Crime Donald Trump Violated US Constitution by Accepting Millions of Dollars From China

doesnt surprise me and no longer care. people in glass houses and all that. No one seemed to bat an eyelid over democrats and their pay to play approach to the Whitehouse, the Clintons and their foundation, so why should i care about trump?
doesnt surprise me and no longer care. people in glass houses and all that. No one seemed to bat an eyelid over democrats and their pay to play approach to the Whitehouse, the Clintons and their foundation, so why should i care about trump?
its quite funny you bring up foundations cause remember when trump had to shut down his for being too crooked to operate
doesnt surprise me and no longer care. people in glass houses and all that. No one seemed to bat an eyelid over democrats and their pay to play approach to the Whitehouse, the Clintons and their foundation, so why should i care about trump?
doesnt make sense. if you cared about the democrats doing it you should care about trump doing it, regardless what others think..
Biden too.

And the US congress is owned by Israel.
It's really something else that the Trumptards are already here defending their orange god and getting mad at TS for simply stating a truth. Don't you guys have any shame at all? This was the guy that was in your words "tough on China" and you even mocked the current president by giving him the nickname "Beijing Biden". Have some fucking principles you partisan hacks. It's so boring, we all know what you'd be saying if a democrat was accepting money like this.

It's not allowed.

Criticism of Trump is 'desperation'.

sonia sotomayor? that's a weird one to bring up to try to whatabout cheeto benito's wrongdoings away.

can't say i had sonia sotomayor on my deflection bingo card. i guess from now on every president and his family member who ever accepts a penny of dirty foreign money shall now and forever be excused for their misdeeds because of sonia sotomayor and whatever kind of shady shit that she once did. except for hunter and the big guy. or any democrat. we can't let them get away with such terrible crimes that we think they might have been involved in.
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So, it's at all a big deal to some that the former POTUS made millions of dollars from Chinese officials and diplomats staying at his properties ?

And the same guy who said he was tough on China ??

Ehhh..... and it's even more funny and pathetic that it seems like his biggest backers on here are Canadians.
So, it's at all a big deal to some that the former POTUS made millions of dollars from Chinese officials and diplomats staying at his properties ?

And the same guy who said he was tough on China ??

Ehhh..... and it's even more funny and pathetic that it seems like his biggest backers on here are Canadians.

- Andreas Roberts in your avatar?
Sadly dude never competed in Japan!
Sigh......How the hell is this nothing burger even thread worthy?
So, it's at all a big deal to some that the former POTUS made millions of dollars from Chinese officials and diplomats staying at his properties ?

And the same guy who said he was tough on China ??

Ehhh..... and it's even more funny and pathetic that it seems like his biggest backers on here are Canadians.
Baffles the ever-living fuck out of me. Their moms must have spit on them when they were growing up or something.
sonia sotomayor? that's a weird one to bring up to try to whatabout cheeto benito's wrongdoings away.

can't say i had sonia sotomayor on my deflection bingo card. i guess from now on every president and his family member who ever accepts a penny of dirty foreign money shall now and forever be excused for their misdeeds because of sonia sotomayor and whatever kind of shady shit that she once did. except for hunter and the big guy. or any democrat. we can't let them get away with such terrible crime that we think they might have been involved in.

Sotomayor isnt blatantly asking for Sugar Daddies like Thomas was, either.

So, it's at all a big deal to some that the former POTUS made millions of dollars from Chinese officials and diplomats staying at his properties ?

And the same guy who said he was tough on China ??

Ehhh..... and it's even more funny and pathetic that it seems like his biggest backers on here are Canadians.

Tough on China? His stance on China hurt US Industry so much we needed MORE subsidization, not less. And he always spoke of Xi like a HS girl with a crush on the resident belligerent jock
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doesnt surprise me and no longer care. people in glass houses and all that. No one seemed to bat an eyelid over democrats and their pay to play approach to the Whitehouse, the Clintons and their foundation, so why should i care about trump?
Orange man bad.
