2018 PotWR Round 3: The Jungle Primary

Sherdog PotWR Primary Ballot

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
WARNING: All votes are final. There is no change vote option on these ballots. Please do not request your vote be changed because it will not be done.

Citizens of the War Room. You registered. You heard your candidates announce and debate. And NOW, it is your time to be heard.
This round will serve as the first ballot with the top four candidates advancing to the next round. Please embrace this moment to vote for the candidate you truly want.

Please remember that the results showing above are not accurate to the actual results. Only registered voters will be counted who voted in the poll above. Please do not make assumptions simply from seeing the numbers above as they are not accurate.

Our eleven candidates prepared their official speeches before voting began. They will be listed in the order they were seeded:

@Cubo de Sangre
Cubo de Sangre said:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

I'm here to tell you to vote my competitors guilty. Guilty of partisanship. Guilty of misrepresenting the esteemed office of President. Guilty of making empty promises, by vowing to fight for things they cannot deliver. And perhaps worse, some are guilty of putting little to no effort into crafting a message and seeing that it reaches you. So instead of repeating the campaign platform and reasons behind it, I'm going to talk a little bit about your other choices.

For brevity, let's skip the low-energy campaigns that've gained no real traction. Sadly, that leaves only three. Cubo/Chris included. In fact, one campaign has already requested removal from the ballot. What's shaping up is what we've seen before. A far left candidate (@luckyshot) and a far right candidate (@JamesRussler) looking to play tug-o-war with our wonderful community. Unlike Cubo/Chris, they want to appeal to partisanship. They want to get into office and rub their victory in the face of the opposition. Don't let them polarize you. Stay centered. Stay focused on what's important. Ask yourself what your vote is really going to get you when comparing our three campaigns.


With @luckyshot you've got a continuation of a disgraced administration. One built on division and incessantly reporting "the other side" to moderators. We see how that went. So when you're being promised that as President the candidate will exercise influence over who is banned or un-banned, you're being sold snakeoil. A false bill of goods. The President runs a sticky-thread. That's it. The banning of Homer Thompson is all the proof you need. And now we have @JamesRussler, a poster who's seemingly always on dubs, selling his entire campaign on promises of warring with the mods over who receives infractions and why. Just how long do you think he's going to last?


To @luckyshot's credit, at least he's spent time laying out a plan for what the office honestly has the authority to achieve (i.e. the content of the sticky-threads). The problem is he has no need of attaining Presidency in order to accomplish his goal. The threads he wants to start could simply be started. Putting them up top does nothing other than raise the chances they'll be skipped over. His election provides only what amounts to the same old thing. Partisan threads where one side (in his case the left) will abuse the other side, and most likely anyone in the middle who happens to take an "undesirable" stance. Like we need more of those.


Voting Cubo/Chris will get you something you don't have. Something that can only be done through the Presidential sticky-thread. You'll get a wide range of topics from a wide range of thread-starters. Posters already committed to bringing you high quality content include @Lord Coke, @Jack V Savage, and @Fawlty. In those threads you'll get what we've all, at one time or another, lamented the absence of here. Threads without trolling and personal attacks. Threads without off-topic derailments. Threads where we concentrate the best of our abilities to win the arguments with actual arguments.

It's my pledge to make this election matter longer than the handful of weeks it unfolds over. For the results to amount to more than partisan bragging rights. To be around from January through October. To honor the office, and the great responsibility of having your faith placed in me. To follow through on keeping promises that can be kept. This campaign thanks you for your consideration and hopefully the opportunity to enrich our community.



I hereby announce my withdrawal from the ballot. I just have not had the time to fully dedicate myself to the race in the way I have wanted to, and for that, I am truly sorry. To my former opponents, good luck, and may the best man/woman/vegetable/office supply win.

Clippy said:
Good morning Warroom!. The time is now!! In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in this history of mankind! Mankind, Clipkind, we're all kind and we do what we have to.

Mankind -- that word should have new meaning for all of us today.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.

We will be united in our common interests.

Perhaps its fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution -- but from annihilation.

