Powerful/Moving Pictures

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This picture shows a 46 year old female chimp who passed away. While the body was being removed all of the chimps in the community gathered and stood by in silence, all watching. Zoo keepers said they've never seen anything like it. You can even see a few with their arms around eachother


I haven't been the biggest fan of Jackson, but when he teared up before Obama's speech, you really felt for the guy. I mean, he was there just a few feet away when MLK was shot dead. He was there when all those people who fought with him for human rights were killed and beaten.

And now, for the same country that segregated them not too long ago to elect one of their own as leader of the country? If you don't get choked up for that, then I don't think you're human.

Why do people seem to ignore the fact that one of Obama's parents were white and one was black.
Why do people seem to ignore the fact that one of Obama's parents were white and one was black.

Who... ignored that? I don't know a single person that doesn't know that. It doesn't change the fact that it is and was a major event in U.S. history.

A Mousavi supporter wipes blood from his face during a riot in Tehran the day after the presidential election. Widespread suspicion that the vote had been rigged led to several weeks of protests in Iran.

Bedded Down
U.S. Marines sleep in their fighting holes inside a compound in Helmand province, Afghanistan. Photographer David Guttenfelder explains, "We'd stopped in this farmer's field for the night. It took me an hour to dig my own firing position in the dark, and it feels like you're sleeping in a shallow grave. But you do feel safer
I want someone to explain one little thing to me...... What is this piece of work gonna do when black people are no longer the minorities what is he gonna bitch and complain about then .... i can't wait to see..... it is only a few years away, this will happen in our generation.

I am not black but all of my black friends don't even agree with most of the shit he complains about or the shit he tries to get involved with. They say he doesn't represent the black people he only represents people who are worthless and expect the government to take care of them, because they are lazy and don't want to help them self. And that is coming from my friends who are Black.

blacks are always going to be a minority. i dont think anyone knows what the fuck they're talking about. they're not going to take over as a majority

Zimbabwe has an inflation rate of 231,000,000%, these bills were instituted in January,2009.

to further prove you statement, check this out:

The question is, "What can you buy in Zimbabwe with a banknote for 50 billion Zimbabwe dollars?"

Immediately, a sea of hands are raised, and my heart soars at their happy, expectant faces, eager to participate and learn, and I am so proud of them that they had all read the same article I had, but since I have already provided the damned "quality time" thing, I instantly lose interest, and simply declare, "It's enough to buy just two loaves of bread! The biggest banknote in Zimbabwe is worth only enough to buy two lousy, stinking loaves of bread! Fifty billion Zimbabwe dollars for two loaves of bread!"

Of course, the Zimbabwe government and central bank say that this creation of new money is "a way of fighting cash shortages amid spiraling inflation", which makes you look up into the sky, as if expecting a flying saucer from outer space to suddenly appear and rescue you from this planet of mental midgets, because this is stupidity that is so tragic, so bizarre, and so completely unbelievable that it is actually surreal!

Even more weirdly, the article went on to say, "As of Friday, one U.S. dollar was trading at around ZW$25 billion", which means that one U.S. dollar should also buy one loaf of bread in America, but does not, because bread in America is running at least $2 per loaf, which means something, but I instantly forget what in the hell I was thinking about because the next sentence is the essence of hyperinflation: "When the government issued a $10 billion note just three weeks ago, it bought 20 loaves of bread. That note now can purchase less than half of one loaf." Yikes!

My notes: yet ppl in Africa are starving, even with the BILLIONS given each year through hundreds of organizations. I mean 1 GBP could provide enough bread for an entire family. Add another GBP and you got A Zimbawen Christmas.

This is a picture of a homeless guy at the pier a couple of months ago. A mission was giving away free lunches to the homeless, and he fed his to the pigeons. There were hundreds around him and he was so happy. I tend to think about the homeless alot this time of year since it gets so cold. I try to help them out whenever I can.

You give a starving guy a sammich and he throws it away by feeding it to dumb birds. If he was really hungry, he would either eat the sandwich, or use it to catch the birds and eat them.
You give a starving guy a sammich and he throws it away by feeding it to dumb birds. If he was really hungry, he would either eat the sandwich, or use it to catch the birds and eat them.

Because he looks like the kind of guy who can catch a bird, kill it, remove feathers, use a knife skillfully to remove the organs and cut the meat into manageable portions. then he'll just get his frying pan out of his bag, turn on the stove he just bought and cook the meat. Really?
Because he looks like the kind of guy who can catch a bird, kill it, remove feathers, use a knife skillfully to remove the organs and cut the meat into manageable portions. then he'll just get his frying pan out of his bag, turn on the stove he just bought and cook the meat. Really?

Kind of reminds me of the people who tell the 75 year old bum with one leg and a paint-peeling odor to "get get job."
to further prove you statement, check this out:

The question is, "What can you buy in Zimbabwe with a banknote for 50 billion Zimbabwe dollars?"

