Social Candace Owens has been dropped from The Daily Wire.

She will be back in a different format. Elections are coming up.
I might be in the minority but I wouldn't compare Anna Kasparian to the likes of Dore or Brand.

I detest Shapiro but I think he's sincere in his takes and doesn't moderate himself much for his audience. Just look at his take on SS and retirement, that's not something someone who only cares about views and follows would do.

The cofounder of TWD is Jeremy Boreing who is a Christian.

The only moderation Ben does is following YouTube guidelines, other than that he's one of the most authentic pundits out there. He's not afraid to state his position whether it's popular or not. He probably figured hiring Candice was a good business decision at the time, but simply bringing more attention to your outlet can't be your only goal otherwise you start to lose your company's culture.

Personally, I disagree with Ben on a lot, but I think he gives rational takes and is honest with his audience (He's not going to say outlandish shit like Republicans can win CA/NY he'll give realistic assessments, he's going to shutdown dumb conspiracies, and he will call out Trump's moronic statements/claims). He'll get called all kinds of names for doing that but does it nonetheless.
The only moderation Ben does is following YouTube guidelines, other than that he's one of the most authentic pundits out there. He's not afraid to state his position whether it's popular or not. He probably figured hiring Candice was a good business decision at the time, but simply bringing more attention to your outlet can't be your only goal otherwise you start to lose your company's culture.

Personally, I disagree with Ben on a lot, but I think he gives rational takes and is honest with his audience (He's not going to say outlandish shit like Republicans can win CA/NY he'll give realistic assessments, he's going to shutdown dumb conspiracies, and he will call out Trump's moronic statements/claims). He'll get called all kinds of names for doing that but does it nonetheless.
I think he takes it easy on Trump but its only natural that a Republican pundit would be more lenient towards the Republican nominee.

There's a big difference between that and Candace Owen's grifting.
A Jew loyal to Israel ruled over her at the Daily Wire, and she was let go for her criticisms of Israel.

Thanks for playing.

Well she was let got for shitty anti-semitic remarks like the ones you are making.

Ever notice how hundreds of people in the media who are critical of Israels conduct manage to maintain their jobs with zero repercussions? It's almost like criticism of Israel isn't what gets right-wing grifters in trouble. Instead it's idiotic claims that jews run the world.

If criticism of Israel was enough to get one fired, then explain how all of Dateline still has their jobs? Plenty of reporting of Israeli mistakes there, but no ones cut them lose. I wonder what the difference could be between them and Owens? Do you think it has anything to do with the quality of the reporting and the evidence behind their claims?
I might be in the minority but I wouldn't compare Anna Kasparian to the likes of Dore or Brand.

I detest Shapiro but I think he's sincere in his takes and doesn't moderate himself much for his audience. Just look at his take on SS and retirement, that's not something someone who only cares about views and follows would do.

The cofounder of TWD is Jeremy Boreing who is a Christian.

Ana is gonna go right, mark my words. TYT isn't doing great financially and there's no doubt she is being offered tons of money to do right wing content. She is too thin-skinned about criticism from the left of her. TYT is also trying way too hard to do the CNN centrist bit.

Shapiro being an unapologetic corporatist is pretty consistent with his overall ideology. Thinking people should HAVE to work until they die, while being a millionaire who works whenever he wants, that's on-brand.
I might be in the minority but I wouldn't compare Anna Kasparian to the likes of Dore or Brand.

I detest Shapiro but I think he's sincere in his takes and doesn't moderate himself much for his audience. Just look at his take on SS and retirement, that's not something someone who only cares about views and follows would do.

The cofounder of TWD is Jeremy Boreing who is a Christian.

I haven't heard his take on SS and retirement. I'm guessing he wants to abolish both?
Ana is gonna go right, mark my words. TYT isn't doing great financially and there's no doubt she is being offered tons of money to do right wing content. She is too thin-skinned about criticism from the left of her. TYT is also trying way too hard to do the CNN centrist bit.
I haven't followed her to be fair but I've seen clips of her here and there and she seems fine to me. Yes she's center left but that's not an issue to me. I know she generated some controversy on the left when she came out with a law and order take after having been assaulted by a homeless person but in that case I'm with Ana
I think he takes it easy on Trump but its only natural that a Republican pundit would be more lenient towards the Republican nominee.