We're fighting for our right to live, to exist.

And should we win this election, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to live on!

We're going to survive!"

Choose Clippy in this election my friends and together, we celebrate our Independence Day!

Headkicktoleg said:
Ask NOT what your warroom can do for you, but what 4 score and 7 years will bring down this wall. Whether tis nobler to suffer, or stand UP and FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO PARTY. I HAVE a DREAM that we can come together and make the warroom A BETTER PLACE. One where antifa SJW cucks and Alt-right white trash can stand together hand in hand. Will you follow me into this good night or perish like those before us in bitter rivalry and futile hate?! Only WE WILL create a better space SAFE from those who would tear us DOWN!!!!!!!!

@Slick_36 could not be reached for a speech but is on the ballot to vote for.

Tobacco said:
Dear Cigars, Cigarettes, and Cigarillos,

A new round is upon us, and I’d like to take this time to state my case as to why I’d make a great War Room President. As the supremely brilliant Nikola Tesla once said, “if you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” Right now, it’s all about the magnificence of the 3, as this election is the key for the magical third installment of War Room President in our magical War Room universe.

Yours truly is much the same person he was during the reign of the first two Presidents. I’m without humility hoping the electorate will differ in their voting this time. We have learned a lot from the 1 and 2. They were Presidents who, during the election process, were lively and appealing candidates, each in their own way, but what was common is they had energetic campaigns, big alliances, and big promises.

But once in power, both failed to be even good Presidents, let alone great ones. Palis was not a War Room regular, he had support from Sports Bar posters; his knowledge of politics was poor, as was his reasoning. His attitude was brash – a true talk first, think later type who's feeble mind was inundated with fake news. His ideas and promises vaporized once in power.

Homer was our first dyed in the wool War Room poster to be POTWR, and he was actually passionate. But he lacked the impartiality, maturity and balance to last his term; which no matter how noble his attempt, means he ended in failure.

While there has been a mild upward trend of Presidential performance, which could very well modestly continue with some of the entrants, I believe I am the candidate who can take us to new heights. I’ll confess I haven’t engaged a team, haven’t gone out and PM’d voters to death. I haven’t offered fruitless and empty government positions on my team that will never be of any consequence. My predecessors have done that, and where did it get us?

A man’s worth as a POTWR isn’t made by silly alliances in a three-week period. It’s the day to day of showing up, having a keen interest, showing the judgment required to handle responsibility, being able to compromise and making intelligent decisions, all the while having a sense of humor knowing that a good laugh balances out the conversations and is always welcome.

It is quite obvious which candidates will fail the route of Palis – likely even worse than Palis. It’s quite obvious who will fail the route of Homer. And finally, the many others who would fail in their own way should they take the mantle.

My campaign and my style aren’t like that bright red Ferrari with bells and whistles, it’s not a Hummer that roams down the street seeking attention. It’s that old Buick that you fell in love with because it day-in-and day-out faithfully did its job and got you from point A to B as you wrote the diary of your life while your favorite songs were playing. At the end of the road, you look back at it realizing it's the best car you ever had.

Lessons have been learned, and we need to get the magnificent 3rd POTWR right - the third time must be a charm; we must smoke the competition.



@Hunter Simpson
Hunter Simpson said:
Attention Sherbros and Sherbras. We're closing in on decision time.

Look around. Look at the sea of piss belts. And those are the ones who HAVEN'T managed to be banned.

This is a call to action from Hunter Simpson Campaign Headquarters to all War Room Mods:
Just how fucking hard is it to get banned from Sherdog?

On a scale from 1-10, where 1 is Christian Mingle.com and 10 is Gab
What say you?

Of course they won't answer, but clearly it's about an 8, the Breitbart comments section. Now, what the hell do you want in a War Room president? Time to shit or get off the pot.

You all know my post history. When have you ever seen me with an infraction? A vote for Hunter Simpson is a vote for someone who knows the limits (and who knows how to exploit them). Do you want a president who doesn't know how to watch his mouth?

