Social Anyone Else Still Wearing Masks?

Wife and i got covid 2 weeks ago. The past couple days i had to go to the store to get food and stuff and i wore a mask. Just seems polite.
I still see people wearing one once in awhile. One of the only good things to come out of the pandemic IMO is an awareness now that you can wear masks when you aren't feeling well to keep from giving other people the cold or flu, like they have been doing in Asia for some time.
If I go somewhere like my buddies house where his wife is compromised, sure.

In Japan here I just follow what most others are doing. 100% indoors and like 60% of the time outdoors when it's crowded. People here automatically think I'm American so they have a preconceived notion I'm a loud mouth asshole, I try not to play the stereotype up too much.
No, I’m not virtue signaling dork. I stopped wearing them in public/at work in April 2020 and never wore them in stores after my state dropped the mandate in may 2021. I wouldn’t use them again if they were “re-mandated” again.