Elections Fakenews fabricates Trump "bloodbath" hoax

at a rally, trump talks about china trying to make car plants in mexico then sneaking their cars into the country without paying tax at the border. trump then says he'll add a 100% tariff on them if he's elected and if he's not it will be a bloodbath as it pertains to china getting away with with this.

and of course.....the shitlib fake news machine paints him out to be a "violent tyrant dictator insurrectionist": "BREAKING NEWS! TRUMP SAYS THERE WILL BE BLOOD IF HE LOSES THE ELECTION!!"


watch video for full context:

this is the same old:

drink bleach
mexicans are rapists
very fine people
overturn the election

...deranged fakenews bullshit we've heard for almost 10 years. you pussies should be ashamed of yourselves.

LOL at Super Snowflake's shit getting so many likes from his chuds.

Even finished off his post with some Chud Persecution Fetish Greatest Hits.

Trump openly mused about injecting disinfectant during a Covid-19 press conference.

Trump said the Mexicans coming over were rapists and murderers.

Trump said there were very fine people on both sides.

Trump tried to overturn the election.

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LOL at Super Snowflakes shit getting so many likes from his chuds.

Even finished off his post with some Chud Persecution Fetish Greatest Hits.

Trump openly mused about injecting disinfectant during a Covid-19 press conference.

Trump said the Mexicans coming over were rapists and murderers.

Trump said there were very fine people on both sides.

Trump tried to overturn the election.

"b-b-b-but thats not what he meant
da libtards are misinterpreting him!"

fake media!

Crazy that he was an American cultural icon for 30+ years Republicans/Democrats/Everyone may have not "loved" him but he was celebrated....then he opposed/defeated Hillary , and for 8 years+ it's been full "waves on the beach" erosion to destroy him. CIA/FBI/Elected Officials/Media have turned to 24 hour a day coverage to ruin him. Even now our lives are definitely worse than 3 years ago...and Biden's message is not "stick with me to see my plan through", it's "Trump is obsessed with revenge..so vote for me" after the last 7 years by the Democrats having been on a full blown Revenge Tour.
You guys have been going all in with this lie lately. It's incredible how you guys all get on the same page and spam your dishonest talking points.

Remember this?


It's a whole room of people laughing at your beloved cultural icon as he gets made fun of. It's from 2011.

He was mocked on magazine covers going back to the 80's. He was mocked in major movies, like Back To The Future 2.

He's a clown, and has been one for decades.
You guys have been going all in with this lie lately. It's incredible how you guys all get on the same page and spam your dishonest talking points.

Remember this?


It's a whole room of people laughing at your beloved cultural icon as he gets made fun of. It's from 2011.

He was mocked on magazine covers going back to the 80's. He was mocked in major movies, like Back To The Future 2.

He's a clown, and has been one for decades.
It was an apt joke when Donald Trump's Presidential aspirations seemed like one.

Tell us now, who got the last laugh on that one?
Why does it seem more than any other politician or political person Trump always gets that cushion of "It was taken out of context" or maybe it was just meant as what it was said? He's a grown-ass man he should know how to express himself in the proper terms or pick your words carefully especially if you're running to be president of the United States where context truly matters.
Nothing genius about the way he communicates...pretty easy to replicate really...just pick a subject you know Nothing about and bloviate about how you're the best ever at it cause you have great genetics....boom, Trump speak.