A vote for Hunter Simpson is a vote for trust in our hard-working mods to do what needs to be done. A vote for Hunter Simpson is for our mods. It's a vote for trust.

There's no denying it.
Don't be this guy!

And that's not all, my friends. Can you imagine me having @Captain Davis enter my ranks after he has suggested I enter elsewhere? Yet here he is. I have great confidence he will do a bang up job in a Justice Department position. The only explanation is that he expects to get from the Hunter Simpson-@Knighttemplar ticket what he can't get elsewhere. And it can be yours too.

And hey, you already voted for this guy,

but we already know how @Warlord Palis's tenure went.
I say to hell with that.

Of course this isn't want you want.
I know you want less bullshit and more benevolent oversight.


snakedafunky said:
Interviewer: Why do you think Snakedafunky would be a good War Room president?

Interviewer: What makes you think the posters of the War Room will vote for you?

Interviewer: Currently Cubo de Merkel is the front-runner why do you think you can beat him?

Interviewer: You had some conflicts with the War Room "journalists" in the past. Why do you think that is.


luckyshot said:
Greetings Lady and Gentlemen of the WR,
Let me cut to the chase here: you should vote luckyshot and Team Sanity. Why, you ask? Excellent question:

The Sticky Thread

I am the only candidate with a clear, realistic, specific vision for the Sticky thread. Under President luckyshot the PotWR sticky threads will become one of the WORLD’S foremost intellectual resources for exposing bothsideism.

The sticky thread will be an ongoing series—guest written, thoroughly cited and sourced, by Sherdog’s leading intellectual lights— dedicated to utterly dissecting the pernicious myth that “both sides are just the same anyways.” And yes, smart conservatives will get equal say.

Some of the topics in this series – each to be explored in detail – would be:
· markets
· immigration
· technology/infrastructure
· social programs
· civil rights
· military interventionism
· fiscal responsibility
· jurisprudence
· the environment

Think you know what “both sides” have really done throughout history in these areas? You’ll probably be surprised by a fact or two – or ten. You get to pick which side you think is right; we’re here to explore how both sides are – and are not – the same.

I would certainly be open to input, suggestions, and advice, but a leader needs to have an actual VISION that he is committed to. Other candidates either have NO vision for the sticky thread or a totally unrealistic vision based on false powers that the PotWR doesn’t have.

Candidate Cubo has said he’d turn the sticky thread into an interminable series of votes about what the Sticky thread should be about! Lol. Talk about naval-gazing… There is an old saying, “If you have two quarterbacks, then you don’t have a quarterback.” Well, if you have 25 different ideas for a Sticky thread, you don’t have a Sticky thread.

Other candidates have made totally impossible promises that show their lack of experience:
· “Remove the ‘report’ button!”
Sorry, PotWR doesn’t control the Sherdog’s page set up or interface.
· “Police moderator bias!”
PotWR has no moderating powers, lol … if he did, you think Homer would have been banned?
· “Set up a grievance commission with 2 posters from the right, 2 posters from the left, 2 independents, an administrator, and Jeff Sherwood.”
Nice idea, but let me know how that goes after two weeks.

I've said it before: The plan for the sticky cannot be as logistically complicated as a land invasion of Russia in the winter.

When you look at it honestly, I’m the only candidate with a clear, realistic, specific vision for the Sticky thread. I’d get it done right, and over the course of the next year, we’d ALL learn an important thing or two that affects our political outlook. Isn’t that the main reason we’re here?

If You Are a Liberal or Unapologetic Anti- Trumper

No one has the anti- #maga-boi bona fides that my team and I have. Period.
Some threads started by yours truly:
· Trump Opioid Policy: Step Up War on Drugs, Not Treatment
· Another Campaign Lie... Trump Tax Returns Never to Be Released
· Sandy Hook CT Requesting Trump Severe Ties w. Alex Jones
· Coal Miners Who Voted "Trump" Now Begging to Keep Obamacare
· Bernie: "Trump is a Fraud"
· “We Fell in Love... He Wrote Me Beautiful Letters”: Trump @ Kim
· QAnon: Latest Nutbag Theory Supporting Trump

That's the just tip (just the tip I promise) of the iceburg. Now listen, I’m far from perfect, and I don’t claim to be. But you know who I am and where I stand.

