Media Masvidal after plea deal: I'll see Colby again and it's gonna be fun, will knock out remaining teeth

he was facing felonies with max 15 years. evidence against him was rock solid. plenty of aggravating sentencing factors too. yet he copped to a misdemeanor. that’s the best deal he was gonna get. he probably paid a lot for it too.

lol they can't put masvidal in general pop for 15 years. they always want to "settle" which means take a guilty plea deal. he couldn't even get a deferred sentence. masvidal is stupid & u stupid bro
Maybe you should follow another sport if violence bothers you that much. Two MMA fighters got into a streetfight, how fucking cowardly.

No they didn’t. If that was the case I’d have no issues with it. One MMA fighter stalked, ambushed, and sucker punched another MMA fighter with a crew of guys.

If he met him outside of the restaurant, said let’s fight, Colby agreed, and they had a fair fight, no one would give a shit.

We watch MMA for fair competition. No one would watch MMA if it was just people getting sucker punched and attacked while they are alone and the other guy has a group of guys with him. The fact that you think these are the same thing says everything I need to know about you.
No they didn’t. If that was the case I’d have no issues with it. One MMA fighter stalked, ambushed, and sucker punched another MMA fighter with a crew of guys.

If he met him outside of the restaurant, said let’s fight, Colby agreed, and they had a fair fight, no one would give a shit.

We watch MMA for fair competition. No one would watch MMA if it was just people getting sucker punched and attacked while they are alone and the other guy has a group of guys with him. The fact that you think these are the same thing says everything I need to know about you.

Oh, I didn't realize you were there and witnessed everything.
Worst part is there are legions of dumbasses who applaud this attitude like its a mans way of talking and acting lol. I often wonder how much of this shit is real and how much of it is just BS to sell potential fights , I mean I don't know any grown men in their 40s that act this way that are not in jail or complete fucking losers lol.
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I like how we decide some guys cross lines and others don’t based on how much we otherwise like them
Did you not know these details yet? It's been nearly 18 months, guy

Yeah, I kept forgetting all these people from the forum were actually there and saw everything unfold with Masvidal and his team of goons chasing Colby into a seafood restaurant and breaking his Rolex.
Yeah, I kept forgetting all these people from the forum were actually there and saw everything unfold with Masvidal and his team of goons chasing Colby into a seafood restaurant and breaking his Rolex.
.. it was on film, bro. Are you serious? There was multiple witness accounts and everything. We know what happened because it happened that way. Mas got alerted to where Colby was and he jumped him from behind, with his gang of friends with him
.. it was on film, bro. Are you serious? There was multiple witness accounts and everything

You mean a few seconds of some guys pulling Jorge away from Colby (who was behind a door) or is there some other longer video? The only "witness account" looked like a hired actor on some TMZ-like news channel.
You mean a few seconds of some guys pulling Jorge away from Colby (who was behind a door) or is there some other longer video? The only "witness account" looked like a hired actor on some TMZ-like news channel.
No, there's a video of Colby and that Nelk fool walking along and step into the street and Masvidal runs up behind him and starts punching as others run up as well

I could go into more, but "hired actor witness" means you can absorb what I said or go fuck yourself cuz you don't give a shit about facts that don't fit your opinion. Google it yourself from here.
jorge talkin shit about chael for Ariel views, not realizing chael will fuk him up if he comes at chael in person. another bad move judas.
He made you his b*tch in the octagon and that's how people will remember it Jorge, it's the UFC not the Ultimate Sucker Punching Championship
No, there's a video of Colby and that Nelk fool walking along and step into the street and Masvidal runs up behind him and starts punching as others run up as well

I could go into more, but "hired actor witness" means you can absorb what I said or go fuck yourself cuz you don't give a shit about facts that don't fit your opinion. Google it yourself from here.

Post the video then, you mushroom.
lol they can't put masvidal in general pop for 15 years.
of course they can. they probably wouldn’t, unless he had a ton of priors, or caused permanent injury or something like that. but based on the planning that took place, the fact that he did it with accomplices, tried to hide his identity with a mask, etc., he was probably looking at jail time if convicted of the felonies.
they always want to "settle" which means take a guilty plea deal.
no shit
he couldn't even get a deferred sentence.
sure he could have. he didn’t, so that discussion is moot.
masvidal is stupid & u stupid bro
you sound like a real genius
i was a fan
and i respect the guy

but his behaviour gets gradually more erratic as time goes by. not to stigmatize, but his father -a long time fellon- happens to be in the joint yet again for shooting someone.

its ridiculous he brags about his actions fresh out of the court.
like.. either he doesnt comprehend his action or he is plain and simple a reckless offender.
he’s like most violent offenders these days—emboldened by weak enforcement, and unable to distinguish right from wrong.
The only demographic that seems to dislike him en masse is Sherdoggers. I highly doubt he's panicked about falling out of the favor of karate forum nerds like us.
The only reason he is not making peace with Colby, is the karate threads that will call him “shook” if he backs down. He has to doble down to keep his “street image” with the Karate forum guys. <45>