Jon Fitch: "Meat is not a healthy source for protein."

Lactic acid causes the gamey flavor in wild meats, I have definitely noticed it more on deer that have not dropped right away after the arrow strikes. Lactic acid builds up in muscle as a result of anaerobic respiration (like when the deer is running really fast with no functioning lungs). This is one of the reasons animals go to tight confined feedlots before butchering.

Interesting experiment with rabbits and the perimortal situations that could cause stress ..

ScienceDirect - Meat Science : Post-mortem changes in the concentration of lactic acid, phosphates and pH in the muscles of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) according to the perimortal situation
I`m going to go out on a limb and say that a lion eats significantly more meat than I do. In fact, I would not be surprised if it ate more than I will in a lifetime.

From what I understand it's more about how having these hormones in your system for decades affects you, not a higher concentration over a shorter period. Again, the data has not been completely gathered yet.
I`m going to go out on a limb and say that a lion eats significantly more meat than I do. In fact, I would not be surprised if it ate more than I will in a lifetime.

T-Rex ate even more meat than the lion and now it's extinct. Rabbits are herbivores and they are thriving.

You do the math.
T-Rex ate even more meat than the lion and now it's extinct. Rabbits are herbivores and they are thriving.

You do the math.

T-Rex ate even more meat than the lion and now it's extinct. Rabbits are herbivores and they are thriving.

You do the math.

That is an EXTREMELY good point, I mean, the Apatosaurus ate no meat, and I see them all the time. Rats, on the other hand, eat meat when available, and they died out centuries ago.
I gotta say, the stress hormone one is hilarious. Shocking how predators in the wild manage to survive, since the process by which they acquire food is so damaging to them.

it makes the meat have a far "gamier" taste if they run off and have a slower death, but i lol at people thinking its bad for us.

they think cavemen running fuckers down with spears wasnt stressing them out?
just FYI, Lyle McDonald thinks athletes should consume red meat at least 3 times a week.

Gonna side with Lyle on this one.
T-Rex ate even more meat than the lion and now it's extinct. Rabbits are herbivores and they are thriving.

You do the math.

Alligators eat meat, and they are around for millions of years.
it makes the meat have a far "gamier" taste if they run off and have a slower death, but i lol at people thinking its bad for us.

they think cavemen running fuckers down with spears wasnt stressing them out?

I'm pretty sure someone posted a video either in the S&C or Mayberry a while back about a tribe in Africa that seperates their prey from the pack and stalks them down for days until the animal is too exhausted to continue. That was awesome. Might I add, the animal was fairly stressed out over the two day chase. It's hilarious that someone could believe that theory
I'm pretty sure someone posted a video either in the S&C or Mayberry a while back about a tribe in Africa that seperates their prey from the pack and stalks them down for days until the animal is too exhausted to continue. That was awesome. Might I add, the animal was fairly stressed out over the two day chase. It's hilarious that someone could believe that theory

ive seen something similar, possibly the same one.

it doesnt taste near as good, but im embarrassed for anyone who believes it is bad for you. if it was bad for us to eat meat of an animal that didnt die stress free, we would have died off thousands of years ago.
i have no problem with anyone who decides not to eat meat or animal products for whatever reason.

but jesus you fucking hippies need to quit making shit up.
You guys are missing the point. The idea isn't that these stress hormones are poison and will kill you instantly; it's about whether or not they have a negative affect over the long term. A "negative effect" does not have to be fatal. Saying "cavemen did it so it must be ok" is not a good argument for anything. Cavemen didn't live to be 80-100 years old.

Waiting for the data to come in and objectively analyzing it is better than knee-jerk dismissal. You don't have to support the theory (and without data you shouldn't) but you also don't have to be so melodramatic with the "Oh my, I cannot FATHOM how one would even entertain such a notion!"
You guys are missing the point. The idea isn't that these stress hormones are poison and will kill you instantly; it's about whether or not they have a negative affect over the long term. A "negative effect" does not have to be fatal. Saying "cavemen did it so it must be ok" is not a good argument for anything. Cavemen didn't live to be 80-100 years old.

Waiting for the data to come in and objectively analyzing it is better than knee-jerk dismissal. You don't have to support the theory (and without data you shouldn't) but you also don't have to be so melodramatic with the "Oh my, I cannot FATHOM how one would even entertain such a notion!"

far more factors to caveman not living to be 80-100 than eating meat with stress hormones in it.

is someone going to do an extremely long study (10-15 years+) of several subjects eating stress hormone rich meat and its effects, if any? its the only way to prove this crap right.

humans and animals have been eating prey that were stressed to the max at the point of death as long as animals have walked the earth. i think if it were so bad for you, we would know it by now.

i have more evidence than you based on that, dont i?
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With industrial meat, you've got a cow that was fed GMO corn full of pesticides, given artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, it's a meat that's completely different from the meat people ate 50 years ago.

Now if you take meat from a cow fed grass and that was not given any hormones or antibiotics, you've got something healthy and nutritious.

But probably the best kind of meat is the one you'd get from a wild animal, such as you would get if you hunt. That kind of meat is from an animal that had a 100% natural diet, but of course you shouldn't eat animals that live in contaminated areas.

Grain-fed and grass-fed meats are completely different and shouldn't be bundled together as all being "meat". Meat can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how the cattle was raised.
id say 50-60% of my meat is from nature. i fish and hunt avidly.

obviously i cant go take down cows on an open pasture.
With industrial meat, you've got a cow that was fed GMO corn full of pesticides, given artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, it's a meat that's completely different from the meat people ate 50 years ago.

Actually, a lot of the steroids we have now were available back 50 years ago. If anything, the meat is cleaner now than it was back then. Now we're aware of what's going on in the meat industry.
Regarding "stress hormones" in cows. Most cattle ranchers have had devices and kill rooms set up for minimizing the stress hormones since the 80s. You can always tell when you get a piece of meat where the cow was scared/stressed because you'll be awake for like 5 days like you were on coke. Ask someone over the age of sixty about eating beef late at night back in the day.

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