Social Your stance on the current state of X (Twitter)

I never used Twitter or the new X.
Well I hear it’s not a libtard echo chamber shithole like it used to be. Sounds fine
The words "twitter", "tweet" are better than "X". The rest is better now than it was before.
Keep this on topic for X

I never really use it, only if I have to use an external app of something requires a tweet to receive reward.

But man has this thing gone down the swanny. My timeline is littered with extremist and violent content of people I don't even follow. The people I do follow don't show up in my feed. I receive notifications promoting hate groups I have never head of. My algorithm seems to push out things I'm actually interested in.

The Mayor of Paris called it a sewer pushing hate and stressing social tensions. Normally I'd argue the content is relevant to your interests but this seems to be completely gone. It's littered with praise for dictatorships, and calls for genocide.

NM the ads intersecting every tweet ... or X or whatever they're called now.
Be a grown up and use the block function. Everyone is perfectly capable of moderating their own content. If you feel you are incapable of doing that, then just don't use the platform.

I am tired of people asking for other people to moderate their content for them. This is the type of crap that leads to mass censorship. The sad part is it's not even ideological... It's just extreme laziness.
Maybe that hate is just how people really feel, and Twitter before was over moderated and you were presented “correct opinions”? 🤔
Be a grown up and use the block function. Everyone is perfectly capable of moderating their own content. If you feel you are incapable of doing that, then just don't use the platform.

I am tired of people asking for other people to moderate their content for them. This is the type of crap that leads to mass censorship. The sad part is it's not even ideological... It's just extreme laziness.
that's funny because I actually blocked a bunch of people recently and those same accounts are being aggressively pushed on me now. In any case blocking does not provide sufficient moderation since I am still receiving retweets from other users on accounts I have blocked.

Also in general I tend to think blocking is a pussy move, unless I'm annoyed by something flooding my timeline
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that's funny because I actually blocked a bunch of people recently and those same accounts are being aggressively pushed on me now. In any case blocking does not provide sufficient moderation since I am still receiving retweets from other users on accounts I have blocked.

Also in general I tend to think blocking is a pussy move, unless I'm annoyed by something flooding my timeline
Just block everyone who retweets ideas you are too sensitive to hear. Others shouldn't have to be shielded from ideas you personally find distasteful.

If you find that you can't get the experience you desire through your own blocking mechanisms, maybe just find a discussion forum where everyone has the same ideas as you. It's difficult to offend anyone in an echo chamber.
Just block everyone who retweets ideas you are too sensitive to hear. Others shouldn't have to be shielded from ideas you personally find distasteful.

If you find that you can't get the experience you desire through your own blocking mechanisms, maybe just find a discussion forum where everyone has the same ideas as you. It's difficult to offend anyone in an echo chamber.
Has nothing to do with being sensitive. I made a twitter account to promote my own stuff/work not get bombarded with other peoples' political opinions. Also, bad info can also rot the mind and reading a lot of that stuff just isn't healthy. But yeah, if someone is manipulating my algorithm to force things on me that I don't want and blocking people is the only way to clear it up then that's probably what I have to do, but the fact stands that blocking doesn't even send the message through anyway and tends to lead to more aggressive targeted hate speech.
Just block everyone who retweets ideas you are too sensitive to hear. Others shouldn't have to be shielded from ideas you personally find distasteful.

If you find that you can't get the experience you desire through your own blocking mechanisms, maybe just find a discussion forum where everyone has the same ideas as you. It's difficult to offend anyone in an echo chamber.

Agree... although the fact that "X" still uses an algorithm to try to force me into an echo-chamber is frustrating. I've taken to following some of the most vile nazi a-holes just to tilt the chamber a bit more towards neutral.
i've never used twitter and i probably never will.
I was the same and I created an account because it was required for a college course. Then I found out Twitter has a good amount of good quality porn clips hahaha!
Aside from here, and discord I havent had social media in years. I cant even be bothered to click on twitter links now, since half the time you have to log in. It's success or failure doesn't change my life in the slightest.
Just my experience, but I never noticed any relevant shift in political ideologies when Musk took over. Something political would be trending and tards of all political ideologies would be arguing for days and that hasn't changed at all.

What I did notice is that the spam and porn went out the roof. Like, I'm no prude but if I'm sitting around and check Twitter for sports news I shouldn't have to scroll through like 20 vids of some camwhore taking it in the ass before actually finding relevant news. They did seem to get a bit better about keeping the porn stuff away in the corner where people who actively use twitter to find porn can still do so (I understand it's a fairly common use) while those who'd rather not have that stuff pop up in their search feeds can actually use twitter around family/friends etc.

Now their problem seems to be comment bots but I don't really care because I just use it (whenever I still do) for sports news
you mean the disproportionate number of democrats, blacks, and young people who are holocaust deniers?

"If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis."

That table is always going to be conservative. Always. If you were a leftist in Nazi Germany you kept it secret or you were shot.

Texas GOP executive committee rejects proposed ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers

You know this, but are playing the same "I know you are but what am I" game you always play.
"If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis."

That table is always going to be conservative. Always. If you were a leftist in Nazi Germany you kept it secret or you were shot.

Texas GOP executive committee rejects proposed ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers

You know this, but are playing the same "I know you are but what am I" game you always play.
Running defense for the Nazis sounds like being a nazi. Who would deny the Holocaust?
Running defense for the Nazis sounds like being a nazi. Who would deny the Holocaust?


You know, the guys that just rejected legislation barring association with holocaust deniers.

You know, the guys that just rejected legislation barring association with holocaust deniers.
What does barring association with Holocaust deniers mean? like, you can’t do interviews with them? Can’t work with them? What does that mean? Sounds like a free speech issue

and I’m sure 10% of self described democrats are actually conservatives
Never really used it. Pre-Musk, I hated how everyone would point to random tweets and extrapolate it to the rest of the known world. Post-Musk, I still hate how everyone points to random tweets and extrapolates it to the rest of the known world.
There are two feeds: For You and Following. Following is the same curated tweets you've always gotten. You're only gonna see things you've subscribed to. For You tends to be more nonsense, but I haven't noticed anything overtly extremist. Just typical culture war mumbo jumbo.