Crime Thieves steal $30k worth of tools, let out same day


Brown Belt
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Thief's house is filled with stolen items, but victim only got 3 items back

Thieves let out only a few hours later

I want to know what the liberals response is to this

Let's tag all the liberals who post here so we can hear their reasoning for letting things like this happen

It California so it will be reduced to a misdemeanor. They will get out with no time served most likely.
They're robbing people you dumb shit

Their house is literally filled with items they robbed from people

It's a crime and they were arrested. I'm assuming they were charged and will stand trial.

If they're stupid enough to be committing more crimes after having been charged, it will ultimately be very bad for them at trial. Also, I'm assuming these guys are now persons of interest and will be looked at closely in similar cases.

You don't just arrest someone and jail them until trial unless they're dangerous or a flight risk.

I'm only speaking to the fact they were released. I have no idea why none of the other property was removed or why nothing else appears to have been done. You'd think barring proof of ownership it would have been seized pending an investigation.
JFC. That's what you get out of this?

I only spoke to their release, and explained my reasoning in another reply. "Released same day" seemed to be important, when in fact it isn't.

Of course there's more to this, but we're never going to know what is actually going on here. There are a thousand problems with how property theft is resolved but nobody here is going to follow up. All they want is the outrage.
God damn, your act is so inconsistent. Sometimes its almost believable, then this sort of shit.

I'm incredibly consistent.

My position on jail is the same for these guys as it was for the January 6th people, I said it was not OK to hold them unless they satisfied very specific criteria.
If they're stupid enough to be committing more crimes after having been charged, it will ultimately be very bad for them at trial.

we've seen this ad nauseam since the pandemic where they get released and go back to doing it again including upping it to murder.
So you think law enforcement should arrest someone and that person should remain in jail until trial?

soft-on-crime policies have emboldened criminals. so many stories since 2020 of risky individuals being let back onto the streets where they go on to repeat the same crimes including violent behavior.
soft-on-crime policies have emboldened criminals. so many stories since 2020 of risky individuals being let back onto the streets where they go on to repeat the same crimes including violent behavior.

So yes or no?