There's a big difference between that and Candace Owen's grifting.
He takes it easier on Trump once there's no other option left and it's him versus the Democratic nominee. Outside of that he's the most reluctant Trump supporter there is, he's not going to be a never Trumper like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney, he will always vote red. He was heavy DeSantis during this primary and wasn't with Trump until the midnight hour in 2016. He thinks he's a blowhard and a bad moral representative but he likes his policies. When Trump was President he always did a weekly segment called Good Trump, Bad Trump where he highlights good things Trump did and the dumb things Trump did, he never straight up kissed his ass like a Sean Hannity. And because of that he gets a lot of hate and antisemitic comments on YouTube.
I haven't heard his take on SS and retirement. I'm guessing he wants to abolish both?
Basically yeah, says parents should rely on their children instead of the government.
He takes it easier on Trump once there's no other option left and it's him versus the Democratic nominee. Outside of that he's the most reluctant Trump supporter there is, he's not going to be a never Trumper like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney, he will always vote red. He was heavy DeSantis during this primary and wasn't with Trump until the midnight hour in 2016. He thinks he's a blowhard and a bad moral representative but he likes his policies. When Trump was President he always did a weekly segment called Good Trump, Bad Trump where he highlights good things Trump did and the dumb things Trump did, he never straight up kissed his ass like a Sean Hannity. And because of that he gets a lot of hate and antisemitic comments on YouTube.
I still think that's too lenient but like I said that's to be expected of a Republican pundit. Completely different from Candace's grifting.
Honestly she could have been sacked a long time ago after backing Kanye when he went on his Hitler love confession. My guess is saying stupid shit like the 1st Lady of France is really a man and she stakes her professional reputation on it probably was one of the things that pushed DailyWire over the edge to get rid of her. Her appealing to the conspiracy tard and antisemite crowd obviously not going to win her allies at the DW.

DailyWire should probably try to bring in people that fit their brand rather than dip shits like Candice and Crowder who just lower the bar. Candice is poor man's Milo.

Homie, employing dipshits like Candyass and Krauter is their brand 😂
Homie, employing dipshits like Candyass and Krauter is their brand 😂
Not really. Most people that work for them are milquetoast conservatives like Ben, Andrew Knowles, Andrew Klavan, etc. Candice is the only real Provocateur that they had working there.
When you say these types of people do you mean crazy, melodramtic, or or a prostitute that will say anything for clicks. Either way, yes, but they don't generally have the same following conservatives do.

Like Jimmy Dore went so far to the left that he looped around the spectrum and landed on Tucker Carlson. Russel Brand was a lefty (doing social commentary not politics or news) but now he's just a crazy person. Anna Kasparian will fight with people she agrees with on 95% of everything, and not little disagreemnets fights as if they had raped her mother.

And they're all prostitutes. Talking heads are not dignified people.

Someone tracked Brand's voyage down insanity lane and it's directly linked to his YouTube views. The crazier he got, the more views he got.

I think Kasparian is incredibly jealous of how much money Rubin is making, and has flirted with the same heel turn. I think we're seeing it happen.

Dore was always an idiot and never believed in anything, now he just lies through his teeth for clicks and the morons eat it all up.
I haven't followed her to be fair but I've seen clips of her here and there and she seems fine to me. Yes she's center left but that's not an issue to me. I know she generated some controversy on the left when she came out with a law and order take after having been assaulted by a homeless person but in that case I'm with Ana

She's gonna go right eventually, and blame the left.
She’s still borderline hot. Maybe 5 more pounds and she’s done.

Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.

The only moderation Ben does is following YouTube guidelines, other than that he's one of the most authentic pundits out there. He's not afraid to state his position whether it's popular or not. He probably figured hiring Candice was a good business decision at the time, but simply bringing more attention to your outlet can't be your only goal otherwise you start to lose your company's culture.

Personally, I disagree with Ben on a lot, but I think he gives rational takes and is honest with his audience (He's not going to say outlandish shit like Republicans can win CA/NY he'll give realistic assessments, he's going to shutdown dumb conspiracies, and he will call out Trump's moronic statements/claims). He'll get called all kinds of names for doing that but does it nonetheless.

I disagree with him being authentic.

How he argues depends completely on who he's arguing with. There are things he says he knows are completely false, but he won't say them to someone educated on the topic. When his opponent likely doesn't know, he says them freely.

The truth doesn't matter to him. If you think he's authentically a douchebag, you may be on to something.
They aren't fans of her recent rhetoric regarding Israel and Jews.
Yeah just read about it. Figures. I like Ben but he's too dogmatic on that issue
Do you actually take at her at face value?

You think Candace isn't a grifter?
I do. I'm very cynical on politicians but whether its owens or cenq they all started by speaking their mind and people liked what they had to say. Nothing wrong there imo.
People who don't push degeneracy and Zionism is a good start. All these Daily Wire types are just classic liberals.
Well it's Ben's baby... and if you've ever had Israeli friends.... the one sided view usually comes out.