Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

If DOJ is weaponized (which it isn't) there's no better person to weaponize it against than that walking crime scene named Donald Trump who's the gift that keeps giving with the amount of ammo he provides the opposition in crimes and dirty deeds. Unlike Biden who lives his life so cleanly that the Republicans need to rely on Russian assets to try and pin anything, something, on Biden for their going down-in-flames impeachment. If only Joe were as flawed as his son, the dirty-you-up game may have worked.

Instead, Trump leaves his apologist constantly playing clean-up, damage control, and arguing whataboutisms, how sad for the party that once stood for Law & Order, more like Lawlesness & Disorder with plenty of conspiracy theories.

the orange rapist threatened to Indict political opponents if Re-elected in 2024. That was literally Trump's platform in 2016 "Lock her up! Lock her up!" the law and order team were cheering that he’ll indict his opponent without there being a crime and they think that’s ok.

you keep passing that around as if that has any merit. that was already submitted to the courts last month, both sides have it, and nobody is talking about it other than a bunch of chuds on twitter. why?

stormy daniels was not under any obligation to tell the truth in that PR letter she put out for herself, and that is not a legal filing either. nobody is going to take that seriously. stormy daniels had every reason to lie and deny. she just received a nice stack of cash and signed a non disclosure agreement. she was under legal obligations to to keep her mouth shut and deny, so when the scandal got out there, that's exactly what she did. what a surprise!

oh yeah, she told a different story while under oath now too didn't she? we all know who won't be taking the stand and testifying in this trial. he'll be too busy jerking off that withered orange baby carrot while fantasizing about his daughter.
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you keep passing that around as if that has any merit. that was already submitted to the courts last month, both sides have it, and nobody is talking about it other than a bunch of chuds on twitter. why?

stormy daniels was not under any obligation to tell the truth in that PR letter she put out for herself, and that is not a legal filing either. nobody is going to take that seriously. stormy daniels had every reason to lie and deny. she just received a nice stack of cash and signed a non disclosure agreement. she was under legal obligations to to keep her mouth shut and deny, so when the scandal got out there, that's exactly what she did. what a surprise!

now maybe since you're totally in the know around this and you're not just regurgitating a bunch of chud propaganda and nothingburgers that nobody else cares about or will bother to pay any mind to, can you explain to us why she deliberately signed her name differently on this letter then she signs her name on everything else. why is that? it wasn't so she could go on jimmy kimmel was it? care to explain?

oh yeah, she told a different story while under oath now didn't she? we all know who won't be taking the stand and testifying in this trial. he'll be too busy jerking off that withered orange baby carrot while fantasizing about his daughter.
Both Cohen and Daniels are convicted liars.

Both Cohen and Daniels are convicted liars.


from convicted lawyers to porn stars, we all know that the fraudy orange rapist surrounds himself with only the best.

they don't have any city blocks filled with 30 thousand debunked lies that they told in just 4 years do they? yeah if they want to point to someone who's credible, they should put von schitzenpantz on the witness stand. just don't allow him to start talking about his daughter because then he's probably going to try to fuck somebody right afterwards and that would be completely inappropriate in a courtroom environment.
Add Hilary to that list too, and yet they could find nothing on either, unlike dirty Don where you can always find sh!t sticking to his shoes and people he's f*ked over willing to talk about it. Trump should've just remained a crooked businessman where nobody gives a sh!t. But when you are President or wanna be president the world gives sh!t and they should turn over every rock and look in every draw to see who and what you really are.
- To be fair, Trump is like a megalomaniac criminal from a comic-book. He is like the Riddler, he wanst the world to know about his crimes.

wrong thread.

but yes, as a staunch member of law and order you should be all for that. i mean when we're sharing nuclear secrets and storing boxes of classified documents next to a shitter on your golf resort when foreign spies have been known to frequent, the wheels of justice should come to a halt.

i bet you magats weren't singing the same tune when they found some classified documents in brandons corvette. or way back when you were chanting "lock her up" while reminding us just how serious of a crime it is to mishandle classified information and that no man, not even the president is above the law.
wrong thread.

but yes, as a staunch member of law and order you should be all for that. i mean when we're sharing nuclear secrets and storing boxes of classified documents next to a shitter on your golf resort when foreign spies have been known to frequent, the wheels of justice should come to a halt.

i bet you magats weren't singing the same tune when they found some classified documents in brandons corvette. or way back when you were chanting "lock her up" while reminding us just how serious of a crime it is to mishandle classified information and that no man, not even the president is above the law.

I thought there was only 1 for all the trials
I thought there was only 1 for all the trials

theres 2 other threads on the very first page of the war room better suited for this topic. take your chuddery over there. and make sure to do the whole "law & order" dance and the "lock her up" chants while you remind everybody just how serious of a crime it is to mishandle classified documents and that no president is above the law.

This thread is hilarious....Its exactly like listening to a less manly version of The View.
So, you're saying you're a regular viewer of the View, right, since you know what the show is like? I have no bloody idea.
I like how you put yourself in the cult
I don't read it that way on its own (i.e. that specific comment in isolation) and I don't get how other people do. Taken together with the "Biden showers with children" comment though... well that's a different story.
theres 2 other threads on the very first page of the war room better suited for this topic. take your chuddery over there. and make sure to do the whole "law & order" dance and the "lock her up" chants while you remind everybody just how serious of a crime it is to mishandle classified documents and that no president is above the law.

You are going to have an ice cold Busch to you lips very soon my friend.
Thanks for link I didn't see it