There are some other fine candidates on the left, and I will not disparage them personally. But they have shown themselves to be only too willing to mute their message in order to chase votes. None of them has experience of the Sanity team. We’ve been standing BOLDLY against Trumpism since day one.

Bothside Cubo, on the other hand, says he’d definitely (maybe) give Trump a rating of “incomplete.” I did a search for threads Cubo has made containing the word “Trump.” Result? “No Results Found.” Couldn’t have put it better myself.

The standard-bearer for Anti- Trumpism should be someone who will stand up and bear the damn standard ... not someone who hides behind backroom deal making and is happy to court alt-right votes by telling people whatever they want to hear.

If You’re A Reasonable Conservative or Ideologically Mixed

I respect anyone who engages in honest and thoughtful debate. As my appointment of a Chair of a Chair of Bipartisanship shows, I am willing to reach pretty darn far across the aisle if someone is willing to have genuine discussions.

And what is more important, your participation is required to prevent the War Room fro becoming just another online echo chamber.
· What role does hierarchy play in preserving social order?
· How do we optimize wealth creation while also working towards humane distribution?
· What effect is low wage immigration really having on the social safety net?
· Is nationalism the most solid foundation on which to build a society?
· How do we balance economic imperatives with environmental conservation?

These question have come to me from the various posters on the right-- and they deserve to be engaged. We need thoughtful conservative contributions in the WR-- especially in the Sticky thread. As POTWR I will support, no implore, your participation and ensure you all have a seat at the table.

posters will always have a voice my administration regardless of ideology.

luckyshot, iPotWR, Team Sanity, 2018


lowmanproblems said:
The first thing I want to do is thank everyone that has been involved. It takes a lot of effort and time to make this happen.

@Lead thanks for taking the time to set all of this up.

@Cubo de Sangre
@Hunter Simpson

I know the effort each one of you put in, I think we have had a pretty good run up to this point.

@Gutter Chris

WE couldnt have done it with out our Vps.


Thanks for the news updates;

@Captain Davis

Thanks to my team for all the help and support you guys have given

Here we are with the first round of voting, no gimmicks for me today, Im just going to talk to you guys straight up. Im not concerned about changing the left vs right stuff. We come to sherdog to have fun, discuss MMA and politics. I enjoy the fighting and heated discussions, I dont want that to change. The reason you should vote for me, regardless if you are right, left, or center, is because I will do my best to entertain you with my sticky threads. I have had some ideas that are shared with my opponents, such as a wall of shame for our fallen brother, running a state of the WR to address the inner politics going on in the WR from time to time. I will try to reflect real world events in my sticky threads, but connect them to the people of the WR. If someone has a good angle to work or idea for a sticky thread of course I would give them my ear.

I would also like for us to have a place to flame and settle beefs without clogging up the OT. I like our boys over in the OT, but they dont want us dragging our dirt onto their forums. With the lounge being more of a chill, get to know one another place, our bareknuckle arena would be just to flame and fight those that we dont like. Of course there would have to be rules such as protecting those that do not wish to engage in that sort of posting.

The report button is a big issue for all of us. The reason we have a report button is to help the mods keep the forum under control. The mods cant read every post, things can get out of control, and with out the mods the forum would get dominated by people trolling and the forum would die. Are there times when a mods bias effects who the give yellows to and how short of a leash that person has? Yes, I got banned for fighter bashing in April of 2008 for saying that “If Tim Sylvia doesnt train his ass off, and come into this fight in the best shape of his life, Fedor is going to knock him the fuck out.” The guy that banned me was a huge Sylvia fan and banned a lot of people for similar things. (after I was banned I left for years and then started lurking, before making this account.) That is the sort of thing that we should want our mods to avoid. If there is a way for me to help voice some change in that direction, I would try my best. I want to see our regulars posting base grow. When we ban regular posters forever, we all lose.

