A City With No Kids

Say there was a Island were young adults( say college age) were taken to live out there life. Say they got fixed before they went there and went on their own knowing they could never have kids. So it aint like no prison or nothing, just a place were people could live out their live without the distraction of childern or burden of childern on their society. How do you think the society would work. Do you think it would it would strive or fail. Could a society without the worries of childern come together and solve the world's problems or would it have the same problem with people climbing on top of each other to reach the top?
One thing is for sure, between 50-80 years there would be no one left on the island.
They wouldn't need to really grow up and take on as much social responsibility, and they would have less stake in creating a future for the next generations.

Probably a more self absorbed population.
Can i be put on an island? with no kids and only the people i like? oh and cats. A ton of cats.
Say there was a Island were young adults( say college age) were taken to live out there life. Say they got fixed before they went there and went on their own knowing they could never have kids. So it aint like no prison or nothing, just a place were people could live out their live without the distraction of childern or burden of childern on their society. How do you think the society would work. Do you think it would it would strive or fail. Could a society without the worries of childern come together and solve the world's problems or would it have the same problem with people climbing on top of each other to reach the top?
Good luck dying alone with no one to help you get around for the last 10 years of your life. The younger generation takes care of the older one
Good luck dying alone with no one to help you get around for the last 10 years of your life. The younger generation takes care of the older one

You dont think the younger ones coming in would take care of the older gen.

I dont see why they wouldnt. Respect you elders is something that is always there and they could always build a nursey home inside the city.

This isnt a one time time thing. New people would be allowed to come in every few yrs or as the older gen dies off.
They wouldn't need to really grow up and take on as much social responsibility, and they would have less stake in creating a future for the next generations.

Probably a more self absorbed population.

but there would be a next gen. The next gen of young adult could coming in every few yrs or so and old folks die off.
You dont think the younger ones coming in would take care of the older gen.

I dont see why they wouldnt. Respect you elders is something that is always there and they could always build a nursey home inside the city.

This isnt a one time time thing. New people would be allowed to come in every few yrs or as the older gen dies off.
Oh I didn't realize they would just keep replenishing with more adults
Isnt this the sort of premise of the movie The Island ?