Elections are you comfortable with biden as president?


Jan 17, 2020
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forget that trump even exists and that biden's a corrupt CCP puppet. forget about all that. when it comes to intense international negotiations with america's enemies that involves power moves, bluffs, chest puffing, and projection of strength, do you trust the senile old man in office? joe doesn't have a brain left. he can't think, talk, walk, and he doesn't even know where he is half the time. they probably have him on a cocktail of drugs and the man probably sleeps half the day and goes to bed after watching wheel of fortune.

is this the man you want leading the free world? he's a few years away of literally being wheeled out after someone puts on his pants and tie his shoes. the man is utterly weak and defenseless and the world knows it. how can you go to the polls and vote for him?
Is he who I 'd prefer? No. He's too old. But overall his administration has been fairly successful. That makes me think at the very least he's done a good job of surrounding himself with competent advisors.

How can I got to the polls and vote for him? Because his likely opponent is a cult leader at this point who routinely says things like:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

I would vote for anyone to make sure he doesn't get back into office.
No, of course not. I didn’t support Biden in the 2016 Dem primaries. But Republicans have gone so far off the deep end that no candidate they run is one I’d even remotely entertain voting for.
Never underestimate the power of TDS. The people infected don't care about a single other thing, require absoltely nothing from their own candidates, and would gladly watch WW3 and continue piling more debt on credit cards for basic living expenses as long as no more mean tweets.
My hope is that the major powers of the world recognize they aren't really dealing with Biden, they are dealing with Biden's handlers, and they don't try test him for that reason. They already know he's senile.

The most positive thing I can say about Biden is that he takes orders well, and he doesn't seem to be attempting to steer the ship/act too independently.
Do you think Biden has a better chance of beating Trump than literally any other Democrat candidate?

Historically weak VP, no national names that come to mind. So, I guess so.

It isn't what people want, and the apathy and concerns are very real, but it is what it is. DNC is betting big. It's a gamble that might end with us getting a shit sandwich (Trump), yet I will go out and vote for Biden with a clear conscious.

Didn't vote for Clinton. Didn't vote for Trump. I waited to see. Ultimately, he had his shot -- he was absolutely horrible for our country.
Is he who I 'd prefer? No. He's too old. But overall his administration has been fairly successful. That makes me think at the very least he's done a good job of surrounding himself with competent advisors.

How can I got to the polls and vote for him? Because his likely opponent is a cult leader at this point who routinely says things like:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

I would vote for anyone to make sure he doesn't get back into office.
God damn.

A liar. Or being wrong.
Historically weak VP, no national names that come to mind. So, I guess so.

It isn't what people want, and the apathy and concerns are very real, but it is what it is. DNC is betting big. It's a gamble that might end with us getting a shit sandwich (Trump), yet I will go out and vote for Biden with a clear conscious.

Didn't vote for Clinton. Didn't vote for Trump. I waited to see. Ultimately, he had his shot -- he was absolutely horrible for our country.
I wish the Dems would just drop him and kick him to the curb. I think running him is putting the Dems at a bigger risk of a loss than if it was someone else. Even if it wasn't Trump at the other end, can Biden beat anybody? I guess we'll see.
overall his administration has been fairly successful.

No, he's just not a leader at all. Even if he was sane. Diversity hires like Harris and Jackson are cringe. The most powerful man in the world should not be someone as divisive and flippant about everything. I've never seen a presidency so toxic as Biden's has been.
No, he's just not a leader at all. Even if he was sane. Diversity hires like Harris and Jackson are cringe. The most powerful man in the world should not be someone as divisive and flippant about everything. I've never seen a presidency so toxic as Biden's has been.

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