Media Astronauts watching UFC in space

Colonies in space/mars/moon wouldn't be so bad if they got multiple satellites set up for the PPVs, all the movie/tv streaming services, and if you are able to do online gaming from space/mars/moon. High speed access to the internet would be beneficial anyway for instant communication and data transfers between them and Earth.
I know you're probably kidding, yet for those who don't know, it wouldn't be instant, would be an 8 minute at closest to 20(22?) minute at farthest from Earth to Mars communication atleast, moon few dozens seconds.
Whatever happened to that company that was gonna do mma fights in space
they'd still be going if they asked me for money *no idea who they are but love the idea*

Are we talking about today's card, after the first 4ish prelims? I'm surprised no one go out a space gun and started shooting holes in whatever they were in to liven up the mood.
I thought this thread was going to be that astronauts live streamed this card. Was about to say what poor buggers. What a shit card to choose.

I thought it was a "everything looks smaller from space" and the pic of Connie...
And Dana still wants to charge them the full $70 for some shitty PPV.
'Hey check it out! You can see Bethe's ass from here!'
There's a lot more to it than that. You have to get your body ready for space and how to keep it running properly while in space. Plus all the extra stuff that deals with troubleshooting and fixing problems in space and learning how to operate everything if it isn't controlled remotely.
Yeah fuck all that. If something goes wrong out there its all over.