22-Year-Old Model Got Her Lip Ripped Off by a Pit Bull

People here and online tell me that pitbulls were bred as nanny dogs to be good family pets that will protect their children from rapists and murderers that are always coming into their homes.
Fox News imprinted in fools heads. Threats and danger everywhere.
pitbulls are just dogs. the real losers are there owners.
The Pitbull was just helping her get some cheap plastic surgery and some Bee-sting lips
Pit bulls are dangerous. Similar to having a wild wolf for a pet. Everybody says its how they are raised, but I would ask you how many people do you know mauled to death by retrievers? None.
Poor girl.
Why defuq did I watch that?!!!
I should not off even clicked on this thread! Fuck!!!
Pitbulls....the Prince Andrew of the dog world..

Hopefully she can make a good recovery and have a good life.

A much maligned breed but that's a pretty low blow. I'm sure there are a heap.... I mean .... 1 or 2 decent pits out there. There are no decent Prince Andrew's out there.
Wow can you imagine what kind of bad owner must have trained their dog to attack a woman's lips?!
To be fair she put herself at risk by not carrying a decoy baby.

Or a midget...after rejected from the new snow white movie they need the gigs.

Wow can you imagine what kind of bad owner must have trained their dog to attack a woman's lips?!

you actually have to crate train them if you want them to bite people

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