Many people have asked how we would deal with trolls or shit posters. The biggest thing to understand is that PotWR is mostly about having a sticky thread and bragging rights. If there was any request for my input from the mods and administration I would give my input of course. I honestly feel that the mods do a fair job of dealing with the actual trolls on the board. When it comes to bring back ban posters, there is absolutely nothing that can be done from the PotWR. So unless the administration decides to allow Homer to come back, his account is dead forever and he will have to start all over again.

Some other info on the campaign.

When I decided to enter this race, it was mostly to help get things moving. I have been in contact with a lot of the other candidates though Pms. Any attacking I did on the other guys was to try and help get the back and forth going. I have given feed back and offered to help may of the candidates. I truly wanted the people of the WR to be entertained. Coming up with two or three weeks of content is hard and takes a lot of dedication. Hopefully you guys have followed the threads enough to see how much effort everyone has put into this. My Deep State angle was a shout out to @Lead for putting this all together and the other mods that try to keep this place cleaned up.

Reasons you shouldnt vote for the other guys

Cubo is going to try not to offend any one or show a political bias. This will be boring, and bland.

James the dude has been good with his multimedia usage, but im not sure he will keep it up for a whole year. I believe that there is a good chance he will get bored or banned. His campaign is full of promises that he cant keep.

Leto has flaked out, he did put some effort in, but didnt devote near as much time as the front runners have.

Headkick he got overwhelmed and ended up being a flop in the race.

Slick threw his name in at the last minute and just rode that out.

Snake ran his anti white American campaign for laughs.

Clippy already has his own sticky thread “isle clippy” go check it out, we dont have a need for a tag thread. Give this man his mod title already.

Hunter why would you vote for him when the other Libs do everything better than him?

Tobacco he has been running in the back ground. It has been a pretty forgetful campaign.

Lucky if you didnt like the Homer reign than Lucky wont be any different.

Thanks to all of you guys that have taken the time to read through all of the post we have put out there for you guys. Its been fun, hopefully you will vote to put me in the next round so I can get back on track of tearing these boys up.

@JamesRussler could not be reached for a speech but is on the ballot to vote for.

PotWR Primary Election Official Results
Advance to Round 4
1. @luckyshot 66 votes
2. @Cubo de Sangre 64 votes
3. @JamesRussler 38 votes
4. @Clippy 31 votes

5. @Lowmanproblems 28 votes
6. @Hunter Simpson 10 votes
7. @snakedafunky 6 votes
8. @leto1776 4 votes
9. @Headkicktoleg 2 votes
10. @Tobacco 2 votes
11. @Slick_36 1 vote

Candidate List (Seeded)
@Cubo de Sangre
@Hunter Simpson

The Registered Voter List (Please use a limit of 10 tags per post)
@Cubo de Sangre
@Farmer Br0wn
@Lord Coke
@Jack V Savage
@Hunter Simpson
@Liquid Smoke
@Roaming East
@MC OverPressure
@Lord Palis
@Jackie Blue
@Rational Poster
@Edison Carasio
@Dr. Shoemaker
@Captain Davis
@Limbo Pete
@ocean size
@Devout Pessimist
@bad seed
@Anung Un Rama
@second sight
@Son of Jamin
@D 1 Wrestler
@Possum Jenkins
@no fat chicks
@The ScorpioN
@The Diplomat
@Last Samurai
@Ice That Jaw
@King of Fists
@Teen Wolf
@Diamond Jim
@Al Gorithm
@Bloody Pulp
@Gutter Chris
@Staph infection
@Carolina Skiff
@computer fogie
@Lucifer Alpha
@Mark Hunts FIST
@Post Mortem
@Dirt Road Soldier
@Don Quixote
@Final Rehab
@Hans Gercmiov
@Hard To Tell
@Iceberg Slim
@n...not crazy
@Rob Battisti
@kiki do you love me
@Whippy McGee
@Workers United
@Satsui Ryu
Last edited:
Media Predictions
GNN Reports: Odds for candidates to advance to next round of voting


