Aspinall vs HWs of 10+ years ago

Style wise I would like to see Nogueira or Mir against him. I tend to think he would win against either but at least the style clash there would be similar, less claims of "lucky shot/sub" you might get from fighting one dominant style fighters...
We haven’t seen enough from Tom to say he’d definitively beat any of the top guys of yesteryear but he’d be competitive against the JDS, Cain, reems, and Werdums of the world from what I’ve seen.

He’s got fast hands, good power, is athletic, and can grapple. There’s questions about his cardio and his ability to take a shot because he hasn’t really been forced to do any of those things
Cain is 50/50. Tom is much quicker and more accurate than anybody Cain ever fought, and he was always defensively irresponsible so I can see Aspinall catching him with the 1-2 on the way in and putting him out more often than not. Cain could definitely make Tom have to answer the questions we all still have about his cardio though.

DC- Probably the worst matchup for Aspinall of the bunch. I think he outwrestles Tom pretty easily and throws him around a bit to win a decision.

JDS- Great boxer but doesn't have the speed and footwork. Bad Matchup for JDS. Early finish for Aspinall I think. Tko.

Reem- One of the more difficult fights for Tom due to his dominance in the clinch and his kicking and kneeing game. Still think his chin doesn't hold up though, but could go either way.

Werdum- Struggles badly with Aspinall. So much slower it isn't even funny. Runs into something trying to chase him down and close the distance, similar to the Stipe fight.

Carwin and Brock- Mismatches tbh. Carwin too slow and ploddy even for JDS, Brock would turtle up the first time Aspinall touched him with the 1-2.
I would favor Prime Cain-- reminder that the most prime Cain ever was a span of about six months. But during those six months he was the greatest of all time and would have probably even beaten Fedor.

Other than that though, I think most of the roster struggles against Tom. I would favor Tom heavily against Werdum, Reem. JDS would be an amazing fight and very competitive.
Cain is 50/50. Tom is much quicker and more accurate than anybody Cain ever fought, and he was always defensively irresponsible so I can see Aspinall catching him with the 1-2 on the way in and putting him out more often than not. Cain could definitely make Tom have to answer the questions we all still have about his cardio though.

DC- Probably the worst matchup for Aspinall of the bunch. I think he outwrestles Tom pretty easily and throws him around a bit to win a decision.

JDS- Great boxer but doesn't have the speed and footwork. Bad Matchup for JDS. Early finish for Aspinall I think. Tko.

Reem- One of the more difficult fights for Tom due to his dominance in the clinch and his kicking and kneeing game. Still think his chin doesn't hold up though, but could go either way.

Werdum- Struggles badly with Aspinall. So much slower it isn't even funny. Runs into something trying to chase him down and close the distance, similar to the Stipe fight.

Carwin and Brock- Mismatches tbh. Carwin too slow and ploddy even for JDS, Brock would turtle up the first time Aspinall touched him with the 1-2.
Good analysis. I agree
Insert GIF of Oprah and cars.
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10 years ago is when Cain's career went off the rails. I think he was having his knee(s) done and he came back a shaddow of his former self. So I think he beats Cain.

I think the DC fight is really tough, but DC of 2014 takes him down at will and is at least competitive striking with him. I'd favor DC.

JDS is coming off of the beating of a lifetime. I think a murderer like Aspinall is probably a lot for JDS to handle at that point. He did beat Stipe later that year, but that was before Stipe was Stipe. I think Aspinal takes him down and taps him.

2014 Brock was 3 years out of competition, post diverticulitus he had been savagely beaten in his last 2 outings. I think Tom mops the floor with him.

Carwin was 3 years out of competition and 39 years old. He lost his last 2 by sub, and prolonged lopsided beating. Aspinal by whatever he wants.

Overeem was on a skid in '13 and '14 losing like 3 fights in those two years, so I'm inclined to think Tom beats him pretty handily.

Werdum was in his title run 10 years ago. He was just about to beat Cain. He's a better grappler than Tom, and he had just knocked out Mark Hunt. That's a tough night of business for Tom. I'm 50/50 on this one slightly favoring Werdum.
Cain - He was always too hittable on his entries for me to feel confident that he wouldn't get caught. I think it'd look like the Kongo fight, but with a stoppage.
DC - Tough matchup, but heavyweight DC was always a little slower and sloppier on the feet. 50/50 here.
JDS - As much as I love Cigano, he gets fucked up hard here. His habit of relying on his chin and speed ended up failing him. I expect he gets caught badly like he did against Cain.
Carwin - I think it'd mimic the Gonzaga fight without the chin issue.
Brock - Is this much of a question? Probably the most comfortable matchup. Brock hated getting hit, despite having a decent chin. One or two shots inside and he's abandoning any semblance of a gameplan.
Overeem - His chin fails him. Tom by KO early.
Werdum - Doom gets caught in one of his rushes forward with his chin up like he did multiple times.

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