YouTube Just Got Crappier


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
They've injected ads into shorts so now when you're scrolling you'll end up with sponsored ads just like the long form videos. Also for some reason they took away the ability to report short channels or select "don't recommend this." Just when you think they can't get shittier, they come up with new ideas.
This is what happens when a company has a monopoly. Eventually, taking this for granted, they'll erode it to a point the previously unthinkable becomes possible, and a competitor is suddenly viable.
This is what happens when a company has a monopoly. Eventually, taking this for granted, they'll erode it to a point the previously unthinkable becomes possible, and a competitor is suddenly viable.
I'm probably done with the site. They nuked a really good podcast channel for no reason and without warning as well. I usually use it for music but I'll have to switch to Spotify or something.
now Ad started before the videos, it normally used to be video for about few mins before ad appear
Yeah they've been doing the adds on shorts for a minute. What pisses me off is how they fucking know when I'm in the shower and start playing bizarre 15 minute + adds. Have to poke skip add thru the shower ffs.
I'm probably done with the site. They nuked a really good podcast channel for no reason and without warning as well. I usually use it for music but I'll have to switch to Spotify or something.
Unfortunately I can't really be done at this point. I follow dozens of channels and watch more YouTube than all the streaming services I have combined.
" How can we fuck our own butts and give our competitors a giant window of opportunity to rise up and supplant us?" - geniuses running google
I have said this but IMO internet peaked like 5 to 3 years ago. There was a lot of free, excellent stuff and it was operable. Now everything is for subscription, give your email ONCE to log in to anything and you ll get spams and newsletter to death. Websites have a bunch of adds and trash flash players all over the place.
My combo of adblock (for firefox) and Brave browser still protect me from all and any advertising, Youtube working as well as ever for me (apart from the sea of clickbait for retards that infests the frontpage all the time)

I miss when Youtube had no rules. (Pretty much literally)

It's so over-regulated now, it's insane.

You could say that about the internet in general TBH (and it's only gonna keep getting worse)...