Social Boston's woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu plans secret no WHITES Christmas party: Aide accidentally sent group email invite

That's something I could never get behind. I don't understand the logic one bit.

Letting non-citizens vote? Or the FARA comment? While the FARA comment as a bit of a joke, but every joke should have some truth. With some of these cities/states that have allowed similar measures, where sometimes tens of thousands, if not more non-citizens have come to these cities/states, it could very easily off set elections. Especially concerning in a place like DC and Maryland, where the heart of the federal government is. Though not allowed in federal elections (though that is pretty much unenforceable) local politics can be very influential.

Ngl, I'm shocked this is almost 500 replies. Haven't read, but what is being argued? Is this not obvious discrimination?

---"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.
"victims of racial discrimination"---

^ literally the definition. What is there to argue lol.

@Scerpi posted this a couple pages back. I can't stand Maher but the clip is pretty funny. The smug lady is so dishonest. Comparing a job work party, let alone one at the government, to a social group of friends playing pickle ball or some shit. She also said it was known this party was happening, ignoring it only became known due to an accident. Then tries to minimize they have been doing this for years. These clowns and their word salad responses are really losing steam after being able to rely on nonsense responses for decades now.

Letting non-citizens vote? Or the FARA comment? While the FARA comment as a bit of a joke, but every joke should have some truth. With some of these cities/states that have allowed similar measures, where sometimes tens of thousands, if not more non-citizens have come to these cities/states, it could very easily off set elections. Especially concerning in a place like DC and Maryland, where the heart of the federal government is. Though not allowed in federal elections (though that is pretty much unenforceable) local politics can be very influential.

@Scerpi posted this a couple pages back. I can't stand Maher but the clip is pretty funny. The smug lady is so dishonest. Comparing a job work party, let alone one at the government, to a social group of friends playing pickle ball or some shit. She also said it was known this party was happening, ignoring it only became known due to an accident. Then tries to minimize they have been doing this for years. These clowns and their word salad responses are really losing steam after being able to rely on nonsense responses for decades now.

Ooof. Kind of what I was saying in The Lounge about how no one wants to concede something is bad/wrong/etc because of the team sports mentalities. I mean this conversation would end in 5 seconds if DeSantis had a "Whites Only Holiday Party", rightfully so. She can double down because she knows supporters won't be objective and will pull the ultimate strawman fallacies to defend it. Rinse and repeat.

Edit: also just seems so terrible. Holiday parties are epic getting to see all your coworkers and talk shop in a relaxed setting, free drinks on the company, just having a great time. I don't want to be with the "all whites" or "all blacks" lol like what? Wow lol.
Ooof. Kind of what I was saying in The Lounge about how no one wants to concede something is bad/wrong/etc because of the team sports mentalities. I mean this conversation would end in 5 seconds if DeSantis had a "Whites Only Holiday Party", rightfully so. She can double down because she knows supporters won't be objective and will pull the ultimate strawman fallacies to defend it. Rinse and repeat.

Edit: also just seems so terrible. Holiday parties are epic getting to see all your coworkers and talk shop in a relaxed setting, free drinks on the company, just having a great time. I don't want to be with the "all whites" or "all blacks" lol like what? Wow lol.

Someone like Rod SHOULD do something like that, as a political stunt/joke, just to see the hypocritical backlash.

As an aside, my work's holiday party was at a bar/restaurant, but did not pay for the food or drinks! The last 3 years they did, but for some reason this year they did not and did not tell us until the day of. So cheap
Wow... this actually does seem racist, and not just conservative recreational outrage.

Looks like you found a real one, good job guys. Also lol at the implicit idea here that "people of color" (I still find this term corny as fuck, I know, I'm a bad lefty) are never racist/discriminatory toward each and are a totally unified front.

Curious if any of their spouses friends are huwite and how this lady feels about mixed people of different skin tones.
Wow... this actually does seem racist, and not just conservative recreational outrage.

Looks like you found a real one, good job guys. Also lol at the implicit idea here that "people of color" (I still find this term corny as fuck, I know, I'm a bad lefty) are never racist/discriminatory toward each and are a totally unified front.

Curious if any of their spouses friends are huwite and how this lady feels about mixed people of different skin tones.
her husband is white.
That guy is just a troll. He does this schtick across the forums. Takes no actual position, and tags a bunch of people from all sides and nags them with nonsensical bullshit. He did it all the time in the video game forum, until he stopped getting attention. Just ignore him and he'll go away, and run his game on the Mayberry crowd.

