Social 3k migrants bussed in to NYC every week

Diversity is wealth. Spead the wealth around. Just think of all those jobs they need filling that no one else will do.

They might even be able to hire they as police officers to fill the need since they can't get anyone.
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I was in NYC last, back in 2016 and it was already feeling like that.

I could only imagine what it looks like after a deadly plague virus forced a government mandated shutdown
last time i was there in 2019 and the number of homeless people had exploded from what i remembered in the past.
you and your family get locked down, you can't visit your dying parent in the hospital while politicians pop bottles at parties and restaurants unmasked, you lose your business or get fired from your job if you don't take the clot shot, prices are so high you're struggling to feed your family, meanwhile "parasites just waltz into your country unvetted and unvaccinated and get offered free room and board or a monthly allowance". justified or not, this is how you create hate. get them out of here, if they want to come, great, come through legit channels. how much longer is the biden administration gonna humiliate and degrade their own citizens?
Chris Farley used to make fun of people living in a van down by the river

now that’s the average New Yorker
Migration into the US is great! The US just needs to improve how they handle migration, and how to expedite peoples paths to citizenship etc.

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