International Denmark’s new policy seeks to integrate immigrants; critics are calling the policy discrimination


In the garden
May 26, 2021
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“Denmark’s new policy mandates integration in low-income neighborhoods inhabited by mostly “non-western” immigrants through reeducation, demolition, and policing.

The goal: a massive social engineering project to dismantle immigrant enclaves and force integration into Danish society. The policy will require young children from these neighborhoods to spend 25 hours a week in preschools to learn the Danish language and values.

In practice, the policy will look an awful lot like gentrification in the US, only driven by the government. Residents of low-income neighborhoods, where at least half the population is of non-Western descent, will be forced to leave their homes, and thousands of apartments will be sold to private investors and demolished. In their wake, housing catering to wealthier residents will be built to incentivize social mixing.

Critics are calling the policy ethnic discrimination and say it is unnecessary in a country where the generous welfare system minimizes income inequality, crime, and poverty. Nevertheless, it has broad support across the political spectrum.”


Denmark, having seen some of the issues in other counties, like France and Sweden, as well as looking at what’s going on inside of the country, are looking to make radical changes — forcing people out of their homes. Yay or nay on this policy?

I would tag MB but he never made it out of the original Israel-Gaza thread.
They will mandate immigrants to learn local language and immigrants are crying.

I will tell what you might get in the same Portugal, Spain or France, Germany etc....
As tourist.
Yes, businesses intended to have clients - tourists will have employees with skills in foreign languages etc ....
Some village shop not intended for tourists maybe you ....will learn local language....agree or no.
The same btw with Russia, Turkey etc....

So if someone is living in country and resists to learn local language .....
Okey, international corps high level specialists and some really highly skilled niche specialists might afford ...
Also ofc international corps usually are using English....

U are casual ( even if with so called degree ) and are thinking that you might ignore local language. Attempt to do this in an immigrant.
Turkey will be even more funny.
Integrating into a society shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.
I had saw for example the same Russian businessmans how they are dealing with ppl in EU countries.
Some from them are openly telling that the more languages you will know the better it will be for your life.
Some had advocated like " you don't need to learn " and in real life they had used argument " you don't know local language and therefore we should talk about to negotiate lower salary than I had posted in job add.

I'm selling construction materials and approx 50% from managers I have to deal with are Russian origin ppl located In EU.
I always found it ridiculous that immigrants are coming to a new country in search of a better life running away from the shithole they were born in and yet they often end up creating their own miniature shitholes in the new country. if you insist on living in shit, you should be deported back to the shit you came from.
I always found it ridiculous that immigrants are coming to a new country in search of a better life running away from the shithole they were born in and yet they often end up creating their own miniature shitholes in the new country. if you insist on living in shit, you should be deported back to the shit you came from.
Approx like this.
If Denmark had XIII century mentality they today had 0 parasites and even Gaza had to feel damn a lot more shit than today from. israel.,..
How does one integrate into society? Is learning the language and having a job enough?
I think that yes. You also might have business etc or shares in business. You still will be asked to follow local laws etc..

Denmark will deNazify your real soul faster than Germany will do in their dreams. Cos they does knows about parasites Nazis.
I always found it ridiculous that immigrants are coming to a new country in search of a better life running away from the shithole they were born in and yet they often end up creating their own miniature shitholes in the new country. if you insist on living in shit, you should be deported back to the shit you came from.

If their own government gave them financial handouts, they would remain in that shithole. It's not the shithole that bothers them, it's the lack of government funding that bothers them and attracts them to countries that offer that.
I always found it ridiculous that immigrants are coming to a new country in search of a better life running away from the shithole they were born in and yet they often end up creating their own miniature shitholes in the new country. if you insist on living in shit, you should be deported back to the shit you came from.

I'm not sure they really create those "shitholes" here , its not like they typically end up in high end neighbourhoods that then go down hill they tend to end up in places that already have serious issues and those in authority neither know nor care how their prescence there may excarcebate those existing issue , "multi culturalism" in the UK is just a fine sounding excuse for the indifference of succesive governments in ignoring the evolution of parralel societies in some of our inner cities , the Danes should be applauded for actually giving a shit about both about the long term prospects of the immigrants themselves and social cohesion in their country .
So the options are let migrants turn areas into ghettos, or integrate them by having them learn the language and a skill set? Yeah, go Denmark. Sweden you are up. France it’s too overwhelmingly late. Italy has only seen sexual assaults go up, they need to do this as well.
Seems pretty authoritarian. If the government can eject migrants from their homes and force them to move, building condos instead... they can do that to you, too. It implies the government can essentially seize private property from land owners at will, force them to sell at market value, and do whatever they want with the land. That's pretty insane for a supposed western democracy. Denmark is more right-wing than other Scandinavian countries, so maybe the migrant thing is the perfect excuse for the government to give itself these powers, but it won't stop there.
How is this even seen as controversial? It shows a staggering level of arrogance that the migrants be given refugee then cry when they're expected to learn the local language in return
Muslim migrants from varioys places in the MENA region in particular will cry regardless of what you do or do not do, though. Claiming victimhood is basically a way of life for a lot of these people, and that of course makes it doubly hard to deal with them and find solutions that work for everyone.

Many also still come here with highly unrealistic expectiations because they've been told by friends etc in their home countries that if you go to Scandinavia, everything will be given to you and you don't have to work. And while there is still some truth to that, even the most naive head-in-the-clouds socialists here are learning that if you don't place some demands on people with problems, you simply ruin them further, which in turn ruins cities and societies. So they've started placing some light demands on people. Like, either go to school or do some kind of work, or your payouts get slashed. We will pay for you to go to school, but you have to show up. And then that is met with cries of racism and oppression.

If we try to protect kids from violent parents who beat the shit out of them and threaten them with death, we are oppressors. And if just hand out money and housing and education etc but don't try to regulate neighborhoods etc in attempt to avoid ghettos, they complain about that. We can't do anything right.
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Someone moves to host country for their own personal benefit yet refuses to learn the local customs or language despite reaping the benefits. Host country is the bad guy for trying to integrate these people, how? Maybe they should throw away their own culture and language and let it be replaced by those who are migrating there?
I always found it ridiculous that immigrants are coming to a new country in search of a better life running away from the shithole they were born in and yet they often end up creating their own miniature shitholes in the new country. if you insist on living in shit, you should be deported back to the shit you came from.

- I do agree with you. What i find strange is the ones that come here, integrate and contribute to our society, they rarelly involve themselves in crime.
Someone moves to host country for their own personal benefit yet refuses to learn the local customs or language despite reaping the benefits. Host country is the bad guy for trying to integrate these people, how? Maybe they should throw away their own culture and language and let it be replaced by those who are migrating there?

Of course we should change our culture and language to accomodate these poor, peaceloving people who have settled down in our countries. We should also look forward to the day when they outnumber us and change our stupid laws into something much better. Sweden will be first out. I'm sure they can't wait.

Of course we should change our culture and language to accomodate these poor, peaceloving people who have settled down in our countries. We should also look forward to the day when they outnumber us and change our stupid laws into something much better. Sweden will be first out. I'm sure they can't wait.

As long as they are happy with their new country becoming just like the one they ran away from.