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No crow tonight.
A Chinese girl has more championship wins and defenses…
Lol o mally brought him back to reality.
Even he had to admit it in the interview, if Sean whooped that ass Volk would have run over him. Best option for him is a while off and a fight with Sandhagen, he wins that he could be right back in the title picture pretty quick.
Irish have ALWAYS been known for they're fighting champions for centuries. Places like Dagestan have come and are already on the way out and its only lasted about 4 years lmao. Nice wigs though
He's a nice guy. I never really understood the hate.
Over played the foul for a DQ win, not that its his fault and he did won the rematch tho, i think it comes from there, but out of this too i was rooting for him.
Irish have ALWAYS been known for they're fighting champions for centuries. Places like Dagestan have come and are already on the way out and its only lasted about 4 years lmao. Nice wigs though

Ireland sure as hell doesn't have a great record for combat sports titles.
Yeah tonight couldn't have gone any better for them(The UFC). O'malley gets a belt. His biggest rival got a win on the same card for them to use as a reason to shoe horn him in as Sean's first challenger and easy match to sell. And to top it off Garry also won pretty impressively.
Like i fucking said and dumb ass sherdog told me idk what tf im talking about

This shit too easy and i just made a bag betting on SugarKo under 3.

Bet slip or gtfo
Too bad he can't duck Merab forever.
Noone outside of hard-core mma fans gaf about the guy. Anyone looking up to this dude is corny off gp.
If Strickland now defeats Izzy, I should just switch to watching chess or something.

You didn't appreciate that performance? You should switch to watching chess now actually.
Great to see the crotch sniffers start to get exposed
I like Sean but this is too much too fast too soon. He is going to get a gift wrapped Chito and prolly win. Then What? He has to start wondering how he can beat Merab and Corey who are levels above him rn imo
UFC has become such a B tier promotion. Remember when Angela Lee got cracked by Xiong Jing Nan way worse than that and got back up and whipped her ass? And those are just wonder modern UFC fighters are taking naps against Jake Paul. They dont make em strong like they used too. I remember when UFC was actually the top dog they had Brock Lesnar nearly die to Shane Carwin then come back and sub him in the next round.

RIP UFC I feel bad for people who actually pay for this overpriced garbage.

MIND-BLOWING MMA TRILOGY Xiong Jing Nan vs. Angela Lee III - YouTube

better fight from a better promotion for you guys!


and what UFC used to look like back before youtubers were leaving these weak fighters in a body bag!
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