International Iraq makes same-sex relations punishable by up to 15 years in jail


Professional Wrestler
Jan 17, 2010
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Amendments to anti-prostitution law also enable courts to sentence trans people to three years in prison

Iraq’s parliament has passed a bill making same-sex relations punishable by up to 15 years in prison, in a move condemned as an “attack on human rights”.

Transgender people will also be sentenced to three years in jail under the amendments to a 1988 anti-prostitution law, which were adopted during a session attended by 170 out of 329 lawmakers on Saturday.

A previous draft had proposed capital punishment for same-sex relations, in what campaigners had called a “dangerous” escalation. The new amendments enable courts to sentence people to between 10 and 15 years in prison, according to the document seen by AFP, in a country where gay and transgender people already face frequent attacks and discrimination.

They also set a minimum seven-year prison term for “promoting” same-sex relations and a sentence ranging from one to three years for men who “intentionally” act like women.

The amended law makes “biological sex change based on personal desire and inclination” a crime and punishes trans people and doctors who perform gender reassignment surgery with up to three years in prison.

Homosexuality is taboo in Iraq’s conservative society, but there had not previously been a law that explicitly punished same-sex relations. Members of Iraq’s LGBTQ+ community have been prosecuted for sodomy or under vague morality and anti-prostitution clauses in Iraq’s penal code.

“Iraq has effectively codified in law the discrimination and violence members of the LGBTI community have been subjected to with absolute impunity for years,” said Amnesty International’s Iraq researcher, Razaw Salihy.

“The amendments concerning LGBTI rights are a violation of fundamental human rights and put at risk Iraqis whose lives are already hounded daily.”

The amendments also ban organisations that “promote” homosexuality and punish “wife swapping” with a prison sentence of 10 to 15 years.

Lawmaker Raed al-Maliki, who advanced the amendments, told AFP that “the law serves as a preventive measure to protect society from such acts”.

He said passing the new amendment had been postponed until after the visit of the Iraqi prime minister, Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani, to the US earlier this month.


The US and the EU oppose the law and “we didn’t want to impact the visit,” he said.

“It is an internal matter and we do not accept any interference in Iraqi affairs.”

LGBTQ+ Iraqis have been forced into the shadows, often targeted with “kidnappings, rapes, torture and murders” that go unpunished, according to a 2022 report by Human Rights Watch and the IraQueer non-governmental organisation.

Iraqi politicians and social media users have increasingly resorted to anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, which stokes further fear among members of the community.

Human Rights Watch’s Iraq researcher Sarah Sanbar said the new law change “is a horrific development and an attack on human rights”.

“Rather than focusing on enacting laws that would benefit Iraqis – like passing the draft domestic violence law or draft child protection law – Iraq is choosing to codify discrimination against LGBT people,” she said.

- I aplaud this law. Theres no pederasty in jail!

Draconian measures are required. Homosexuality is rampant among Iraqis. The country needs a Buttkele, I mean a Bukele.
Iraq’s parliament has passed a bill making same-sex relations punishable by up to 15 years in prison, in a move condemned as an “attack on human rights”.

Transgender people will also be sentenced to three years in jail under the amendments to a 1988 anti-prostitution law, which were adopted during a session attended by 170 out of 329 lawmakers on Saturday.

90% of Sherdog heading to Iraq for freedom.
And yet LGBTQ supporting leftists want to import more of these Islamist cretins into our country...

Rightists wish they could do their own version of Sharia in the west, but it's those leftists you badmouth are what's stopping it.

Has your peanut sized brain ever considered that migrants are fleeing their 3rd world shitholes because they don't want to live in a 3rd shithole??? Nah, of course not. Every migrant is a radical islamist to you.
Rightists wish they could do their own version of Sharia in the west, but it's those leftists you badmouth are what's stopping it.

Has your peanut sized brain ever considered that migrants are fleeing their 3rd world shitholes because they don't want to live in a 3rd shithole??? Nah, of course not. Every migrant is a radical islamist to you.

Lol. Shut the fuck up, you clueless dipshit.

This is what you want in our country. Don't deny it.
Meanwhile the right is actively trying to pass actual legislation to make this happen.

What? Make honor killings and throwing gays off rooftops legal? Enforce the wearing of oppressive garments on women? Treat unbelievers as second class citizens?

Calm your tits. Christian nationalism is a myth propped up by the leftists to scare Americans into voting Democrat.

Lol. As an atheist, I'd rather live in a Christian "theocracy" 1000x than an Islamic one.
What? Make honor killings and throwing gays off rooftops legal? Enforce the wearing of oppressive garments on women? Treat unbelievers as second class citizens?

Calm your tits. Christian nationalism is a myth propped up by the leftists to scare Americans into voting Democrat.

Lol. As an atheist, I'd rather live in a Christian "theocracy" 1000x than an Islamic one.

It's such a myth the Republican party is directly tied to Christian nationalism and evangelism.

You have right wing fuckheads on this very forum advocating for criminalisation of anything LGBT

I'd rather not live in a theocracy at all, but it's the right that's pushing for it, not the left.

Your issue is just a dislike for migrants, not ideology. In fact, if you could get over your own old farts racism, you'd fit right in in a place like Iraq
It's such a myth the Republican party is directly tied to Christian nationalism and evangelism.

You have right wing fuckheads on this very forum advocating for criminalisation of anything LGBT

Criminalize being gay or trans? I don't think so.

Criminalize shoving their agenda down impressionable children's throats? Criminalizing "gender affirming care" and transwomen participation in women's sport? Totally rational.

I'd rather not live in a theocracy at all, but it's the right that's pushing for it, not the left.

Your issue is just a dislike for migrants, not ideology. In fact, if you could get over your own old farts racism, you'd fit right in in a place like Iraq

My issue is with the illegals coming into this country and receiving free handouts and then fucking complaining about their hotel rooms and the quality of their food like ungrateful, entitled bastards.

And then these motherfuckers bear offspring who wave terrorist flags and burn American flags in protests once they reach adulthood. Some of them even have the gall of accusing Americans being settler-colonialists and demanding reparations despite having zero ancestors who were American slaves.
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There are actually some interesting details here worth noting. 1stly, 7 years in jail is a lot less than death, so consider the religious symbolism of acknowledging sodomy happens yet only punishing it with prison. You could argue its an admission of a secular/liberal status quo from an Islamic perspective.

2ndly, note that in stark contrast to Iran they simply consider transgenderism as a category of homosexuality. This gives a bold and affirmative answer to the old question of whether or not traps are gay. Significantly this removes the social option of using tramsgenderism as a tool for the theocrat to "cure" the gays.

3rdly, they have adopted the Putinist tactic of specifically targeting groups which promote SOGI, which I believe is quite significant as I think it is ultimately the social solution which will some day close this chapter of history.

4thly, very interesting they have targeted swinging. As this is not an item of controversy in most of the world I'm curious what exactly was the social impetus? What is the current state of the discussion within Iraqi society?

5thly, I am curious if they have specific legal prohibitions against zoophilia which American soldiers often report as common in Iraq.

Overall I think this is a good thing as it seems to be building ideological foundations for confronting the liberal globalist unipolar world order.