@luckyshot - 88%
Although luckyshot currently holds a smaller share of the overall polled votes than Cubo de Sangre, his support is much more firmly grounded than the embattled front runner. While de Sangre has suffered considerable losses to right-wing rival JamesRussler, luckyshot has consolidated left and center-left support through his Sanity Party base.​

@Cubo de Sangre - 82.5%
Cubo de Sangre continues to lead in the polls and is very likely to advance to the next round of voting. However, his support has appeared increasingly vulnerable in the past two weeks. While ridding the field of rivals snakedafunky and Clippy will surely increase his vote share, his most pressing concern is our next candidate.​

@JamesRussler - 59.5%
Russler has become the talk of the town with his recent campaign ads, slogans, and videos. His recent appointment of Contradictator to his Vice President spot could help him increase his chances to advance to the next round of voting, but the VP's lack of appeal to anything but the far-right could also short-circuit his campaign from progressing further.​

@Hunter Simpson - 38%
Like Lowmanproblem, Simpson suffers from luckyshot's existence in this race and he will struggle to secure the necessary left and center-left votes to advance to the next round. However, if he does, he will immediately become a strong candidate to advance further, as he will likely benefit greatly as second option for voters of candidates like Lowmanproblems, Tobacco, and snakedafunky. Additionally, in the unlikely scenario that left-wing leader luckyshot fails to advance and Simpson succeeds, he could quickly become a better's favorite to take the election. Should both candidates advance, it could spell trouble for both of their tickets.​

@Clippy - 36%
Clippy is perhaps the oddest candidate in the race. He lacks a clear message, a well-known running mate, an established history on the sub-forum, or a clear place on the forum's political spectrum. However, he may have a place on the autism spectrum - and frankly, that's adorable. His rapport with posters across the political divide, his strong name recognition, and his palatable campaign strategy make him a surprisingly viable candidate to advance.​

@Lowmanproblems - 29.5%
Lowmanproblems has a high floor and a low-to-intermediate ceiling that depends almost entirely on how effective his recent move to the center and his choice of Vice President is with voters. While Lowmanproblems' current polling numbers are underwhelming, advanced analytics show that his ticket enjoys unique support as a second option to voters across the race, making his single-digit polling numbers somewhat deceiving. He will win a certain amount of anti-Trump voters and posters otherwise admiring of his aggressive and full-throated political style. Like Hunter SImpson, he will suffer from luckyshot's consolidation of the left and center-left vote. But without Hunter Simpson's favorability with Sanity Party members and without the friendly forum rapport of posters like Tobacco and Clippy, he may struggle to sufficiently pick up votes at the margins, except through the influence of his running mate. Time will only tell, but it could turn out that his trademark sizzle will be a millstone on his success and on the perceived sincerity of his centrist campaign.​

@Tobacco - 27%
After Clippy, Tobacco may be the second hardest result to predict. Loved by some and likely by nearly all, Tobacco is himself a strong candidate. However, he has ran a flawed campaign. In addition to failing to select a running mate, his campaign message has been inconsistent and at times incoherent. Although he is currently polling higher than Lowmanproblems, one has to think these campaign gaffes will come home to roost.
@snakedafunky - 19%
Had snakedafunky chosen to run a more traditional and rigorous campaign, he'd likely be in a strong position to proceed further. However, the wily veteran made the baffling choice to run a novelty campaign and then welsh almost entirely on his campaign responsibilities during the latter half of the round. While the "plus" analysis bumps up his chances and is reflected in his present odds, expecting more than a single-digit vote share seems unreasonably optimistic given his recent inactivity.
@Headkicktoleg - 17%
Headkicktoleg has ran an admirable campaign: enthusiastic, fearless, and hopeful. However, Cubo de Sangre's early locking up of center-right support, combined with JamesRussler's recent far-right blitzkrieg, has created an uphill battle that will be very difficult to overcome for the candidate. He still has a chance, though, owing to the continued complacency of de Sangre and the undeniable possibility of a late-game boner by JamesRussler. If he wants to advance, he'll need to work hard on election day.​

