News Cory Sandhagen vs Umar Nurmagomedov set to headline UFC Abu Dhabi on August 3

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Love that Umar is 9th while having beaten absolutely no one ranked lol. That last name of his is really doing work.

Hope Cory flogs this whiney, entitled crotch diver.
What did Umar do now to cause your butthurt?
Uh, having him fight guys like Mario would be a test.

It's easy to look good when you're fighting really low level comp, which is only what Umar has faced outside of Raoni, who is just ok. Mario ran through Kelleher quicker than Umar did.

No reason at all why Umar shouldn't have had to work his way up the rankings. Instead he's somehow 9th with no ranked wins and coming off having to hold down a regional guy with shit grappling who chinned him lol.
Rankings are fake as per sherdog, you shouldn't be so emotionally invested over them
Yeh, he's fighting someone ranked in the top 3 now, and if he wrecks Cory, then obviously he deserves to be up there, but that's not the point here, and I'm not moving goalposts for Umar specifically. It applies to everyone.

I don't need to see him beat 5+ ranked fighters in the top 5, and yes, you don't see that. You know what else you don't see? A fighter suddenly moving up the ranks to 9th off of absolutely 0 ranked wins and then skipping almost the entire division and fighting number 3.

Alex got to do a big jump from Bruno to 4th Strickland, but Alex was unranked coming into that. They weren't giving him some bullshit 9th rank off no ranked wins like they have Umar.

The Pantoja comparison doesn't work. They needed someone for Pantoja to fight in Brazil and the division was in a stuck spot with some fights falling through here and there and Kape failing to pan out, which is what they clearly wanted. There weren't many options. Umar has had plenty of options. He could have fought a couple of guys in the 15-5 range. He never did that. All he's done was get undeserved ranks while fighting no ranks and whining that the champ and the top 5 won't suddenly bow down and fight him until someone at the top finally agreed to fight him.
this's an example for fake fight fans who rather not watch an interesting matchup just to block a prospect from having an opportunity to realize his potential.
Sherdog: Umar hasn’t fought anyone

Vegas: we’re making Umar a -300 favorite vs Sandhagen

That's how vegas entices us sherdog Alphas making 6 figures with cash to blow.

Easy Money on Sandhagen!
I'm generally a fan of fast tracking prospects who show a lot of promise, but one of Umar's fights really should have AT LEAST been against a fringe ranked guy first before getting a match like this. Merit or lack of merit aside though -- I'm very interested in this fight.

The only reason people don't think Raoni is that fringe guy is b/c of what Umar did to him in that fight. There's a certain big boned Samoan that would chime in that SaidYakoub is - at minimum - a fringe guy and more accurately he's top 15-20 caliber; and likely 25-20 for Morozov.

The shitty part about Umar is how infrequently he fights not who he fights. It's not that he hasn't shown enough to be tested higher. We just saw a guy w/ 3 UFC fights get a title shot, and it ain't like he was a 10 year Glory champ. Our norms or long-standing traditions have just been trashed to accommodate Dana's commercialism. Is what it is. But in that context, you aren't holding back an undefeated "Nurmagomedov" LOL it's like the literal last thing the UFC would do outside of turn down a clean, healthy, Conor.

As far this fight. Love both these guys. I know Cory said he didn't want Abu Dhabi and I support him; he's the higher rankked guy who didn't pullout. But business comes first so in that vein I hope they are giving him like 3x his base pay for this fight. Looking forward to elite skills on display both on the mat and in the standup.
The UFC is obsessed with this dumb matchup, hope Sandman can ruin their party.
Sherdog: Umar hasn’t fought anyone

Vegas: we’re making Umar a -300 favorite vs Sandhagen
Wow, that's pretty crazy. I'll take the odds on Sandhagen. I think it's kind of a toss up.
Who cares what number is next to his name? If Umar can look good against Corey, then he obviously belongs.
Mandress Mafia gonna give Umar this fight.

Infidel Cory gets big respect for taking this fight.
Bantamweight is so loaded. I wouldn't mind either of these guys facing Suga Omalley afterwards. It would be interesting to see a sambo guy like Umar face against him or a tall Sandhagan nullify Suga's reach advantages.