375 African Americans murdered in Chicago(2018)

Not surprising considering drug cartels are operating within the city.
You are a hack.

The reality of it is that almost every single community that blacks are a majority in this country, has extremely high crime rates that are totally unacceptable. The crimes are not just simple drug crimes either but are of extreme violence.

The victims are primarily other blacks who have a destroyed neighborhood, have to send their children to school with gang members selling drugs inside of it or outside of it, have to share government housing with a bunch of drug addicts and drug dealers, have to watch out that they do not get targeted in a random act of gang violence by being out at night time or hit in a drive by when walking down the street, and who have ruined police relations in their neighborhoods because if they dare to speak out to cops a gang member terrorist will intimidate or murder them.

These terrorists have been destroying inner cities for far so long, yet get a pass and their crime excused by liberals.

Blacks in inner-cities do not have terrible access to education as well, most inner cities have a large amount of funding for public school and blacks live close enough and also have decent public transportation to easily send their children to them. Whites who are poor in rural areas are at a disadvantage in this regard however they do not have the same issue of being born into neighborhoods that have a culture of extreme crime, violence and terrorism.

The murder rates in just 3 neighborhoods of Chicago alone (Austin, Englewood, and Garfield Park ) are higher than entire White states even the poor ones. This issue is not just limited to Chicago either, New Orleans, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Camden, Detroit, Gary, St Louis, Baltimore have extremely high murder rates as well. Only the black community has crime on this level, not even illegal immigrant communities who are poor and work for below minimum wage and come from violent countries commit this level of crime. Not even Muslim's from third world countries form communities like this in America, and especially those same poor White rednecks you hate in red states with very lax gun laws commit no where near as much murder or crime.

These criminal terrorists have been destroying their community and America for too long!
I would suggest you put them in concentration camps but that would be stupid. Youve already done that.
I would suggest you put them in concentration camps but that would be stupid. Youve already done that.
Do you have any ideas regarding solutions to the suggested issues listed in the OP? Or is the situation exaggerated and not necessarily a significant issue in your community?
Do you have any ideas regarding solutions to the suggested issues listed in the OP? Or is the situation exaggerated and not necessarily a significant issue in your community?

My ideas get you killed though.
See: malcom x, Martin Luther king jr, huey newton for details.
Don Lemons has identified white ppl are to blame

My ideas get you killed though.
See: malcom x, Martin Luther king jr, huey newton for details.
I wouldn't want a fellow Sherdog poster to be in danger. Stay safe, Sherbro.
It’s fine. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Blacks have terrible access to education, easy access to guns, their fathers are almost all in jail or just shitty fathers and they find gangs at 12 or 13 years old. They don’t stand a chance in society.

On the flip side right wing whites keep killing in schools and churches and sending bombs and blowing up abortion clinics.

All need help and reasonable discussions can be had for both issues
Sending bombs to whom? You know they didn't have detonators and that guy wasn't even white, right? If you're going to be a racist SJW and decide race and political leaning are the most important factors, at least get your ducks in a row.

The CDC confirms that, following an extended period of general decline, the overall homicide rate -- as well as the homicide rate within each racial group -- has increased from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, the homicide rates were (per 100,000 population):

20.9 for blacks (non-Hispanic)
4.9 for Hispanics
2.6 for whites (non-Hispanic)
5.7 for all races
I think the question is pretty self explanatory, but you shared as much detail as one can ask for in your post.

Lol you guys are hilarious. Make a cheap 1 sentence statement and when asked for clarification basically make a nonsensical statement. Guess I hurt your feelings at some point also. Haha keep being scared homie
Why do poor whites vote republican?
Mainly because of Democrat hostility to the 2nd Amendment and left wing demonization of white men. If Dems would reconcile themselves to the Second Amendment, and strive harder to avoid sexism and racism, they'd win every election for the next quarter century.
Mainly because of Democrat hostility to the 2nd Amendment and left wing demonization of white men. If Dems would reconcile themselves to the Second Amendment, and strive harder to avoid sexism and racism, they'd win every election for the next quarter century.

Maybe but very few Dems have hostility towards the 2nd amendment, just like very few democrats if any want open borders. I think it may have more do to with being scared into voting republican. If you are poor, and rely on social security and Medicare why vote for the party that wants to admittedly gut these programs?
I clearly made you angry in a past post that you are incapable of providing a coherent, reasonable response lol

Have a good one
Accuse other side of being angry.

Bail on conversation.

Sending bombs to whom? You know they didn't have detonators and that guy wasn't even white, right? If you're going to be a racist SJW and decide race and political leaning are the most important factors, at least get your ducks in a row.

Lol he was a Trumper who thought he was sending working bombs and that’s according to the FBI. If you know more I suggest you call and let them know. Also stop with the uneducated buzzwords (SJW and racism) I’ll take the stupid “sjw” on the left but you have to take the racists on the right. The KKK and white nationalists aren’t voting dem and you know this.