Social Candace Owens pushes theory that Macron's wife is transgender

That's why I adored Final Fantasy VII.

More specifically, the snow boarding mini game inside it.

Your best run appeared as a phantom boarder so you were always racing against your best time, it was awesome.

That's literally all I remember about Final Fantasy VII.

Sephiroth's music?

They had lost the war against homosexuality and figured they had a shot against the trans community.

They're winning some key battles now but they'll eventually lose this war too.
the American Principles Project, a national conservative think tank that campaigns against abortion, same sex marriage, and trans rights. Heading into the 2020 election, APP’s executive director Terry Schilling told the Times that APP was faced with a challenge: Conservative groups that campaigned against social issues like abortion and LGBTQ rights had been shying away from electoral politics in the past few years. APP’s polling showed that the anti-trans “bathroom bills” had failed to be the wedge issue that they’d hoped in 2016, and they were losing political ground. APP was determined to turn that around. “What we’re doing is trying to show Republicans that they could win on these issues,” Shilling said.

They pivoted to a new strategy, first testing it out in the 2019 Kentucky governor’s race — a “pilot program” for the 2020 election. Rather than focusing on the purported threat of “biological men in bathrooms,” they turned to trans kids in school sports. It makes the case stronger, APP founder Frank Cannon told the Times, because it focused on “the idea that you are taking something away from people” — that their daughters could be losing their spot on the team, their wins, their scholarships, to someone assigned male at birth.

“This is an old playbook,” says Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign. Conservatives have consistently played on fears of lost opportunities and vulnerable children: After integration, conservatives stoked fears that black people would usurp white athletes; in the 1970s, Miami’s “Save Our Children” campaign effectively changed public opinion on gay people by casting them as a moral threat to kids. Just take out “gay” or “people of color” and replace it with “trans,” David says, “and it’s the same arguments they’re using now.”

APP’s candidate didn’t win the governor’s race, but their polling found that he did pick up nearly 13,000 new votes. And that was proof enough that it could work in the Trump campaign. When APP took the strategy national, they kept the “trans kids” angle, but expanded it, debuting three ads in Michigan about trans student athletes, and two that accused Joe Biden of endorsing “gender change treatments in minors.” It may not have turned the election for Trump, but the campaign stuck, and state-level politicians have jumped on the wedge issue for 2021


This is the real reason why. R voters are eaily manipulated because they have been trained to be reactionary by right wing media. I might start a thread sometime in which I document all the stages this test bedding of antitrans proganada comes from. I have minutes from APP meetings (and other "think tanks") starting in 2014 in which they talk about how to use antitrans rhetoric as a wedge issue because antimuslim and anti same-sex marriage issues are running out of steam.
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"Gender isn't a social construct!!!"
*begins forensically analyzing every picture of Macron's wife ever taken, and socializing themselves into believing that a biological woman is a biological man*

That's your best defence against someone who thinks it's probably true?

Well done for coming up with a good argument. Same old shit.
Step up from the rumor of her being his Mother.

I can't wait for the two therories to merge into;

Bridgette: Obamawan Kenobi never told you what happened to your father.

Emmanual: He told me enough! He told me YOU killed him.

Bridgette: No, I am your father.


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That's why I adored Final Fantasy VII.

More specifically, the snow boarding mini game inside it.

Your best run appeared as a phantom boarder so you were always racing against your best time, it was awesome.

That's literally all I remember about Final Fantasy VII.
You check out the remakes ?
My guess would be the Left Wing's constant promotion of it.

For example, Joe Biden just put out a message about a hate crime against some trans girl who was involved in a fight, and it turned out that he(or she) started the fight and then committed suicide the next day.

Meanwhile the important shit that he should be concerned with (Like letting in violent illegals that murder young women) he stays silent. And when he weas forced to talk about it, he them had to apologize to the murderer for calling him "illegal"
The left “why do you guys talk about LBGTQ+ so much .. “
also the left
The left “why do you guys talk about LBGTQ+ so much .. “
also the left

"'Libs of Tiktok' is a propaganda outlet that posts nothing but lies...unless it's about a 90 year old woman volunteer for an MS charity being let go for being confused over pronouns. Then I just duck out of the thread like the coward I am, and pretend it didn't happen, because I'm a bitter lonely old incel clinging onto a 'progressive' cause to make my life seem worthwhile."

- @Loiosh
"'Libs of Tiktok' is a propaganda outlet that posts nothing but lies...unless it's about a 90 year old woman volunteer for an MS charity being let go for being confused over pronouns. Then I just duck out of the thread like the coward I am, and pretend it didn't happen, because I'm a bitter lonely old incel clinging onto a 'progressive' cause to make my life seem worthwhile."

Interview she did two weeks ago was pretty bad. Showed a lack of knowledge on topics she hyper fixates on.
I wonder if she genuinely believes this crap or is just feigning belief to grift the rightwing.
Your post reflects the nature of yourself, not Candace. You are projecting. Grifting is what you would do if given the opportunity. You are capable of it so you just assume that's what other people would automatically do.

Newsflash, there are actual genuine people out there.
Never heard of her until now. Is she super rich or something? How is a 46 year old man married to a 70 year old woman?
Your post reflects the nature of yourself, not Candace. You are projecting. Grifting is what you would do if given the opportunity. You are capable of it so you just assume that's what other people would automatically do.

Newsflash, there are actual genuine people out there.
It's ironic how you say I don't know Candace but you are soo dam sure you know me.

This CT is soo asinine that she has to be grifting. She is media and politically savy enough to not fall for this nonsense.

When Mike Lindell pushed the election fraud case I stated that I feel sorry for him because I believe he genuinely believes the election was stolen. Candace does not strike me as genuine.
Interview she did two weeks ago was pretty bad. Showed a lack of knowledge on topics she hyper fixates on.
Maybe almost as bad a the moms for liberty interview that came out around the same time. Or when Matt walsh told Slow Bogan that millions of child in the US were receiving gender affirming care and got fact checked in real time.

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Never heard of her until now. Is she super rich or something? How is a 46 year old man married to a 70 year old woman?

Too much "extra credit" teacher porn on pornhub?

Wait no, if that was the case I'd be with my 5th form english teacher. Miss White.