Immediately, a sea of hands are raised, and my heart soars at their happy, expectant faces, eager to participate and learn, and I am so proud of them that they had all read the same article I had, but since I have already provided the damned "quality time" thing, I instantly lose interest, and simply declare, "It's enough to buy just two loaves of bread! The biggest banknote in Zimbabwe is worth only enough to buy two lousy, stinking loaves of bread! Fifty billion Zimbabwe dollars for two loaves of bread!"

Of course, the Zimbabwe government and central bank say that this creation of new money is "a way of fighting cash shortages amid spiraling inflation", which makes you look up into the sky, as if expecting a flying saucer from outer space to suddenly appear and rescue you from this planet of mental midgets, because this is stupidity that is so tragic, so bizarre, and so completely unbelievable that it is actually surreal!

Even more weirdly, the article went on to say, "As of Friday, one U.S. dollar was trading at around ZW$25 billion", which means that one U.S. dollar should also buy one loaf of bread in America, but does not, because bread in America is running at least $2 per loaf, which means something, but I instantly forget what in the hell I was thinking about because the next sentence is the essence of hyperinflation: "When the government issued a $10 billion note just three weeks ago, it bought 20 loaves of bread. That note now can purchase less than half of one loaf." Yikes!

My notes: yet ppl in Africa are starving, even with the BILLIONS given each year through hundreds of organizations. I mean 1 GBP could provide enough bread for an entire family. Add another GBP and you got A Zimbawen Christmas.

While I agree that the exchange rate/inflation is absurd, the loaf of bread analogy is ridiculous. A loaf of bread in the US is much different than a loaf in Zimbabwe. Much larger portions in the US, Quality is probably better, the packaging is better, and in the US you can buy the ingredients to make your own bread (which most of the people there cannot) at much less cost than $1 a loaf.
Because he looks like the kind of guy who can catch a bird, kill it, remove feathers, use a knife skillfully to remove the organs and cut the meat into manageable portions. then he'll just get his frying pan out of his bag, turn on the stove he just bought and cook the meat. Really?

I thought it was pretty obvious that that part of my post was a joke.

What I was getting at is the fact that he was feeding his food to some damn birds. It was given to him for him to eat. I bet the people who gave him that would be a little disappointed to see him not even eat it and give it to birds that can find their own food.

If he doesn't want to eat it, he shouldn't accept it. I'm sure someone else would gladly take it. That picture doesn't move me. It makes me think "Damn....how ungrateful and wasteful." Hell, the dude is chubby, clean shaven, and wearing nice looking clothes.
I thought it was pretty obvious that that part of my post was a joke.

What I was getting at is the fact that he was feeding his food to some damn birds. It was given to him for him to eat. I bet the people who gave him that would be a little disappointed to see him not even eat it and give it to birds that can find their own food.

If he doesn't want to eat it, he shouldn't accept it. I'm sure someone else would gladly take it. That picture doesn't move me. It makes me think "Damn....how ungrateful and wasteful." Hell, the dude is chubby, clean shaven, and wearing nice looking clothes.

Ignorance is bliss for some people. I work in the medical field and 80+% that I have come in contact with have serious mental health problems. I work next to Ft. Bragg so majority are also veterans. The homeless usually have access to some clothing and very basic grooming aids if they are coherent enough seek them out. Hence the clothes and goatee. You think because he gives some crumbs off his sandwich that he is ungrateful? I'll refer back to my opening line. But hey rock on internet warrior and wear that tapout shirt with pride.
Ignorance is bliss for some people. I work in the medical field and 80+% that I have come in contact with have serious mental health problems. I work next to Ft. Bragg so majority are also veterans. The homeless usually have access to some clothing and very basic grooming aids if they are coherent enough seek them out. Hence the clothes and goatee. You think because he gives some crumbs off his sandwich that he is ungrateful? I'll refer back to my opening line. But hey rock on internet warrior and wear that tapout shirt with pride.

The guy didn't say he gave some crumbs to the pigeons. He said "A mission was giving away free lunches to the homeless, and he fed his to the pigeons.". According to the English language that I know, that implies that he gave the entire thing to the birds.

I've never owned a tapout product, ever. I guess your opening line is true for you as well.
Saw a part of a videoyesterday that nearly made me puke from incredulity and disgust. I don't know how people can do what they do to one another, even your enemies deserve some kind of dignity.

Long story short- In 1999, 6 Russian soldiers were caught by Chechnyan muslim militia and 'beheaded' with what amounted to butter knives.

Contrary to what I thought, you DON'T immediately die with your throat hacked open and head pulled back. You can still breathe and gurgle on your blood until you slowly bleed out. It was fucking horrendous and I wish I hadn't watched it. All I learned is that it's WAY better to do something and die quickly than watch your mates get sliced open one by one while waiting for your turn.
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