Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Trump shakes his head as Daniels recalls asking him about his wife​

Stormy Daniels shrugs as she mentions she had a "very brief" conversation with Trump about his wife, Melania.

She says she asked Trump about Melania and told him she was very beautiful. She recalls Trump saying, "We don’t sleep in the same room."

damn. he's been cucked since before he even got into the whitehouse.

Stormy Daniels said Trump told her that she reminded him of his daughter​

Stormy Daniels recalled that Trump told her "you remind me of my daughter," who he said was smart and blond, adding that people underestimate her.

She said the way he phrased it made perfect sense in that someone like her could could go on his show and prove she's not a dumb bimbo.

Trump was clearly referring to his older daughter Ivanka Trump.

"I had my clothes and my shoes off. I removed my bra. We were in missionary position."

you hear that melania?
the missionary position has never felt so disrespected and violated before.

Daniels testifies that she "left as fast as I could"​

Stormy Daniels says she remember sitting at the end of the bed. She says "it was really hard to get my shoe on because my hands were shaking so hard."

"I just left as fast as I could. That was it," she says.
I stand with the 6th, too. Why aren’t there cameras in court room? (It’s not about protecting jurors) why can’t anything be said about the judges daughter being a democrat operative? Etc…
Not a godamn thing about gag orders. The fuckery all hinges on one word, “impartial”. The judge has made previous statements in speeches about the judicial latitude to steer evidence and use estoppel to influence a trial.

It should be a legal free for all in the public square. Trust the jury to sort it out..
But if the jury finds Trump guilty and there’s reason to argue they weren’t impartial, it’s grounds for appeal, or even a mistrial. So we cannot just let anything go.

I know this next point would shock Trump or his supporters, but Donald Trump is not the only person in that courtroom with rights. The judge, the attorneys, courtroom staff and jury have rights too. The poor jury is made up of average citizens like us, who by chance were drawn for this trial. They have every right to do their civic duty without being threatened, harasses, stalked, intimidated, coerced, or having death threats made against them or their families by psychopath MAGA dorks…
So we cannot just have a “free for all” and let the jury sort it out.

As far as the accusations you’re making? Don Jr, or Ivanka, or FOX News or Newsmax, or Trump’s campaign staff, can accuse people of being Dem operatives all they want (provided it doesn’t fall into the realm of threats or slander. But this is where we’re at as a country, I guess: people want to defend Trump’s “free speech rights” to attack and harass people, but not those people’s rights to be free from it.

Daniels confirms Trump didn't ask her to keep encounter confidential​

Stormy Daniels testified that Donald Trump did not express concern about his wife Melania when they had the encounter.

Daniels confirmed he also didn't ask her to keep it confidential.

"I told very few people that we had actually had sex because I felt ashamed that I didn’t stop it," Daniels said.

imagine being so shitty in the sack that a porn star wouldn't even pretend to enjoy the sex.
the devoted christian family man is getting pissed off and is poking at his attorneys trying to get them to raise objections