marketed & distributed the film.

an obscure company managed to get this film into (somewhat) wide release (apparently raising money via crowdfunding along the way) and then marketed this movie so well to some niche audiences that it will almost certainly be a money maker.

I had never heard of the movie until I saw it listed. looks to me like they spent about $0 on wide marketing and instead did micro-targeted messaging to their core audience (a mix of the hard core christians and Q believers). whatever they did worked and they are set up for a big financial win. supposedly the movie only cost $15m to make. my hunch is that if their target audience sees the movie as a cultural signifier, it will have a significant tail post-theatrical
This is the first time I’ve heard of this movie. But I’m finding it hard to believe that someone who thinks Hilary Clinton murders children, to extract a fictitious chemical so she can get high or whatever, would make a movie called Sound of Freedom that was anything but insane QAnon shit.
So what exactly is it about? Because he is one of my favorite actors even though he’s both insane and insanely stupid.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this movie. But I’m finding it hard to believe that someone who thinks Hilary Clinton murders children, to extract a fictitious chemical so she can get high or whatever, would make a movie called Sound of Freedom that was anything but insane QAnon shit.
So what exactly is it about? Because he is one of my favorite actors even though he’s both insane and insanely stupid.

It’s based on a true story.
even Disney knew Indy was going to bomb, its why the marketing campaign was so weak. I barely knew it was coming out in Australia, it just showed up in cinemas. There was NOTHING ANYWHERE about it here.

holy fuck was the trailer bad for Sound Of Freedom though. "Hear that, it's the sound of freedom!" and it sounds like its been targetted towards people via political adds, podcasts and the like.

Shame cause I just read up on what its based on, and it sounds rivetting and the guy deservers a medal.

But this thing just screams boot lickers and qanon glory
If you ate at a Applebee’s you got free tickets to the new Indiana Jones movie. That should tell you all you need to know.
I think you have to spend $35 to get it.