After tonight, Should UFC ever host in Brazil again?

When the ufc goes to a non usa location its usually for the purpose of promoting local fighters. Traveling can be a major drain with time zones and stuff.

A fan of brazil fighters would love this card since one was in like every fight. While others dont feel the same.

Shogun and Glover retiring made it a very special moment (some bad, some good). Made the event. Have to imagine these guy retiring as their biggest fans watch, many emotions you remember everytime you hear their names. It was an event for brazil
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Off dubz, that's awesome sir ;)
Thank you big bro~
They will go back there again, but agreed that the crowd was disgusting yesterday, no class at all, shameful and embarrassing. everyone is focusing on all the non Brazilian fighters getting boo'd and being told they will die, but thats not what did it for me.. its when Glover is retiring and he can't say anything other than "please don't throw things at Hill and please have respect for him" that says it all really... and there were about 2 claps for Glovers speech, they were all walking out. No class, its a shame... Glover deserved a full arena and to be given a great send off.

Glover is a true gentleman with a lot of class and dignity. I am sure deep down he is embarrassed by the reactions
Contrary to popular belief, the world does not revolve around the USA.

To start that event at 12am local time is a bit of an insult to the Brazillian people hosting that event. If you let Brazil host a UFC event, host it at a time that suits the people of that country. It is upto the rest of the world to determine if they are keen enough to watch it or not in their time zone.

The Australian event will start at 4am which is not as bad timewise as Brazil but still crappy for the host nation. A lot of hotels won't put it on as the main event will finish before hotels are allowed to open.
The same people defending that garbage would be exploding if it happened anywhere else.
Dana is hosting a slapping competition. He does not care about his employees. They will go back.
Who was the fighter who got stabbed through the cage during a fight? Renzo? Eugene Tadio?
Sure… sore losers are passionate though.
Did I say they were classy? no.
Do I think it was 320am for them so they might have been drunk , tired , and upset? Maybe
Still events in Brazil are fun

Especially fun when a bunch of Brazilian fighters lose and it goes dead silent. Shit is too funny.

And yes, they are passionate, but not really passionate about the sport, or they'd have more respect for foreign fighters. They are just passionate about macho BS and their nationality.
Eh, I still remember the card in Ireland when the drunken crowd was throwing trash into the octagon as well as fighters walking out. Pretty sure that didn't stop the UFC from going back.
Don't forget American fans will cheer for other ethnic/national fighters because America is so diverse. I find it funny how other countries shit on America, when these other countries are shit fans who only root for their own.
rofl, are we pretending USians don't boo fighters from other countries now?
Ken has the solution to the problem
