Social Confederate Robert E Lee statue of Charlottesville Melted Down to create new 'art'.

LMAO @ "and if there were no other contributing factors" well duhhh
If you take away the circumstances that actually killed him and then found him dead anyway you'd never suspect he was killed by those particular circumstance. Genius.

What a pathetic loser you are to trot out this nonsense.

"Homicide is the killing of one human being by another human being.

The word "homicide" is neutral: it merely means the killing of one human being by another human being. Homicides may
be justifiable, excusable or criminal, depending upon the circumstances of the killing and the state of mind of the killer."

every time someone dies at the hands of someone else, the coroners and doctors and whoever rule it a homicide but it legally doesn't mean it was or wasn't justified. that's up for the courts to decide and regardless of you guys say or how it went, the man didn't get a fair trial at all. chauvin's a scumbag, but there's a ton of reasonable doubt.
LMAO @ "and if there were no other contributing factors" well duhhh
If you take away the circumstances that actually killed him and then found him dead anyway you'd never suspect he was killed by those particular circumstance. Genius.

What a pathetic loser you are to trot out this nonsense.
Fentanyl Floyd died from ingesting multiple narcotics and doesn't deserve a single statue "honoring" him in any way. And what was even better the same summer that POS statues were put up everywhere...cities burned down and blacks and antifa destroyed black businesses. Fentanyl Floyd statues but not one Tony Timpa statue or even a mention of his death by these virtue signaling "woke" muppets.
A racist is a person who upholds the idea that some people are born better than others dependent on a combination of their skin tone + "culture" and engages actively in the systemic oppression of people that aren't their own via denial of rights and/or access, establishing lower classes of citizenship based on those things. A white supremacist is a racist who either is part of the "white" in-group established in various Countries who believe that white people are inherently superior and that society should be structured accordingly, or a non-white person who supports and perpetuates that same notion.

Lol@equating a statue of a racist,separatist, traitor, erected specifically to keep those sentiments alive with a monument that contains a President he declared War on.

Sorry if someone's "whiteness" is threatened if statues of the worst kinds of white people are taken down, or if there arent enough men who look like them carved into the sides of f*ckin mountains. Scratch that, not sorry at all.
Laughing......your Racism is showing. The word Racist gets thrown out so much it doesn't mean squat anymore and is so low in supply in 2023 it has to be manufactured. I knew the word racist meant nothing when I got called a "Racist" on forums like this for simply stating that the movie Black Panther was one of the most overrated movies of all time...Its a fictional movie..laughing..not real. But I lived in neighborhoods growing up where I was the "minority" and had to deal with actual Racists but it didn't shape me because I just chalked up those individuals as being low IQ and Assholes. But removing Historical figures that shaped America whether it be for the good or bad is just childish.

"Homicide is the killing of one human being by another human being.

The word "homicide" is neutral: it merely means the killing of one human being by another human being. Homicides may
be justifiable, excusable or criminal, depending upon the circumstances of the killing and the state of mind of the killer."

every time someone dies at the hands of someone else, the coroners and doctors and whoever rule it a homicide but it legally doesn't mean it was or wasn't justified. that's up for the courts to decide and regardless of you guys say or how it went, the man didn't get a fair trial at all. chauvin's a scumbag, but there's a ton of reasonable doubt.
This is neither an argument that supports what you said nor a rebuttal of my comment. What are you smoking? That must be some really fine copium.

Edit: let's see if this helps you understand where you're going wrong here and making yourself look stupid. The autopsy is meant to determine the cause of death. It's not up to the coroner to determine culpability under any circumstances. Literally under no circumstances whatsoever. But it stands to reason for anyone with half a brain, if it was a homicide then Floyd's death was caused by Chauvin. Not the drugs. Hope that helps.
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But removing Historical figures that shaped America whether it be for the good or bad is just childish.

Why do they matter?

We obviously live in a different world now, why cling to historical figures whose ideas don't fit in it?

Sure, put them in museums and talk about them in schools, but any discussions should be in the right context. Idealized myth-building is a destructive tenant of hyper nationalism.
Laughing......your Racism is showing. The word Racist gets thrown out so much it doesn't mean squat anymore and is so low in supply in 2023 it has to be manufactured. I knew the word racist meant nothing when I got called a "Racist" on forums like this for simply stating that the movie Black Panther was one of the most overrated movies of all time...Its a fictional movie..laughing..not real. But I lived in neighborhoods growing up where I was the "minority" and had to deal with actual Racists but it didn't shape me because I just chalked up those individuals as being low IQ and Assholes. But removing Historical figures that shaped America whether it be for the good or bad is just childish.