I'm embarrassed that I fell for this act and actually exchanged thoughts/opinions with him.
thanks for the heads up.
Letting non-citizens vote? Or the FARA comment? While the FARA comment as a bit of a joke, but every joke should have some truth. With some of these cities/states that have allowed similar measures, where sometimes tens of thousands, if not more non-citizens have come to these cities/states, it could very easily off set elections. Especially concerning in a place like DC and Maryland, where the heart of the federal government is. Though not allowed in federal elections (though that is pretty much unenforceable) local politics can be very influential.

@Scerpi posted this a couple pages back. I can't stand Maher but the clip is pretty funny. The smug lady is so dishonest. Comparing a job work party, let alone one at the government, to a social group of friends playing pickle ball or some shit. She also said it was known this party was happening, ignoring it only became known due to an accident. Then tries to minimize they have been doing this for years. These clowns and their word salad responses are really losing steam after being able to rely on nonsense responses for decades now.

Sorry. That wasn't clear. I meant letting non-citizens vote.
Someone like Rod SHOULD do something like that, as a political stunt/joke, just to see the hypocritical backlash.

As an aside, my work's holiday party was at a bar/restaurant, but did not pay for the food or drinks! The last 3 years they did, but for some reason this year they did not and did not tell us until the day of. So cheap

Haha! But I don't know I'd have been kind of upset to get TO the holiday party to learn we had to pay for our own food/drinks. Almost like an insult like "hey y'all, we picked a venue and just an fyi it's not free this year so you all pay for everything, see you at work Monday" haha nah.
This is where people get apathetic, like myself, to cases of racism against anyone. Look around and point to the groups against ALL racism? They seem to not exist. Only those against a certain type of racism. Using semantics and new definitions to twist things to their pov. If you don't rail against all forms of it, you support it, in at least some small way. Not talking about little jokes, but things like this. Make fun of whiteys all day. There is a lot of good material.

This whole hullabaloo is not a huge thing to me. Going to keep on keeping on, despite it all. Though pointing out the hypocrisy is something I will still do.
You mean like the all lives matter people? They were run out of town and beaten up by racists who are Essentially black supremacists.
What "energy" specifically? Replying to the one person who DIRECTLY asked me my opinion?

Did someone else ask me a question? If so, I'd give the same "energy" I gave you. Oh but wait...they didn't.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that your world began and ended at the people who asked you the question first on the topic, and not anyone else in the discussion.

Silly me
Let's assume your claims that this is no different than anything else race based is correct, how does that make it ok? Because you've made up in your mind nobody cares about those things? That's the truly dumb thing I'm getting from you here

I didn't say it was okay. I said for you and all of your yahoo friends to be consistent, why is this NOT okay if the congressional black caucus is?

Either both are okay or niether is, and because you can't give a straight answer, speaks louder than any of your rebuttals.
He's panic wrestling after the TKO shots...
You left the fucking cage.

I asked why the congressional black caucus needed to exclude whites now or before and you just stopped responding.

Easy to backseat commentate a fight when you've ran back to the safety of the locker room.
I'm embarrassed that I fell for this act and actually exchanged thoughts/opinions with him.
thanks for the heads up.

You should be more embarrassed that you couldn't answer the questions based on your own assertions.

Still no word from you on when the ripples of racism ended.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that your world began and ended at the people who asked you the question first on the topic, and not anyone else in the discussion.

Silly me

Well, my only other post itt was a joke...otherwise I wouldn't be posting at all in this one. I'm not sure why me giving you an earnest answer (that I don't love groups excluding people based on race in general, but I also don't think it's some major catastrophe most of the time) wouldn't satisfy you?
Well, my only other post it was a joke...otherwise I wouldn't be posting at all in this one. I'm not sure why me giving you an earnest answer (that I don't love groups excluding people based on race in general, but I also don't think it's some major catastrophe most of the time) wouldn't satisfy you?

If you're issue is with outrage over the subject, then have some issue with the outrage you see across this thread. Why you people are so picky and choosey speaks volumes about your integrity.
I didn't say it was okay. I said for you and all of your yahoo friends to be consistent, why is this NOT okay if the congressional black caucus is?

Either both are okay or niether is, and because you can't give a straight answer, speaks louder than any of your rebuttals.

I think any groupings based on race js stupid but you never asked my position you just assumed it like an idiot
If you're issue is with outrage over the subject, then have some issue with the outrage you see across this thread. Why you people are so picky and choosey speaks volumes about your integrity.

Why does everyone have to have an "issue" regarding this? My integrity is fully intact. Not feeling the need to judge everyone for how passionate they are/aren't about this has nothing to do with "integrity". I gave MY view. Nothing more or less.

What's interesting to me is your feeble attempts to spin everything into a narrative that you can attack. The fact that you fail so badly at it is one thing, but the real question is "why?" Why take that tact? Is it because you prefer internet squabbles over rational discussion or....?