Elections 2 GOP patriots charged with moving Russian money to Trump campaign


Black Belt
Apr 11, 2007
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Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC
Jesse Benton and Doug Wead pleaded not guilty to six felony charges, including facilitating a campaign contribution by a foreign national.



09/20/2021 07:27 PM EDT

Two veteran Republican campaign operatives — including one who got a pardon from then-President Donald Trump one month before he left office — are charged in a new federal indictment with funneling $25,000 from a Russian national into the Trump campaign in 2016.

Jesse Benton, 43, and Doug Wead, 75, made brief appearances Monday at a video hearing in U.S. District Court in Washington, pleading not guilty to six felony charges including facilitating a campaign contribution by a foreign national, acting as a straw donor and causing the filing of false campaign finance reports.


"There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor. The charges say that Benton and Wead concealed the arrangement from Trump"

"The indictment suggests that Benton and Wead hoped to make money from the scheme and did — taking $100,000 from the Russian, but paying only $25,000 to Trump Victory"

cool story bro.
"There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor. The charges say that Benton and Wead “concealed” the arrangement from Trump.
Im sure comrade Donald, a man of honesty and upstanding integrity, would have put a swift & immediate end to such shenanigans had he known the origin of said money( this sounds so ridiculous because it it is. Got any more comedy gold, our career-troll friend ?
Still clinging to hope that the Russiagate conspiracy theory is still real?

Russiagate blah blah blah..Trumps been connected to countless shady russian characters. He sure shared a good laugh with some that he brought into the oval office while he bragged about firing James comey

Face it, Tramp has always been and always will be for sale.

I hate to break your heart, but when he was hugging the American flag, he was being sarcastic
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I will certainly not vote for Jesse Benton and Doug Wead for President.
This sounds more like a rich dude wanted to hang out with Trump.
"There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor. The charges say that Benton and Wead concealed the arrangement from Trump"

"The indictment suggests that Benton and Wead hoped to make money from the scheme and did — taking $100,000 from the Russian, but paying only $25,000 to Trump Victory"

cool story bro.
btw- do you really think we haven’t caught onto the fact that you’re definitely not american? You stick out like a sore thumb
Russiagate blah blah blah..Trumps been connected to countless shady russian characters. He sure shared a good laugh with some that he brought into the oval office while he bragged about firing James comey

Face it, Tramp has always been and always will be for sale
And you think that a $25,000 contribution to a $500 million dollar campaign that neither Trump nor his campaign aides even knew about is enough to "buy" a billionaire?

There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor.
And you think that a $25,000 contribution to a $500 million dollar campaign that neither Trump nor his campaign aides even knew about is enough to "buy" a billionaire?
This is the tip of a treasonous iceberg.. we can discuss many more instances
I will certainly not vote for Jesse Benton and Doug Wead for President.
But you did vote for Donald Trump as the greatest president of all time in a Sherdog poll while just the other day noting you never voted for him in 2016 or 2020 and never would.

Point is, I think you'd vote for both of those dudes for president lol.
Russiagate blah blah blah..Trumps been connected to countless shady russian characters. He sure shared a good laugh with some that he brought into the oval office while he bragged about firing James comey

Face it, Tramp has always been and always will be for sale.

I hate to break your heart, but when he was hugging the American flag, he was being sarcastic
He was ingratiating himself to the base and they lapped it up.
"There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor. The charges say that Benton and Wead concealed the arrangement from Trump"

"The indictment suggests that Benton and Wead hoped to make money from the scheme and did — taking $100,000 from the Russian, but paying only $25,000 to Trump Victory"

cool story bro.

Hey guys, that makes everything ok.