So let me get this straight:

George Floyd, who was absolutely killed by Derek Chauvin despite being on drugs at the time, doesn't deserve any memorialization because he was a bad person. However, removing statues of slavers and traitors who declared War on the United States Government which were erected by their racist descendants to keep those sentiments alive is wrong and childish.

And yet its MY racism thats showing. Lol

You: "That black man is bad, there should be NO statues!!"

Me: "Ok bad people deserve no statues. Well that guy is a traitor who declared War on our Government to keep other people as property, and those statues were erected long after the War by racist organizations. So remove the statues, yes?"

You: "Wait wait, he was 'Historical'..."
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Why do they matter?

We obviously live in a different world now, why cling to historical figures whose ideas don't fit in it?

Sure, put them in museums and talk about them in schools, but any discussions should be in the right context. Idealized myth-building is a destructive tenant of hyper nationalism.
I do like the idea of putting them in museums and discussing them in schools...I don't believe in the destruction of them especially by mindless Mobs who face no punishment for doing so.
So let me get this straight:

George Floyd, who was absolutely killed by Derek Chauvin despite being on drugs at the time, doesn't deserve any memorialization because he was a bad person. However, removing statues of slavers and traitors who declared War on the United States Government which were erected by their racist descendants to keep those sentiments alive is wrong and childish.

And yet its MY racism thats showing. Lol
So lets erect more statues of horrible people like Floyd by modern racists and tear down actual historical statues of people in history whether you like him or not its just childish and foolish and and the equivalent of an adult throwing a temper tantrum... virtue signaling muppets.
So lets erect more statues of horrible people like Floyd by modern racists and tear down actual historical statues of people in history whether you like him or not its just childish and foolish and and the equivalent of an adult throwing a temper tantrum... virtue signaling muppets.

Well at least you are admitting that the statues to "horrible" black men really bother you, but horrible white men you're ok with.
I do like the idea of putting them in museums and discussing them in schools...I don't believe in the destruction of them especially by mindless Mobs who face no punishment for doing so.

I wouldn't call the people taking them down mobs or mindless. Yes, this usually happens when we hit a cultural tipping point but it's almost always the expression of protests that have spanned years or decades.

Criminality is always going to be subjective. People who think tearing down statues can never be righteous are going to advocate for prison time, whereas people who support the removal won't.

The GOP fought tooth and nail to keep a bust of a grand wizard of the KKK in a state capitol building despite decades of protest. This was only recently removed and it was done so legally, but if it had been vandalized and removed illegally would you have objected?
Well at least you are admitting that the statues to "horrible" black men really bother you, but horrible white men you're ok with.

Some people are dancing around this point: Black people bad, white people good.

They don't want to admit what these people represent or why these statues went up, but only want to talk about how terrible person Floyd was.
Well at least you are admitting that the statues to "horrible" black men really bother you, but horrible white men you're ok with.
Historical figures not some Junkee who happened to be "black".
Nothing racist about coming to a Robert e Lee thread to fight about George floyd's murder being a good thing.
Who ever stated it was a good thing and it was about which Statues are deemed worthy of still standing...If George Floyd was some white piece of trash this discussion would still be the same...Muppets always trying to find "Wacism".
Who ever stated it was a good thing and it was about which Statues are deemed worthy of still standing...If George Floyd was some white piece of trash this discussion would still be the same...Muppets always trying to find "Wacism".
stop race baiting, i said it's not racist.
I wouldn't call the people taking them down mobs or mindless. Yes, this usually happens when we hit a cultural tipping point but it's almost always the expression of protests that have spanned years or decades.

Criminality is always going to be subjective. People who think tearing down statues can never be righteous are going to advocate for prison time, whereas people who support the removal won't.

The GOP fought tooth and nail to keep a bust of a grand wizard of the KKK in a state capitol building despite decades of protest. This was only recently removed and it was done so legally, but if it had been vandalized and removed illegally would you have objected?
Yes....I would have objected especially if the mob that did so weren't prosecuted.
Historical figures not some Junkee who happened to be "black".

Traitors, separatists, and racists. Many of whom were also substance abusers as well. Both Lee and Floyd are Historical figures.

You just have a huge problem with the black one being monumentalized
Traitors, separatists, and racists. Many of whom were also substance abusers as well. Both Lee and Floyd are Historical figures.

You just have a huge problem with the black one being monumentalized

You skipped "rapists".

Conservatives performatively hate those guys.
Traitors, separatists, and racists. Many of whom were also substance abusers as well. Both Lee and Floyd are Historical figures.

You just have a huge problem with the black one being monumentalized
Laughing....I would be pissed if someone was advocating for taking down statues of the likes of Martin Luther King....Floyd is not a real Historical Figure and accomplished nothing of significance in his life time, yet you want this to be about race so bad.