Gordon Ryan responds to USADA end

Um, ok. You can sit on that hill that great athletes don’t get benefits that turn them into unbeatable athletes.

That is not what i said, i said the benefits would be smaller for them.

Doping is a leveling factor, it's not hard to understand... natural variations among people are much greater than variations under doping.


With doping, anyone can be in the highest percentile, no matter his natural level. Also, when your natural testosterone level is already high, you will get less benefits by injecting more testosterone.
Why are people saying there would be less injuries? Hard to believe that considering the increase in speed and power.

What about longevity... not just in sports but life?
athletes recover faster during training camp, allowing them to train more, and as hard as their mind is willing.
Cheaters love this news. I really can´t understand why someone likes a competition full of roids. The dumb argument of Nate is simply not true, but it seems that a lot of idiots support this. Ridiculous, fucking cheaters, and losers.
Looks like UFC signed with Drug Free Sport International (DFSI) who currently works with NCAA, MLB, NFL, NBA and other sports organizations. Looks like done deal.
That is not what i said, i said the benefits would be smaller for them.

Doping is a leveling factor, it's not hard to understand... natural variations among people are much greater than variations under doping.


With doping, anyone can be in the highest percentile, no matter his natural level. Also, when your natural testosterone level is already high, you will get less benefits by injecting more testosterone.
You seem like you’re backtracking. You made it sound like it’s leveling a field but it’s not. Those already gifted see benefits. Whether you want to call them small or not. And you seem stuck on testosterone as if that’s the only ped. If people already have special abilities from let’s say, having a 7’ wingspan on top of a brain that has him utilizing that reach better than most anybody, and then you pump him with performance enhancers, there’s no playing field that’s level. If a person is 10x better than anyone and even if that performance enhancer gives them a 1% increase, even if you can get close to that 10%, you’re nowhere near the ability of the special athlete on peds. And I don’t know where you’re getting average anyway? People who become millionaire professional athletes? Theyre already above average. They’re the elite in the world already. The “average” professional athlete is better than any average human. Otherwise they wouldn’t be paid millions. You can engineer a whole program for me and I’m still gonna suck at football. And I was an average football player in HS who started every game and made varsity. But I tried my hat juco ball and it was far different. So maybe I could have played juco but I wasn’t playing D1 and I wasn’t getting drafted. But you give a guy like Barry bonds who is already a hof baseball player peds and now he’s the hr King. So if you call that not much benefit, you’re right I guess.
How would any of you like to get punched and kicked in the face by a juiced-up opponent? How would you like it if they told you if you don’t like it, you need to juice too?

There’ll be another third party testing body in the UFC where they’ll comply with the UFC when they tell them to turn a blind eye. USADA wouldn’t budge. That’s why they’re gone.
western? The Russians and Chinese are the best dopers in the world lmaooo

Lmfao. Russians are the biggest cheaters in all sports.

Thinking dagestan isn't full of users is just naive

90% of all high level athletes have enhanced testosterone levels.

I get the idealism but it's not really based in reality.

The point was correct about a level playing field. Those who have the money and connections will always find a way to gain an advantage. At least this way the up and comers will have that same opportunity.

Russia has a history of doping in the Olympics:


Such a moronic mindset. Do you know the levels of cheating done in the USSR and Eastern Block countries, right? But those pure, undefiled Dagis would never cheat...

News flash IV’s and towel grabbing is cheating. Those are just instances that can be proven.

You know that Dagestan won the majority of Russia's Olympic medals in wrestling (among plenty of other countries they wrestled for) during the period where Russia was caught for wide spread doping during the Olympics.

Zubaira Tukhugov who became famous for punching Mcgregor during the Khabib brawl has failed for PEDs previously and was in the Khabib camp.
Ruslan Magomedov is a Dagestani HW who was one of the few guys who actually managed a lifetime ban under USADA.
Both of these guys spent time fighting and training in the AKA Dagistani fight camps and were linked to Khabib and his team.

Cheating is a Western mindset? Have you followed sports in Russia and China?

Nobody is cheating in his sport. He's open about his use and there's no rule against it.

Dagestani's don't what? LOL. What countries do you think we get PED's from??? They're largely from that exact region of the world.

All these comments lol

Looks like a triggered a lot of people... <{Heymansnicker}>

I never said no one else in the world does steroids except the West.

I said it's "Such a western mindset" to think or act like “wE sHoULd Be aLloWeD to cHeAT!!”.

