Gordon Ryan responds to USADA end

This is so refreshing to have someone of Gordon's caliber being 100% open, we should praise that kind of behavior. But no, let's shit on him and portray ourselves as the ultimate moral compass to randoms on the internet. People debating about subjective stuff ensuing, comically/sadly missing the point.

Just gonna sit back and enjoy Killer Kadoogan dismantling normies who truly believe they have the upper hand while being stuck in their tiny cerebral box.
The UFC cant go back to the Pride days, anti dopping its part of making it a legit sport, sure entertainment value is part of it like he said, but there is no way they drop testing altogether with USADA, it will go with someone else.
Obviously, a less stringent testing agency.
So weird how absolutely pumped up the juicers are for Usada to be gone.
Everyone is pumped. Why would the few fighters not using PEDs prefer to be tested constantly, at potentially inconvenient hours of the day? It's not like USADA was keeping the sport "clean." Those tests are a joke and easy to beat.
Just another dumb fuck of a shill.

Obviously people are going to use steroids regardless, but in physical and combat sports it's really not ok.
The clean fighters is probably in mourning now, or raging mad.
Man's spittin facts. Folks don't have to like it but...

Just another guy who really thought USADA leaving translated to no drug testing. That's not the case.
I feel like he’s saying big gyms beat USADA with money. Or get the good expensive shit that doesn’t show up.
Yep, I am supposed to believe 1 guy in all of baseball is using... lol
Yep, I am supposed to believe 1 guy in all of baseball is using... lol
He’s not the only ped suspension and he’s one of their biggest stars. I’m not saying they care but I am saying they still test and there’s still suspensions.
He’s not the only ped suspension and he’s one of their biggest stars. I’m not saying they care but I am saying they still test and there’s still suspensions.
Yes because if they never happened, you would certainly believe it's not working. The point is to instill belief the system works so someone has to pay. It can't always be someone small because that doesn't make sense.

Again, they literally stopped drug testing the entire league for numerous months before the previous baseball season began, allowing all MLB players to blast everything under the sun for 2 months with no chance of being drug tested.
Gordon Ryan, like 99% of Sherdog, went making assumptions without complete info and now looks kinda like a jackass because testing isn't going away, just the USADA brand.
"Athletes will be healthier if they're allowed to roid"
He may be a wizard at BJJ, but Gordan Ryan isn't one I'd take medical advice from.
Shit take lol, great at bjj, apparently no so great at thinking. Example: he says if steroids are legal then every athlete gets to use them instead of just athletes rich enough to beat the system. Problem is that even if they’re legal, a giant percentage of athletes, particularly lower level athletes, don’t suddenly magically have the money and resources to get and expertly use PEDs, so athletes who can afford the best gear and best ppl to manage their gear use would still enjoy the advantage he thinks would be leveled out.

Sports cars are legally allowed to be bought by basically everyone yet somehow only rich ppl get to scream down the road in a Ferrari. I wonder why….
This guy LOL

Stop trying to justify your career pal.

Such a western mindset - “wE sHoULd Be aLloWeD to cHeAT!!” - LMAO

Bet you the Dagestani’s don’t think like that. Fight fair, cheaters should be penalized and should not be recognized as GOATs or Hero’s.


Nobody is cheating in his sport. He's open about his use and there's no rule against it.

Dagestani's don't what? LOL. What countries do you think we get PED's from??? They're largely from that exact region of the world.
It's going to be obvious if they let it get out of control.

Fighters are going to look like body builder freaks like Ryan does. Won't be a good look.