Locked PWD 1162: Spring Breakin'

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@Pliny Pete


@Stargazer Rex what you know about the Tall Whites and when did you know it!

The Tall White Aliens: We Work for Them

Charles Hall, a former weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base, shares his incredible story of encountering the Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial species working with the US military.

These chalk-white aliens, standing up to 9 feet tall, have been influencing human technology and evolution for decades.

Charles's friendship with a Tall White known as "The Teacher" led him to discover hidden alien facilities and the shocking truth about their presence on Earth.

Uncover the secrets of the Tall Whites, from their advanced scout crafts to their underground bases, and explore the startling implications of their alliance with the US government and the hidden reality of alien-human cooperation.

Just got done with this episode, I enjoyed it, especially the little bit about the shadow government. I believe Charles Hall yo, I don't know why, but I do.
I had to board Tank since I’m booked and it’s gonna be a late night. They do a gimmick that sends you texts as if they’re from the dog. “Enjoying the pool!”


How come you had to board him, he'll start doing shenanigans if he's home alone all night?

I love that entrance, Frank, chicks in baseball caps rev ole Pete's engine but good!

I completely forgot Triplemania was last night though, stretching out to 3 events over 6 months has really took the shine off the whole affair

How many checks does Konnan need!?

HA! I got you!
I knew you weren't working for the Tall Whites or the Small Greys but I just wanted to see a new picture of Lawler and I couldn't risk another Coconut-ish debacle so I had to reverse psychology your ass and it worked, you never even suspected!
That is one great looking cheese loving pooch, no doubt about it!
The kid wins again

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