Sherbytes: Industry News Megathread, v.1

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Man, fuck Embracer! Bunch of ignorant cocksuckers that came in and thought they could throw their weight around and buy up all these studios when they had no idea what they were doing. At this point I’d much rather they try to divest and offload their studios to new homes than to slowly just shut them all down until there’s nothing left. Idiots.
Strongly agree. Every week it feels like another defenestration story with them, yikes.
Interesting appointment but I'm sure folks will be very even-keeled about it and not just rage about wokeness or whatever.

And so it begins

She's a competent leader who's a company hardliner.

How she shutdown the adderall scandal of late 2020 put her on the fast track to higher positions. If the country/world wasnt in the middle of a pandemic the Department of Justice wouldve gotten involved. In a few years she'll likely be Activision/Blizzard CEO.
She's a competent leader who's a company hardliner.

How she shutdown the adderall scandal of late 2020 put her on the fast track to higher positions. If the country/world wasnt in the middle of a pandemic the Department of Justice wouldve gotten involved. In a few years she'll likely be Activision/Blizzard CEO.
Yeah, she's not the most qualified appointment I've seen but also her resume doesn't wow really.
Yeah, she's not the most qualified appointment I've seen but also her resume doesn't wow really.

She's actually overqualified to be President of Blizzard. Her taking this position is actually a downgrade to her previous one. Though this is a test from the board of directors to see if she can turn Blizzard around.

Problem people seem to having is that her origins arent through game development. So expect Blizzard fanboys to start posting that Steve Jobs clip.
She's actually overqualified to be President of Blizzard. Her taking this position is actually a downgrade to her previous one. Though this is a test from the board of directors to see if she can turn around Blizzard.

Problem people seem to having is that her origins arent through game development. So expect Blizzard fanboys to start posting that Steve Jobs clip.
Yeah, not having game design experience is a pretty big gap in resume for president of a studio. I don't really know how much stock to put in her time as GM for COD given COD hasn't really been great and has become a drastically worse actual product. But guess we'll find out sooner or later.
Yeah, not having game design experience is a pretty big gap in resume for president of a studio. I don't really know how much stock to put in her time as GM for COD given COD hasn't really been great and has become a drastically worse actual product. But guess we'll find out sooner or later.

Speaking strictly from a business sense. Excluding King, COD is the only game that has scaled and increased in profit year on year across Activision/Blizzards portfolio.

Current state of Blizzard is at the feet of past executives who were all ex-developers. I have a hypothesis why but my hate boner for Activision/Blizzard is already approaching 'seek medical assistance' stage :cool:
Speaking strictly from a business sense. Excluding King, COD is the only game that has scaled and increased in profit year on year across Activision/Blizzards portfolio.

Current state of Blizzard is at the feet of past executives who were all ex-developers. I have a hypothesis why but my hate boner for Activision/Blizzard is already approaching 'seek medical assistance' stage :cool:

Hasn't Diablo also done better? I remember reading the mobile game made a ton of money and then Diablo 4 made even more than that.
Rocksteady’s 2024 live service Suicide Squad confirmed updated at eleventh hour for Denuvo DRM, it’s reported.
Hasn't Diablo also done better? I remember reading the mobile game made a ton of money and then Diablo 4 made even more than that.

Last i heard Immortal was making two million a day globally(?). Sure Diablo4 made the same last year at launch. Find it unlikely theyll pull anything remotely close to that post-launch with seasons, battlepasses and in-game store sales.
Former Volition Games vets have formed a new studio called Shapeshifter games are working on an Xbox Games Studio Project

Always loved their studio logo, actually.
Always loved V's studio logo, actually. Interested to see what Shapeshifter's is.
60 out of 72 employees at Blizzards esport division were part of the layoffs:
Tokyo RPG Factory is no more, all the assets and liabilities will be merged into Square Enix

Tokyo RPG Factory is no more, all the assets and liabilities will be merged into Square Enix

Honestly forgot they existed. Their 3 games were not exactly great, and the last one came out like 5 years ago.
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