Media Chael Sonnen speaking for all of us in two separate tweets today

Yea but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Chael has too many questionable takes and intentions behind them to take seriously even if I agree with him here. He is probably angling for a poatan interview or something for the views and ad revenue
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Common Chael W.

Izzy and over the Hill have become two random bar dwellers with no belt hating on those who hold gold.

Yea but even a clock is right twice a day.

Chael has too many questionable takes and intentions behind them to take seriously even if I agree with him here. He is probably angling for a poatan interview or something for the views and ad revenue

You don't tune in to Chael for the takes, you tune in for the character, story telling, and intentional humor masquerading as unintentional humor.

I've been a Chael fan since day one.
#Frozen like Anna her heart
Yea but even a clock is right twice a day.

Chael has too many questionable takes and intentions behind them to take seriously even if I agree with him here. He is probably angling for a poatan interview or something for the views and ad revenue

Most clocks are right all the time. I think you mean “even a broken clock.” Haha
uhh what is Hill supposed to say? he won the actual belt.
Good that Chael took a break from posting those 20 plus videos of Francis Ngannou and boxing to concentrate on other videos to sell UFC narratives
Chael sure knows pettiness

and envy.

Both those guys did what he never could.
Both of those fought in divisions where there was no prime versions of Anderson or Jones. If there were, they wouldn't be champs, either.
We talking fantasy match ups now?

No, we're talking about why it's incredibly asinine to say someone "couldn't be a champ" while ignoring relative compeition and circumstances. Freaking Bisping was a MW champ at one point but at least 5 other guys (probably more) would've beaten him. To say Chael, Jacare, Yoel, etc. "couldn't accomplish what Bisping did" is moronic.