@Slick_36 - 5%
Well, this was disappointing. While slick_36 enjoys resilient support from a small portion of the electorate, he has done very little to parlay that foundation into a more viable campaign. He will receive some votes, but success is earned and he simply hasn't put in the legwork to give himself more than a hail mary's chance to advance to the next round.​

@leto1776 - <1%
Leto1776 recently withdrew his name from consideration. While this would seem to suggest he should be excluded from our analysis entirely, he could still rescind his withdrawal and give himself a one-in-a-million shot to advance. Here at GNN, we don't discount miracles - and leto1776 would certainly need one.​


DOX News predicts the outcome of the primary vote

@luckyshot - DOX has no doubt about this candidate's survival into the next round. Superior campaign management and experience will be sufficient for a good second place in the primaries.

@Cubo de Sangre - Cubo will survive the primaries, though only with a slightly disappointing third place.

@JamesRussler - Will receive many right-wing votes and win the primary vote.

@Clippy - may be the surprise number four, depending on how many registered voters are actually OT sleepers.

@Hunter Simpson , @Lowmanproblems will likely not make the cut as DOX expects they will fail to convert support into votes despite strong campaigns. Update: @Tobacco also falls into this category.

All other candidates will not be relevant.

Three Fifty Three Round 3 Predictions

With our last article, we brought you some key characteristics of the voter base for 2018. With Round 3 only a day away now, 353 will present to you a glimpse of the candidates, their campaigns, and our current analysis of who makes it to the second ballot.

@luckyshot 92% chance on reaching second ballot
-Firmly establishing the coalition former President @HomerThompson controlled in 2017, lucky stands in clear position to not only gain enough votes to qualify for the second ballot but also begin crafting a general election message and campaign plan to win it all. The network was firmly in place even from round 1 as we could see the campaign jump into full gear registering past year supporters. Additionally, the campaign appears to be running unopposed to a direct competitor for the left wing. With the closest being @Lowmanproblems, a former member of the administration, it appears his positioning closer to the center and lucky's lack of harsh words show this is seen as less of a threat and more of a possible partnership that will soon come together again.

@Cubo de Sangre 85% chance of reaching second ballot
-Despite being a new contender to this years election, the Cubo campaign has checked every box off to be seen as a serious contender not only for the primaries but possibly the general election. Securing a well-experienced VP familiar with running a 3rd party campaign previously with @pcptornado, the Cubo campaign initially laid ground work for their unique vision of a campaign to the Presidency. The campaign also seemed to be well funded and poised from the beginning to run ad campaigns and deliver the message they wanted to project. The concerns at this early stage are minimally but ones that could grow as the race continues. With a centrist campaign, Cubo has to walk a fine line in securing whatever coalition he's built from being poached on either side of the spectrum.

@JamesRussler 67% chance of reaching second ballot
-What seemingly was a spur of the moment decision to campaign slowly morphed into the face of a serious candidate filling the right wing power vacuum. His announcement of the right's longtime respected @Ripskater only further solidified a strong push from obscure candidate to a campaign that one could fathom in the general election. The vastly strong media campaign against other candidates hasn't hurt either.

@Lowmanproblems 50% chance of reaching second ballot
-A competent and credible campaign that has been conflicted with running for a coalition he was once apart of; lowman sought out a more centrist campaign message that unexpectedly got deafened by multiple candidates doing the same. With little options present than the ones he has taken advantage of, it's uncertain whether this will be enough to move on to the second ballot. The make-up of the 2018 landscape appears to have worked against him but none-the-less, the campaign still stays in full swing in trying to win.

@Hunter Simpson 47% chance of reaching second ballot
-His campaign for our analysis has become an odd duck to make a call on. It seems easy to write the campaign off as we can't point to the group of voters being sought out but his coalition does seem to be intact, which ultimately might be all one needs to make it to the fourth spot on the second ballot. His campaign hasn't been shy to play off the resemblance of former President @HomerThompson though their style and demeanor are nothing alike. This may be our 1st ballot dark horse.