All countries have PED users but this guy Gordon is such an entitled PED user that he thinks it should be widely accepted because he does it.

That's some entitled, western, spoiled, bratty behavior - "the sport should allow cheaters because I do it" "Hey, it makes it exciting!"

Most PED users have the common sense to hide it or at least try.
Also, I don't believe Khabib and company does steroids - that's not part of fathers plan. <KhabibBS>
finally, he just says it like it is. if you think he is wrong, then you are either a new fan, or terribly, horribly naive to how this sport works and how professional sports/athletes are in general. you probably believe that vegan netflix documentary with the "clean" eating power lifter. you probably believe most sports are clean. that is all false. what gordon says is true. these guys who can afford it, do it. the lower level guys get caught with SARMS. removing USADA is the best possible thing. this will even the playing field 100%. and if you actually think that Pride FC was the only dirty org out there, let me ask you this. what was UFC doing at the same time? LOL. what were they doing after the fall of PRIDE FC? LOL. What is going on now? LOL. you are terribly naive to think this is a clean sport. Like the great Nate Diaz said, everyones on it.

there might a couple people who believe the sport is mostly clean, but I’m certainly not one them. Where I do disagree with this juice head, Ryan is the idea that the athletes will be better off. The NFL is a great example, almost every NFL player is probably on something, maybe even QBs and receivers (impossible to know, but it’s realistic). But the real heavy users still have short careers and lose years off their lives. Heck, I bet the linemen, linebackers to the safeties take stacks of steroids. Not probably as much as powerlifters, bodybuilders or strongmen but large doses in variety. Like it or not, the tests often protect the athletes from themselves. So no, I don’t believe in the ‘no testing is better / safer / fairer’ story.

https://www.science.org/content/article/former-football-pros-die-faster-rate-baseball-veterans-and-reasons-are-surprising#:~:text=The 517 former NFL players,the 517 NFL players surveyed.
All these comments lol

Looks like a triggered a lot of people... <{Heymansnicker}>

I never said no one else in the world does steroids except the West.

I said it's "Such a western mindset" to think or act like “wE sHoULd Be aLloWeD to cHeAT!!”.

All countries have PED users but this guy Gordon is such an entitled PED user that he thinks it should be widely accepted because he does it.

That's some entitled, western, spoiled, bratty behavior - "the sport should allow cheaters because I do it" "Hey, it makes it exciting!"

Most PED users have the common sense to hide it or at least try.
Also, I don't believe Khabib and company does steroids - that's not part of fathers plan. <KhabibBS>

I just pointed out to you that guys in Khabib's camp have popped for PEDs.

You said the Dagestani's don't when they have one of the largest histories within combat sports via association with Russian state sponsored programs.

Plenty of Westerners do, but it's an individual thing within their own camps or specific teams. The Russian affiliated athletes are effectively pushed into a system where PED use is part of your employment.

Gordon's take on this is about as stupid as it gets, but thinking that "Father's plan" would change anything when fighters from that camp have popped is just stupid. It's the nature of going through the state sponsored programs in Russia.
This guy LOL

Stop trying to justify your career pal.

Such a western mindset - “wE sHoULd Be aLloWeD to cHeAT!!” - LMAO

Bet you the Dagestani’s don’t think like that. Fight fair, cheaters should be penalized and should not be recognized as GOATs or Hero’s.


Incredibly Naive. islam popped in the past as ya know The whole state sponsored doping program his sambo team was apart of.

There is no drug testing in any top bjj promotion btwb
I am against cheating, but I agree with what he said. It makes the playing field level again, and it isn't cheating if everyone is allowed to do it.

I agree with him in every way. Let them juice. For anyone to be truly natural, you'd have to not take any type of man made drugs at all. And that is impossible.
You mean Islam who just went through the IV shit, and based on his and his managers response - clearly did…

Then Khabib who used as well lol…
Yet, nothing happened. Why is that? It’s because it’s a bunch a bull shit the haters like you live on. Dan Hooker told me Volkanovski was also on IV’s, believe me bro Hooker Islams manager confirmed it’s LEGAL for all the athletes.
If your first name could be your last name and your last name your first… I don’t trust you. Also I get bad vibes from people who don’t use paragraphs.
He's a self proclaimed cuck as well, good vibes all around from that one.
The UFC cant go back to the Pride days, anti dopping its part of making it a legit sport, sure entertainment value is part of it like he said, but there is no way they drop testing altogether with USADA, it will go with someone else.
UFC was never a legit sport. It's always been sports entertainment