Skynet is here

I can't wait until they make them slightly more attractive so I can have sex with it! Life is good.

I also opened this thread and immediately thought:

"Yeah... Fuck that"

But, in a very different context.

If they make good sex robots, it could be the end of the human race.
In 5 years he'll be lazy like the rest of us

So here is something entertaining..

DARPA as most people know has been involved with the advancement of human like robots (they funded Boston Dynamics for example). Well, DARPA also created the Information Awareness Office

The Information Awareness Office (IAO) was established by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in January 2002 to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other asymmetric threats to U.S. national security by achieving "Total Information Awareness" (TIA).[4][5][6]

It was achieved by creating enormous computer databases to gather and store the personal information of everyone in the United States, including personal e-mails, social networks, credit card records, phone calls, medical records, and numerous other sources, without any requirement for a search warrant.[7] The information was then analyzed for suspicious activities, connections between individuals, and "threats".[8] The program also included funding for biometric surveillance technologies that could identify and track individuals using surveillance cameras and other methods.[8]

And get this.. This is their logo!


Human like robots and mass surveillance under the same roof? If anything is giving off Skynet vibes this has to be up there
inb4 this gets moved to the war room, because this shit all started when folks let Toby Keith and gw bush strip them of their constitutional rights bc of “PATRIOTIC FREEDOM!”
eventually, chatGPT developers will arrive at a point where GPT will be advanced enough that it can develop its own future gens better than humans can. It may see no need for human collaboration any longer, human involvement will only be a hinderance

that will be Pandoras Box. All the questions Clarke/Kubrick posed with HAL9000, Dick/Scott posed with Roy Batty/replicants and many other questions the human brain isn't developed enough to ask, will have to be answered at that point
F$ck me.

Why you people are so dull? You can create the best scripted bot out there. That's what is. A bot and always will be. Will process only the information it gets scripted to it. Nothing more. All this is just for show, to make people talk. Because when everyone talks then someone out there makes money out of it.

You putting egg in and you will get an egg back.

Put egg in and take chicken out and you will impress me. Yet to see it.
About dam time !!

Before I leave this world I want to see Terminator for real