Social Woke Kindergarten causes students to score lower in math and reading

No it's loony parody that you would be griping about this. You don't even get why you're being mocked.

Should fucking kindergarten be "anti woke"? Where they teach small children that racism is good, gay people are bad and should be beaten in the streets, and people that aren't christian should be killed?

The next right wing boogeyman - woke NAP TIME!!!!
The children in woke Kindergarten are doing worse in reading and math.

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur realize this program is a complete failure that does nothing to help kids.
The children in woke Kindergarten are doing worse in reading and math.

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur realize this program is a complete failure that does nothing to help kids.
Yeah this one off woke kindergarten is definitely a major society wide problem that we should all be outraged and up in arms about.

Also - fuck Ana kasparian and cenk uygur. Who gives a fuck what those muppets think?
So why's she living in the US and partaking in it's benefits
The same reason all those dipshit celebrities that constantly say they're "leaving" the US because this or that political issue but never do: They actually realize how good they have it here vs. nearly anywhere else in the world.
Its a good thing cyber school is free, because there is no way i would send my kid to that school. Back in the day i would be getting fined and possible jail time for refusing to send my kid to school.
"tHe EnTirE LeFt SuPpOrtS ThIS"

Mainstream left TYT: "This is racist nonsense garbage"
Socialist Vaush: "This is a terrible idea/ A Grift/ The person running this is unwell"

Whoever approved funding for this for one year (let alone 3) should be fired and anyone who supports this is a moron.
Catholic school is totally different from Evangelicals. Catholics see no conflict between science and Christianity. There's an official Vatican Astronomer, even.

They aren't teaching young-earth creationism or that the Earth is flat or arguing against evolution or any of that plainly wrong shit.
I wouldn't got that far. They have less conflicts. They only admitted in the 90s earth wasn't flat. It tells a lot about them.
I wouldn't got that far. They have less conflicts. They only admitted in the 90s earth wasn't flat. It tells a lot about them.
Dude. You're talking to a they. I was baptized, was confirmed, and took my first communion in front of the entire church. Some of my teachers were nuns. That was way before the 90's. Way way before. Never for a second was any doubt cast by anyone on the findings of science with respect to the solar system and beyond. They aren't about contradicting Eratosthenes; don't be ridiculous. Whatever gave you this idea?

"The Church has had a long-standing interest in astronomy, due to the astronomical basis of the calendar by which holy days and Easter are determined. For instance, the Gregorian Calendar, promulgated in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, was developed by Aloysius Lilius and later modified by Christoph Clavius at the Collegio Romano from astronomical data. The Gregorian Tower was completed in 1580 for his purpose, designed by Bolognese architect Ottaviano Nonni."
Dude. You're talking to a they. I was baptized, was confirmed, and took my first communion in front of the entire church. Some of my teachers were nuns. That was way before the 90's. Way way before. Never for a second was any doubt cast by anyone on the findings of science with respect to the solar system and beyond. They aren't about contradicting Eratosthenes; don't be ridiculous. Whatever gave you this idea?

"The Church has had a long-standing interest in astronomy, due to the astronomical basis of the calendar by which holy days and Easter are determined. For instance, the Gregorian Calendar, promulgated in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, was developed by Aloysius Lilius and later modified by Christoph Clavius at the Collegio Romano from astronomical data. The Gregorian Tower was completed in 1580 for his purpose, designed by Bolognese architect Ottaviano Nonni."
I misremembered. It wasn't flat earth, it was about the relation between the earth and the sun.

Never for a second was any doubt cast by anyone on the findings of science with respect to the solar system and beyond

It took them 350 years to apologize to Galileo. Even then they felt the need to say they acted in good faith.
"tHe EnTirE LeFt SuPpOrtS ThIS"

Mainstream left TYT: "This is racist nonsense garbage"
Socialist Vaush: "This is a terrible idea/ A Grift/ The person running this is unwell"
But you do recognize that this is coming directly from the left, yeah? Targeting children with their extremist batshit ideology in schools, didn't begin with this. If you don't like this, then you shouldn't like any other extreme leftist crap they're pushing in schools. This is just a highly condensed version of what leftists have been supporting and pushing on kids. Does it only become bad when you get the full monty? None of that shit is good for kids, regardless of how filtered it is.
Maybe we are testing the wrong things. If the tests focused on the 13 genders and pronouns, these kids would ace it
BLM and Social Justice protesting/rioting/disrupting is more important than Math and Reading, duh. {<jordan}

Hey, at least there is some phys-ed when they learn the proper ways to throw Molotov cocktails, run from police, and de-arrest comrades

Woke Kindergarten’ leader wants US, Israel destroyed: ‘We’ve been trying to end y’all’

A San Francisco Bay-area elementary school was trained by an organization called “Woke Kindergarten,” whose leader wants to see America and Israel destroyed as countries, according to posts on social media.

According to the website, the head of the organization is “Akiea ‘Ki’ Gross (they/them)” who “is an abolitionist early educator, cultural organizer and creator currently innovating ways to resist, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten.”

"I believe the United States has no right to exist. I believe every settler colony who has committed genocide against native peoples, against Indigenous people, has no right to exist,” Gross said in a recent Instagram post. “Y’all the demons. Y’all are the villains. We’ve been trying to end y’all. Get free of y’all.”

“I believe in a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” Gross continued.

Gross’ curriculum materials have been used in numerous schools. “Woke Kindergarten” is described on its website as “supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation.”

Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, California, spent $250,000 in federal funds provided by a program meant to help boost test scores for some of the country’s lowest-performing schools, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. But after two years with “Woke Kindergarten,” students’ scores are reportedly worse.

Less than 12% of the students can read at their grade level and under 4% are proficient in math, a 4% drop in both subjects in the last two years, according to the Chronicle.

Kindergarten kids are taught to hate America, whites, Isreal instead of being to taught how to read, write and do math. The left is a cult.

Imagine how future generations will look back on this type of hatred not only being tolerated, but celebrated. I have no sympathy for this asshole teacher railing against the country whose freedoms she gets to enjoy every day. She's just a truly awful human to her core.

California school suspends teacher who criticized ‘Woke Kindergarten’ curriculum.​

Not surprised this happened.
"tHe EnTirE LeFt SuPpOrtS ThIS"

Mainstream left TYT: "This is racist nonsense garbage"
Socialist Vaush: "This is a terrible idea/ A Grift/ The person running this is unwell"

Whoever approved funding for this for one year (let alone 3) should be fired and anyone who supports this is a moron.
Well the people who approved the funding weren't fired, the lady who complained about it was the one placed on leave.

Lol at Vaush. Is that the dude who accidentally clicked the wrong button on a stream and showed his porn collection full of horse porn and cartoons of children?

The stream was going fine, until he accidentally pulled up a folder on his computer for a very brief second, quickly getting it off the screen. Unfortunately for Vaush, the stream was clipped and screenshotted by some viewers, who started posting it to 4chan and X. By looking at a high-quality image you can make out what appears to be adult imagery along with sub-folders containing further adult content (and also his tax information). All the images shown appear to be drawn and depict what some are alleging is underage anime characters and characters inappropriately engaging with horses.