Social Muslim protestors chant 'death to America, death to Israel at rally in Dearborn Michigan after city was branded 'Jihad capital' of U.S. by WSJ

Why won't any other Arab countries take in these Palestinian refugees?
They don't want them. They like the Palestinian struggle, not the idea of an actual Palestine or Palestinians. Their loss for the most part in the long run.
It is an episode of South Park in the making. Blue haired lesbians and rainbow flag wearing liberal gays chanting for Palestine, when they would literally be killed for being Gay is the100th "Jump the Shark" moment for these idiot libs.
It’s too funny. One of the biggest hoes I went to high school with is super pro Palestine. She rants every day on social media about it and tries to get fundraisers going. She also openly supports the LBGTQ community on her socials. She has an onlyfans too…supposedly with bisexual content. I bet the Muslims would love her.

It’s difficult to watch the stupidity and lack of awareness but hard to look away at times. Once she gets tired of this cause she will find something else to virtue signal about.
Yup. I'm waiting for someone to complain that I'm only saying it's protected because Muslimsz even though Brandenburg was a KKK member
I believe a group known for blowing up buildings would be a little more careful about chanting "Death to America". Muslims wanted to distance themselves from this behavior in the past. But the liberal way has infected them as well. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If you can't see the danger in a group of Muslims that are so brazen to chant death to the country they live in, and seem radicalized, I suggest you watch Documentaries on 9/11. On the Boston Marathon Bombers. On the attack on the USS Cole. I lived through 9/11. I lost friends. I remember the 1st attempt on the WTC. We fell asleep at the wheel. Got comfortable. We are beyond that now....we let anyone in, and let them do and say what they want. It's not a matter of " if" at this point. It's "when".
They didn't want them. Egypt took some in in the past and they were shit desturbers. So they said no this time. From what I've heard.

Nobody wants the Pallys, even their 'fellow Muslims'. They are nothing but trouble everywhere they go. They are massively over-represented in crime statistics in most European countries they turn up in. They are a problem.
It’s too funny. One of the biggest hoes I went to high school with is super pro Palestine. She rants every day on social media about it and tries to get fundraisers going. She also openly supports the LBGTQ community on her socials. She has an onlyfans too…supposedly with bisexual content. I bet the Muslims would love her.

It’s difficult to watch the stupidity and lack of awareness but hard to look away at times. Once she gets tired of this cause she will find something else to virtue signal about.
I saw an article that made sense of it all. They NEED to be victims, they NEED something to protest and be a "cause". So much so that they would be willing to go against their self-preservation and overlook atrocities committed against those they fight for here. Hamas has done terrible thongs to it's own people. It's college aged specific as older libs are often less anti-Israel. This is a group that says it is racist to denounce honor killings and genital mutilation in other countries because "culture". That is why they defend a nation that would kill them and their trans friends. They ignore that there are still 120 plus hostages, many are women and children in Gaza.

Also ignores the fact that Hamas did not win a majority of the vote in 2006 and that there hasn't been an election since then with most Gazans today having been to young to vote or having not been born at all. Its a terrible argument but they'll reach for anything to justify the collective punishment of Palestinians.
Again, the blood is on Hamas' hands. They targeted and killed Israeli civilians. Raped and killed women and children. Targeted a music festival. Then, they used thier own people as human shields. Used hospitals and schools for bunkers. You can't deny that, it is a fact. Every poll shows Palestinians largely support Hamas. The youth that have never voted have largely been indoctrinated. When you are raised by a group hell bet to erase another nation, that tends to happen. A people that cheered 9/11, have seen terror acts as a way of war from the start.
I saw an article that made sense of it all. They NEED to be victims, they NEED something to protest and be a "cause". So much so that they would be willing to go against their self-preservation and overlook atrocities committed against those they fight for here. Hamas has done terrible thongs to it's own people. It's college aged specific as older libs are often less anti-Israel. This is a group that says it is racist to denounce honor killings and genital mutilation in other countries because "culture". That is why they defend a nation that would kill them and their trans friends. They ignore that there are still 120 plus hostages, many are women and children in Gaza.

They are religious people without being religious. Religion would call these people 'lost souls'. They piggyback on every single minority group because it gives them a 'struggle' - without a 'struggle', they feel they are the oppressor. The need to be oppressed to signal their purity and their struggle - hence they seek victimhood 24/7.
I mean.. the 30 thousand civilians claim is likely bullshit and only begins to make sense if you believe every single reported casualty was a civilian. In reality at least 1/3rd to 1/2 of the reported causalities are militants and even more if you included direct supporters aiding and abetting the militants.

