International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. II

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safe? I saw a stat that israel has killed 30K palestinians civilaisn. Dont palestinian kids hav eth ehighest infant mortality rate in the world?

not sure how you define safe.

I said alive, not safe. Every single thing Israel has done this week has been a direct response to what Hamas did on October 7th.
Nonsense. This (american) ideological concept has absolutely no meaning or applicability within the intra-european racial conflicts of the 20th century.

yes it has. Secular liberalism is white supremacy.
It’a an ideology that is designed to serve the west.
It’s imposed through colonialism and Neo colonialism implemented in all institutions by force.
Well, the link I posted quoted Israeli sources citing Palestinian children killed in 2022. How do you figure it was a sucker punch when the IDF routinely kills Palestinian children?

Israel treats them like "human animals" then acts surprised when they act like animals.

I was responding to the events of this week.

As for the Israeli's treating the Palestinians like animals, they're fellow Arabs aren't much more compassionate. The last Arab nation to offer Palestinians shelter was Jordan, following the '67 war. And the Palestinians took one look at Jordan and said, "Nice country. We'll take it". The Jordanians had to eject them by force. Which is why the PLO terrorist group that carried out the Munich Massacre was called Black September.
This isn't meant to be judgmental, just curious where people stand. Do you hold the same position about the drone strike in Kabul in response to the Kabul Airport bombing during the US evacuation? Is it the fault of ISIS-K for bombing the airport?

Do you have a link about that? Because I honestly can't remember any details.
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Just to clarify: by content do you mean videos and pictures, the opinions we express, or both?

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If to be realistic U.S republicans always had supported Israel even more than Dems so crybabies about " my taxpayers money " bullshit should get reality.

Grammar is poor here, but if you're stating that the Republican Party has historically been a bigger supporter of Israel than the Democratic Party, this simply isn't true. It's really only with the rise of the evangelicals that Republicans have become so pro-Israel.
Agreed. Especially around the late 19th/ early 20th century. And based on development/ economy they were and still are in many areas.

So what's better than western secular liberalism in your opinion?

Everything is better than this.
Secular liberalism is a self defeating system that is based on a top down society. The state is the centre of society and all authority goes to the states including the first right on your children.
This ideology destroys human ties and bonds and pushes individualism and. Worshipping your desires (materialism).
This ‘philosophy’ has the teaching to maximalise individual happiness.
The result of this ideology is an increase in divorces and broken families. Men and Women delay or don’t want long term relationships for families. The result is a huge decrease in birth rates and a population decrease. It’s self defeating.
The result is loneliness and psychological problems of being isolated when getting older or old.
kids grow up with single mothers and are far more likely to drop out of school, a criminal or addicted to drugs.
This is also pushed by giving men all the financial responsibilities and women all rights without any responsibility or liability in marriages.
if men have financial commitments and responsibilities. What are the legal responsibilities of women? They don’t have any. This means divorces are far more likely and women get richer and richer and don’t need men anymore.
It’s a self defeating system. You can check all statistics.
How do the proponents try to ‘solve’ the population decrease to tackle economic decrease in secular liberal countries? The irony is that they have to get immigrants from traditional countries who have traditional family societies to try to solve the population decrease in secular liberal western countries.
It can’t even stand on its own and relies on traditional bottom up societies they try to criminalise.
That’s the whole contradiction in western secular liberalism. It’s a system to exploit the human being to serve the interests of a few.

every bottom up society is superior to a top down society where all authority goes to the state (secular liberalism).
I haven’t been able to keep up with the news very well this week. Kind of looks like Israel is besieging the whole strip and bombing buildings?
I like the last thing you said. It's a tough spot to be in. I'm not claiming it some easy problem to solve or even that I have an answer. I just don't want innocent people to die, of any color, country, or religion.
Me either which is why they shouldn’t be flying monkeying in and raping people or killing babies. That’s it for me. Now you all die. So evacuate as many people as you can but know those cowards will be hiding amongst them. They’ll probably even blow them up a few times to scare them.
LMFAO, in what Hamas propaganda room was this shit cooked up? Kid, the COVID lockdowns have absolutely nothing to do with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. This has been going on for decades.

you can’t read. Never claimed what you have said. Read again.
Talk to a mental health professional.

try to debate me on this topic. Let’s see who needs mental health.
Secular liberal countries are full of mental health patients. The number one reason is loneliness. Because your white supremacist secular liberal ideology destroys family bonds and ties and pushes individualism.
This is not my opinion. You can check all hard statistics.
If you really cared about mental health problems. You wouldn’t be supporting this brutal western secular liberal ideology.
Everything is better than this.
Secular liberalism is a self defeating system that is based on a top down society. The state is the centre of society and all authority goes to the states including the first right on your children.
This ideology destroys human ties and bonds and pushes individualism and. Worshipping your desires (materialism).
This ‘philosophy’ has the teaching to maximalise individual happiness.
The result of this ideology is an increase in divorces and broken families. Men and Women delay or don’t want long term relationships for families. The result is a huge decrease in birth rates and a population decrease. It’s self defeating.
The result is loneliness and psychological problems of being isolated when getting older or old.
kids grow up with single mothers and are far more likely to drop out of school, a criminal or addicted to drugs.
This is also pushed by giving men all the financial responsibilities and women all rights without any responsibility or liability in marriages.
if men have financial commitments and responsibilities. What are the legal responsibilities of women? They don’t have any. This means divorces are far more likely and women get richer and richer and don’t need men anymore.
It’s a self defeating system. You can check all statistics.
How do the proponents try to ‘solve’ the population decrease to tackle economic decrease. The irony is that they have to get immigrants from traditional countries who have traditional family societies to try to solve the population decrease in secular liberal western countries.
It can’t even stand on its own and relies on traditional bottom up societies they try to criminalise.

every bottom up society is superior to a top down society where all authority goes to the state (secular liberalism).
We got it a long time ago already, Corky. You have an inferiority complex because you're from a society that you feel is less successful than many others (and it's probably true that it is too). And you're angry about it all, so you piss away large chunks of your life doing what you're doing here, which is of course is making your life suck even more. So again, go do something that will prove to be a much better investment of your time: Talk to a mental health professional.
I haven’t been able to keep up with the news very well this week. Kind of looks like Israel is besieging the whole strip and bombing buildings?
They are bombing something a bit but looks that mainly now they are more concentrated to strengthen some encirclement and prepare for some ground operation? Cos they are concentrating tanks and AFVs etc signs.

If compare with earlier days they had reduced bombing and shelling.
While are increasing ground forces gathering near these territories etc.
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