@Clippy 33% chance of reaching second ballot
-This is the strongest and most active campaign we have seen from Clippy in the three years he's run and with his high favor-ability rating from multi-forum citizens, he cannot be counted out for a strong showing that possibly gets him 3rd or 4th amount of votes. Like prior campaigns, we question both the campaign staffing decisions and the clear call for illegal voters which has been a downfall in the past. While he isn't the strongest bet, he has enough name recognition forum-wide to be taken seriously in the primary round.

@Headkicktoleg 9% chance of reaching second ballot
-Our short staffed agency is guilty of not following this campaign as much as we should have. Maybe that has left a blind spot for the possibilities here but at the moment we do not see viability here.

@snakedafunky 9% chance of reaching second ballot
-A veteran to this race that went for a change in tone this year but didn't find the fire he once had with his previous message. This led to a period of ambiguity and then irrelevance. The funky campaign appears to know another year is lost but the ambition of running a 1000 year worth of campaigns.

@Tobacco 6% chance of reaching second ballot
-A friendly and laid back campaign has shown to reap little results for the one-time know CEROVFC. Whether it being the rebranding that took an initial hit to his name recognition or a lack of positioning to gather a key group of voters, the campaign is likely to be looking from the outside by the second ballot.

@leto1776 2% chance of reaching second ballot
-Initially looked to secure the front runner position of the right but has been significantly outdone by rival candidate JamesRussler in both staffing and ads. Though very few public exchanges have occurred between the two campaigns, their fates have become intertwined with leto being condemned to the 1st ballot candidate cemetery.

@Slick_36 0% chance of reaching second ballot
-What seemed to be a possible PR stunt or a way of gauging interest, the Slick campaign has all but end operations before voting has begun. A few speeches were given but nothing at this point warrants enough credit for a first ballot success.
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Now it gets interesting.
Remember to vote for Lowman, a true man of the people.
War the SHER PRES ELECTIONS 2018-2019!
Cubo gets the #1 poll option spot?

Im, sry if no allowed...but I wanna voice my honest support. WAR CUBO mah BoYzZ
With Cubo we've got "lowmen" covered with @Gutter Chris. Our campaign has it all.

Your campaign has been boring and would your presidential run. You do nothing better than your opponents. A vote for @Cubo de Sangre is a vote for us all holding hands and singing in unison.

Edit: @JamesRussler has had his whole campaign proven to be bullshit. He also isnt planning on being around to do anything he has promised. The administraion has informed him that everything he promised is complete bullshit. Think about it folks.
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Cubo gets the #1 poll option spot?


Per the rules:
Registered Voter and Candidate lists. In the event that over 20 eligible posters announce their candidacy, a tie-breaker is in place to determine who will remain:
A formula will be used on each candidate to give them a score. This score will determine the order of the voting list of the first 20 candidates (Highest score first to lowest score last). Those with scores lower than 20th rank will not advance to Round 2. If the current PotWR of this calendar year runs again, they will automatically be seeded as 1. The seeding will also play a tiebreaker role in Round 3 as well (see that section). The formula to determine a score is as follows:
(Current Year-Join Date Year)x 1000 = A
Post Count at the time they are added = B
Number of Words in Announcement Speech Post x 5 = C (I will count the first qualified version of the speech, not edits. No redos. Any attempts to game the system with obvious duplication will result in the rest of the speech not being counted)
Number of previous campaigns in prior year(s) by candidate x 1000= D
A+B+C+D= Candidate's Score
Each candidate will give a speech that will be provided in the OP. Tiebreakers to determine place will be determined by seeding mentioned earlier in the Round 1 section. This will be easy to track as the ballot will list the candidates in order of their seeding (top= highest seed to bottom= lowest seed).
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Now it gets interesting.
Oh no shit. Your a MOD now bruv. Good stuff. I missed it I guess...glad to see your helping out like you've been bruv. Also, I am not null to the option of helping the site in anyway I can!
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