Anyone suffer from Vertigo?

did he try playing with sunglasses?

You brilliant bastard...
I get it occasionally. So I have tinnitus from my time in the military and have a high pitched ringing in my ear all the time. Every once in a while, the ringing gets louder, which then causes my vertigo to kicknin.
I've had a few bouts of it since 2004. The first time was very concerning. I had just been up on the gantry of a crane greasing the sheaves. If it had happened while I was up there it could have been a real problem. I was taken to an emergency room and it was diagnosed as vertigo. I was prescribed Meclizine and it controls it very well. They also gave me instructions for the Epley maneuver because it can be caused by calcium crystals in the inner ear.

The problem is that I never knew what could bring it on or when it would show up. If I carried some pills in a bottle, they would be powder. Any prescription drugs are supposed to be carried in the bottle they came in and crawling over around and through things would crush the pill bottle but just walking around with them rattling loose in the bottle turned them to powder. I finally started carrying Dramamine II that comes in a vial of 8 pills. As an over the counter medication it wasn't subject to as many regulations. I also put some cotton in the vial. Of course I wouldn't have a bout for a while so I would stop carrying the vial. Then I would have a bout. It usually happened when I would be looking at something above me with my head tilted back.

I haven't had a bout now for over 7 years.
All the ENTs in my city don't take new patients

I found a clinic with a supposed ENT and I have an appointment for Friday of next week. I hope they don't pull the same bullshit of me seeing a physician's assistant instead
Got it from a severe inner ear infection. Not sure if I could live with it.

Ha I had an episode with that one night when I had this girl home for the first time. We were chilling on the couch and I felt weird and sat up. It was like I was being pulled down and to the right, stood up and stumbled outside because I didn't know what was going on

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