Law Airport executive shot in firefight with federal agents at his home in Arkansas

Yes, you should let an armed criminal have surveillance on you when you are about to raid his home.

guy is a perfect example of FAFO.
You should def take every measure to ensure criminals with caches of weapons are as backed into a corner as possible before being disarmed.
You should def take every measure to ensure criminals with caches of weapons are as backed into a corner as possible before being disarmed.

One less POS in the world, what's to hate though?
One less POS in the world, what's to hate though?

What’s to hate? The lack of accountability and inability to ever be scrutinized for their actions.(Their actions are always completely justified)
Waco, Ruby Ridge, Operation Fast and the Furious, Defunding of Operation Thor.
The ATF continues to run a body count with absolutely no oversight.
If you have as little respect for due process and the fundamental processes of law as the BATF. Please get the fuck out of my country if you presently live in the US.
If you have as little respect for due process and the fundamental processes of law
Says the guy that is defending a criminal.

What exactly did the ATF did illegal here? they had evidence the guy was selling guns illegaly they got a warrant, went to his house, they got shot by the criminal and shot back.
Says the guy that is defending a criminal.

What exactly did the ATF did illegal here? they had evidence the guy was selling guns illegaly they got a warrant, went to his house, they got shot by the criminal and shot back.
Your characterization is way off.

This is equivalent to a normal law-abiding citizen getting their front door kicked in before daylight. Any reasonable person would jump up and begin to defend themselves.
Real bad optics for an organization that has assuredly earned the distrust from the American People.
The Arkansas Attorney General is questioning the response and actions by BATF.

Along with other social media apps, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, around 3.7% of guns from 2017 to 2021 were trafficked using that method. That is a larger percentage than what was found at gun shows, flea markets or auctions.

Only 1.6% were sold by licensed gun dealers.

“Gun stores and gun shows are not a major source of firearm trafficking,” Aidan Johnston, with gun rights group Gun Owners of America, told WTOP.
Uhhh you guys….

Why are you all mad about a 1%er peddling poison to the hoods, barrios and trailer parks?!

That’s not very conservative of you all.

Crying about the ATF busting up creepy sex pest cults with maximum effort ain’t the move either.

Makes you look real funny in the light.

I made it 24 seconds in.

At "Brian was a law-abiding gun owner. He became the target of Joe Biden's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, even though he was unaware that he was even being investigated." I was like

I made it 24 seconds in.

At "Brian was a law-abiding gun owner. He became the target of Joe Biden's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, even though he was unaware that he was even being investigated." I was like

Of course you couldn't watch more than that . . .

Thanks for letting the rest of us know.
So was the raid.

The video confirmed the lack of turning on body cameras seemed to be on purpose.
The dead guys families lawyer confirmed that it seemed to be.