My Uncle told me many years ago...he was a brilliant man, OK, he was a Grandmaster in Chess, one of the best! And he wasn't the only member of my family who was brilliant! Scientists, mathematicians, real scholars folks. This is back when schools taught things. Now, the only thing they teach is Communism. But my Uncle, the chess player, him and I, together, we have like, many of the same genes. And it's genes with a G, Ok? When it starts with a J, that means pants, OK? Not a lot of people know that. Not a lot of people know that. So, our genes, they make us real smart. Real smart. But really good athletes too. I was always the best at everything. I was the best baseball player in New York growing up. Everybody said so; nobody knows about that! Usually it's one or the other, ya know? These guys with big muscles, you see them, you think, 'wow!' But they don't have big muscles in their heads, usually. Usually not big muscles in the head. And guys who are smart, you see them, they're not so tough looking! And so really, it's like one or the other, usually. One or the other. And that's unfortunate. Because wouldn't it be nice? Just imagine? OK, like, if you could combine them? Wouldn't that be cool? Well, that's what my family did. People come up to me all the time, some have tears in their eyes, and they say 'sir, you know more than anybody else (it's true!) and you say it all while having such broad shoulders!' It's nice. It's a nice compliment. They're very honorable people. Not like this trash, this scum, this filth, that you have in the media. Boy, do they try to do a number on you! So dishonest, so dishonest. They're animals. But so, my uncle, he said...numbers! Numbers folks! Speaking of doing numbers. My uncle did numbers. He did numbers too. But honest numbers. Not dishonest numbers, like the media. With their hit jobs! Their hoaxes! Their witch hunts! So, numbers, my uncle, a Trump, like me, we're so good with numbers. We know the best numbers! I was 45 first, you know, because I was the 45th president. Now, when I win again in 2024, they tell me I'll be the 47th president? How does that work? No, no, I'm 45. I'm 45. I never lost. I won the election. Why should I change my number? This is like when Michael Jordan came back, and they told him - Micheal Jordan! - you can't be 23 anymore, Mike! And what happened? They lost, like dogs! We're not gonna make the same mistake. We're not going to let them do that to us. I'm gonna be 45. And by the way, I like that number so much, let's just end it there. No more numbers. What are we going to have one day, like President 600? That's too many to count. Imagine that. Let's just keep it at 45, folks.
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My Uncle told me many years ago...he was a brilliant man, OK, he was a Grandmaster in Chess, one of the best! And he wasn't the only member of my family who was brilliant! Scientists, mathematicians, real scholars folks. This is back when schools taught things. Now, the only thing they teach is Communism. But my Uncle, the chess player, him and I, together, we have like, many of the same genes. And it's genes with a G, Ok? When it starts with a J, that means pants, OK? Not a lot of people know that. Not a lot of people know that. So, our genes, they make us real smart. Real smart. But really good athletes too. I was always the best at everything. I was the best baseball player in New York growing up. Everybody said so; nobody knows about that! Usually it's one or the other, ya know? These guys with big muscles, you see them, you think, 'wow!' But they don't have big muscles in their heads, usually. Usually not big muscles in the head. And guys who are smart, you see them, they're not so tough looking! And so really, it's like one or the other, usually. One or the other. And that's unfortunate. Because wouldn't it be nice? Just imagine? OK, like, if you could combine them? Wouldn't that be cool? Well, that's what my family did. People come up to me all the time, some have tears in their eyes, and they say 'sir, you know more than anybody else (it's true!) and you say it all while having such broad shoulders!' It's nice. It's a nice compliment. They're very honorable people. Not like this trash, this scum, this filth, that you have in the media. Boy, do they try to do a number on you! So dishonest, so dishonest. They're animals. But so, my uncle, he said...numbers! Numbers folks! Speaking of doing numbers. My uncle did numbers. He did numbers too. But honest numbers. Not dishonest numbers, like the media. With their hit jobs! Their hoaxes! Their witch hunts! So, numbers, my uncle, a Trump, like me, we're so good with numbers. We know the best numbers! I was 45 first, you know, because I was the 45th president. Now, when I win again in 2024, they tell me I'll be the 47th president? How does that work? No, no, I'm 45. I'm 45. I never lost. I won the election. Why should I change my number? This is like when Michael Jordan came back, and they told him - Micheal Jordan! - you can't be 23 anymore, Mike! And what happened? They lost, like dogs! We're not gonna make the same mistake. We're not going to let them do that to us. I'm gonna be 45. And by the way, I like that number so much, let's just end it there. No more numbers. What are we going to have one day, like President 600? That's too many to count. Imagine that. Let's just keep it at 45, folks.
Stable. Fucking. Genius.

trump doesn't represent conservatism

He represent a voice for the stupid.
If Trump wins, and i expect he will, i have no doubt at all that there will be a large amount of violence across America, and possibly in some other Western countries.
Much worse than the blm riots. It will be planned.
If Trump wins, and i expect he will, i have no doubt at all that there will be a large amount of violence across America, and possibly in some other Western countries.
Much worse than the blm riots. It will be planned.
I mean..I work for a "top half" Fortune 500 company in a security/surveillance role. We have offices in NYC/Chicago/Washington DC(among other places), and we had expectations of a "civil unrest threat" similar to the "Summer of George Floyd" to our buildings/employees during the 2020 election. It seemed like all business owners in those areas particularly were boarding up, and preparing for "The worst". Then things "calmed" when Biden won..now after J6 each side have shown that they are willing to "throw down" to express their "dissatisfaction" with the results we are already planning for the worst regardless of who wins.
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If Trump wins, and i expect he will, i have no doubt at all that there will be a large amount of violence across America, and possibly in some other Western countries.
Much worse than the blm riots. It will be planned.

Planned by the intelligence/three letter agencies, both foreign and domestic.
"b-b-b-but thats not what he meant
da libtards are misinterpreting him!"

fake media!


Was Trump mocking that guy because he had a disability or because he was a shitty reporter?

I am still trying to find a video of that guy with the little hand acting spastic like that. So far, none can be found.

"Don't make fun of Joe Biden, he has a stutter"

Lol, 25 pages now of the old sherdog lefties getting duped yet again and trying to defend being treated like complete idiots with "it's still real to me, dammit". This place is great.
Yes. Because trump is a "righty"

and all the people who truly get, understand and are able to decipher him are his astutely intellectual followers like you dumbass.

Planned by the intelligence/three letter agencies, both foreign and domestic.
and also the media, and big tech, and hollywood, and the politicians, and the justice system and the intelligence agencies

all the deep state entities that have been working against him since he wrapped season 8 of the Apprentice.
Yes. Because trump is a "righty"

and all the people who truly get, understand and are able to decipher him are his astutely intellectual followers like you dumbass.


Aw, you think it requires an "astute intellectual" to understand an extremely common figure of speech?