US directly killed somewhere between 400-500,00 civilians during the war on terror period post 9/11. Many cities and towns were left in ruins from intense combat and sieges with insurgencies. Indirect deaths and casualties are in the millions.
Lol, another supposed American patriot, supposedly liberal, shilling for ethnostate Israel. I guess you meant to write 500,000, but the US didn't kill that much, most of these civilian deaths are caused by the insurgents the US fought, terrorists.
They did bomb these aid workers and their children though. Perhaps war in dense urban and suburban environments is just messy business?

And they did also occupy Iraq and Afghanistan with hundreds of thousands of troops and civilian contractors for over 20 years.
Supposed American patriot trying to compare American conduct in war, probably the most moral military around, to Israel.

Really dude, you're comparing American contractors and uniformed troops to Israeli settlers.
Lol, another supposed American patriot, supposedly liberal, shilling for ethnostate Israel. I guess you meant to write 500,000, but the US didn't kill that much, most of these civilian deaths are caused by the insurgents the US fought, terrorists.

If Israel is an enthnostate they're doing a pretty poor job of it based on their demographics.
Supposed American patriot trying to compare American conduct in war, probably the most moral military around, to Israel.

Really dude, you're comparing American contractors and uniformed troops to Israeli settlers.

As an American patriot I kind of don't really like Islamic extremist regimes like Hamas, ISIS, etc and I don't think we should foster the spread of them. There is nothing more illiberal on Earth than Islamic fundamentalism.

Letting Hamas take control of Gaza to begin with was a mistake.
Again, the blood is on Hamas' hands. They targeted and killed Israeli civilians. Raped and killed women and children. Targeted a music festival. Then, they used thier own people as human shields. Used hospitals and schools for bunkers. You can't deny that, it is a fact. Every poll shows Palestinians largely support Hamas. The youth that have never voted have largely been indoctrinated. When you are raised by a group hell bet to erase another nation, that tends to happen. A people that cheered 9/11, have seen terror acts as a way of war from the start.
I never denied that Hamas targeted civilians but that's what's at issue here. What's at issue is the fact that you're justifying the collective punishment of all Gazans based on things that happened before half the population was even born.
If Israel is an enthnostate they're doing a pretty poor job of it based on their demographics.
That's where the settler-colonialism comes in. The demographics are "poor" because its a population that was established in that area only in the 20th century for the most part. The pesky natives get in the way of their demographic dominance.
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I never denied that Hamas targeted civilians but that's what's at issue here. What's at issue is the fact that you're justifying the collective punishment of all Gazans based on things that happened before half the population was even born.

That's where the settler-colonialism comes in

Where does that come in? How many more decades?
Where does that come in? How many more decades?
The reason they don't have the kind of demographic dominance they want is because the Zionist population is a 20th century endeavor that resulted form settler-colonialism and they couldn't get rid of all the natives like they wanted to. But rest assured they're certainly doing their best to push out and contain the remaining natives into tiny, densely populated cantons like Gaza.
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The reason they don't have the kind of demographic dominance they want is because the Zionist population is a 20th century endeavor that result form settler-colonialism and they couldn't get rid of all the natives like they wanted to. But rest assured they're certainly doing their best to push out and contain the remaining natives into tiny, densely populated cantons like Gaza.

This seems like mostly fan fiction to me. Even within their borders there is a wide variety of ethnicities from all over the world. I don't think they desire an ethnostate but a state that they can be sure that a Jewish population won't be subject to persecution as they have been and any Jew from anywhere in the world has a save haven if it does occur anywhere else.

I think if Palestinians earnestly desired peace there would be peace and they would have their own state and would even be able to secure land concessions from the international community. Perhaps there was a point in time early in their history immediately post-WW2 where something like this might have taken place, but obviously that wouldn't be able to occur today under international scrutiny.
This seems like mostly fan fiction to me. Even within their borders there is a wide variety of ethnicities from all over the world. I don't think they desire an ethnostate but a state that they can be sure that a Jewish population won't be subject to persecution as they have been and any Jew from anywhere in the world has a save haven if it does occur anywhere else.

I think if Palestinians earnestly desired peace there would be peace and they would have their own state and would even be able to secure land concessions from the international community. Perhaps there was a point in time early in their history immediately post-WW2 where something like this might have taken place, but obviously that wouldn't be able to occur today under international scrutiny.
You can hand waive away the relevant history when its inconvenient if you want but its clear to others.

To say that Israelis don't want an ethnostate when their ethnic demographics are a key concern for Israelis is laughable. The safe haven argument from the modern Zionist POV only stands if Israel remains Jewish majority and any peace deal that threatens that Jewish demographic majority is seen as an existential threat to Israel. Its not like England which is technically a Christian country and has a state church but is theoretically agnostic about its ethnic make up. I don't to relitigate the history ITT when we have a megathread so you can have the last word.