Anyone played along with this new scam?

Via Heeto

Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Oct 2, 2021
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The lottery winner and the "i have recorded you jerking off at perverted websites so send me money" scams seemed to have run their course. Although I still get some of the later almost weekly.

But during the past week i have gotten a new type. Someone will text me, and it is the wrong number. They say something like "Betty, I really liked the heels you wore last week. Where did you get them?"

I text back saying wrong number. but they tell me how nice i am and want to start a conversation, but i just block them. Anyone getting these? It's different that it is from a text and not an email. Just wondering what their angle is. Clearly it is not a coincidence I have got 4 of them in the last week and all of them want to be friends
I never hearda this scam before but Im glad I know about it now
Honestly, I woulda probably been flattered at the compliment and fell head first into their web of deception
other ones i got were asking if I received the package yet from amazon they sent me and if I had seen Bill since he was drunk at the party. I forget the other one
You din't even send them a dick pick?
Yeah I get a lot of those random texts but I just never respond.
If you respond, they will increase in sending random ones because they know the number is active and the user is responding, even if its just trolling.
If you dont want to get more, its easier, better and safer to just block/delete
The lottery winner and the "i have recorded you jerking off at perverted websites so send me money" scams seemed to have run their course. Although I still get some of the later almost weekly.

But during the past week i have gotten a new type. Someone will text me, and it is the wrong number. They say something like "Betty, I really liked the heels you wore last week. Where did you get them?"

I text back saying wrong number. but they tell me how nice i am and want to start a conversation, but i just block them. Anyone getting these? It's different that it is from a text and not an email. Just wondering what their angle is. Clearly it is not a coincidence I have got 4 of them in the last week and all of them want to be friends
No but I have two that are both fucked up. So I'm single so I've been on different dating apps and there are two big scams that people have tried on me several times. One is always from an Asian women that starts talking to you like anyone else would. After a few days they ask if you like to invest in crypto. They then tell you about this way to mine crypto and show you this method that is "very easy and generates wealth over time". They have you put crypto into the coinbase wallet and send you a link so you can start. You will actually make money for a few days before this fake site goes in and wipes your whole wallet out.

The next scam is super fucked. You'll have some 22 year old hit you up and she will chat with you for a few days. Then she will instigate sexting and sending pics and all that. Soon after she sends pics she stops talking to you. Several days later you get a text from a random number saying "Hey this is so and so's dad and you were engaging in illegal sexual behavior with my 16 year old. I'm going to have to report you to the police. We are sending her to a counselor for her behavior and unless you send money to some random cashapp account to pay the fees for her counseling you will be reported and have to register as a sex offender". Suuuper fucked up cause I've had people try and pull that scam like 3 times on me.
No but I have two that are both fucked up. So I'm single so I've been on different dating apps and there are two big scams that people have tried on me several times. One is always from an Asian women that starts talking to you like anyone else would. After a few days they ask if you like to invest in crypto. They then tell you about this way to mine crypto and show you this method that is "very easy and generates wealth over time". They have you put crypto into the coinbase wallet and send you a link so you can start. You will actually make money for a few days before this fake site goes in and wipes your whole wallet out.

The next scam is super fucked. You'll have some 22 year old hit you up and she will chat with you for a few days. Then she will instigate sexting and sending pics and all that. Soon after she sends pics she stops talking to you. Several days later you get a text from a random number saying "Hey this is so and so's dad and you were engaging in illegal sexual behavior with my 16 year old. I'm going to have to report you to the police. We are sending her to a counselor for her behavior and unless you send money to some random cashapp account to pay the fees for her counseling you will be reported and have to register as a sex offender". Suuuper fucked up cause I've had people try and pull that scam like 3 times on me.

Got any of those pics?
I never hearda this scam before but Im glad I know about it now
Honestly, I woulda probably been flattered at the compliment and fell head first into their web of deception

Nah you seem like a really clever, switched on (and probably handsome) dude. You wouldn't fall for a scam,

By the way, could I borrow $20?
Got any of those pics?
Nah it actually freaked me out so I deleted em all but all the girls definitely looked in their 20's. Assholes gave me a heart attack until they told me to send like $8000 to a fuckin zelle app account so I knew it was a scam.
I had one recently that stated innocently enough, I believed it was a real wrong number since it had my area code and I hadn't seen that before. I'm from a small town surrounded by an endless sea of grass, so hooking up is all there is to do beside drugs, which go hand in hand.

Started off like an honest wrong number, they responded naturally at first but were so desperate to get laid that they were asking me to come instead. I was already on alert for the bot, so I just had fun with the conversation.

The AI was impressive, it answered a few random questions in a natural way. Only reason I knew it was fake was because even though a girl from my town may be desperate to get laid, there's always about 10 dudes within a mile that are even more desperate to be called off the bench. They're about as intelligent as the bot, so the conversation check out.

I love fucking with them, but it bums me out that I'm the only one who will ever see it. Some of my funniest moments have been trolling bots.
One is always from an Asian women that starts talking to you like anyone else would. After a few days they ask if you like to invest in crypto. They then tell you about this way to mine crypto and show you this method that is "very easy and generates wealth over time". They have you put crypto into the coinbase wallet and send you a link so you can start. You will actually make money for a few days before this fake site goes in and wipes your whole wallet out.

This happens to my Dad all the time except it's on Whatsapp. Some hot Asian woman in her 20's randomly appears in his messages and acts like she's met him before to start a conversation. And he plays along with it completely, usually he has a few of them going at once. Eventually they'll try and get him to invest in stocks or crypto etc but they don't seem to be in any kind of rush to offer it since it can be weeks of conversation before they do it. He showed me all this shit, he gets them to send pics (They're not sending pics of their anus, but staged glamour shots pretty much)
This happens to my Dad all the time except it's on Whatsapp. Some hot Asian woman in her 20's randomly appears in his messages and acts like she's met him before to start a conversation. And he plays along with it completely, usually he has a few of them going at once. Eventually they'll try and get him to invest in stocks or crypto etc but they don't seem to be in any kind of rush to offer it since it can be weeks of conversation before they do it. He showed me all this shit, he gets them to send pics (They're not sending pics of their anus, but staged glamour shots pretty much)
Yep that's exactly what I'm talking about. The craziest thing is that they will talk to you for weeks and weeks like you mentioned. It makes me wonder who is orchestrating this and if these people get paid to do that or what.
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